Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School

Welcome to the UnhappyFranchisee.Com series entitled the Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School & Pay-For-Praise Emporium!

(UnhappyFranchisee.Comby the Pullitzer Prize Winning Noble Laureate Professor Sean P. Kelly

This series is specifically about what we’ve dubbed a Pay-for-Praise scheme (Deception-for-Dollars, Lies-for-Loot) headed by a self-proclaimed franchise expert named Dr. John Hayes, a PR firm called BizCom Associates, and BizCom CEO Scott White.  Others involved include 23 participating franchise companies, the International Franchise Association (IFA), and a host of others who serve as validators and referral sources for magnanimous Dr. Hayes.

In a broader sense, this series is really about the strange little micro-economy within the franchise sales industry which seems to, for some reason, have become frozen in time (around 1972 or so?) and somehow escaped the oversight and regulations imposed on industries like pharmaceuticals, banking or financial services.  Compared to those industries, franchise sellers (and those who sell to franchise sellers) can pretty much exaggerate, distort and even outright lie with impunity.

Franchise marketers have become  so emboldened by the lack of oversight and enforcement that businesses have popped up to help mediocre, unspectacular and/or lazy franchise systems trick consumers into believing they are something that they are not.  No one is better positioned to exaggerate and distort accomplishments for others than someone who has been doing it for himself for decades.

And that brings us to Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School & Pay-For-Praise Emporium!

Step right up!  Step right up!  It’s new!  It’s improved!  It’s old-fashioned!

Read the Full Report submitted to the IFA (PDF):

John Hayes Deceptive Marketing Program (PDF 23 pp.)

Appendix A: BizCom sell sheet

Appendix B:  Dr. John Hayes How Franchisors Can Generate More Leads (WORD Doc)

Appendix C: Dr. John Hayes Helping You Sell More Franchises By Building Credibility For Your Brand! (PDF)

Appendix D: BizCom International initial press release (PDF)

Appendix E: BizCom Damage Control Blog Post (After UF Expose) (PDF)

Read the Amazing Part 1, the blog post that started it all!  Marvel at words that connect to form sentences!  Sentences that that form paragraphs!  Paragraphs formed using an ancient language to introduce you to Dr. John Hayes and his franchise alchemy!

Part 1:  Dr. John Hayes & His 12 Amazingly Deceptive Franchises

Part 2 unlocks the ancient secrets of franchise marketing alchemy, a mystical process with the power to turn a mundane, even broken franchise into one of the 12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities in the World!  Dr. John Hayes is one of only a handful of mystics capable of performing that feat… and now YOU can learn his secrets… but only if you read Part 2!

Part 2: 6 AMAZING Franchise Deceptions of Dr. John Hayes

Dr. Hayes founded his Franchise Fraud School & & Pay-For-Praise Emporium! to pass on his dark art to a few worthy students (like you!) Watch as one of Dr. Hayes’ devoted students deploys his techniques to transform a pile of unreadable, generic franchise articles and mundane brochure propaganda into a best-selling book with 80+ rave reviews!  You’ll only see it if you read Part 3:

Part 3:  FASTSIGNS CEO Catherine Monson named Valedictorian, Franchise Fraud School

The forces of darkness (ie those pesky buzz-killers bumming us out with strange words like honesty and ethics) are always plotting to overthrow champions of lead generation and franchise fees like Dr. John Hayes!  These are the same liberal commies (or do we like commies now?) who want to away our guns, seize our phony franchise rankings and outlaw our bogus franchise awards!  See what they’e up to in Part 4:

Part 4:  Dr. John Hayes’ Book Reviews Given an “F” for Fraudulent

They say everything is BIG in Texas, which is where FASTSIGNS (& Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, 7-Eleven, and other favorites) call home.  In Part 5, we laid out the Texas-sized whoppers we believe FASTSIGNS & CEO Catherine Monson have been spinning.  Right about now we reckon the legal and franchise departments are rattlin’ louder than any Amarillo sidewinder, if there is such a thing.  Will FASTSIGNS throw down its guns, fess up and ask forgiveness?  Will they demand to be purged from the book, destroy all copies and remove the life-size cutout of Dr. John Hayes?  Or will they send a wire to IFA headquarters STOP saying send your biggest meanest litigators STOP to wipe this lowdown, yellerbellied blogger of the face ot the Internet! STOP

Part 5:  FASTSIGNS Franchise Deception Seems, Well, Amazing. Comments?

In Part 6, let’s take a close look at one Dr. John Hayes’ promoted as one of the “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities for 2015.”   The Dickey’s Barbecue Pit case study is powerful because it shows how a single misleading or deceptive award or ranking might be harmless, but expert deceivers like Dickey’s bundle numerous meaningless awards to create a very powerful franchise deception.  Dickey’s also provides a powerful example of the personal devastation that results from tricking large numbers of individuals and families into trusting untrustworthy franchise sellers.

Part 6:  DICKEY’S BARBECUE Franchise Reveals Deceptive Pay-for-Praise Tactics

Part 7:  Dr. John P. Hayes Franchise Books Pulled From Amazon

STAY-TUNED  Will Amazon take down Dr. John Hayes’ books and infringe on his God-given right to lie his ass off?!  Other than selling a book-length paid endorsement without disclosing it… Marketing a collection of company brochures and generic articles as on original book that he authored… getting people to make shill purchases and post deceptive customer reviews in violation of numerous Amazon policies… other than that, he’s done NOTHING wrong!  Right?  What’s your take?

Coming Soon:

Will Amazon Ban Dr. John Hayes & BizCom Associates?

Is Pinot’s Palette an Amazing Franchise?

Is Dickey’s Barbecue Pit an Amazing Franchise?

Why did the Amazing Dental Fix RX Terminate 25% of its Franchisees?

What Vaporized 2015 Amazing Franchise Palm Beach Vapors?





FBR Franchise Business Review Promoting Illegal Earnings Claims?

Are Franchise Business Review Winners Violating the FTC Act?

FRANCHISE BUSINESS REVIEW: Justify or Retract Your Bogus Franchise Award

Dr. John Hayes Named Dickey’s Barbecue Pit one of the 12 Amazing Franchises for 2015.  Here’s how things turned out:

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit: The Musical




TAGS: Dr. John Hayes, Dr. John Hayes franchise expert, Scott White, Bizcom Press, 12 Amazing Franchises, franchise books, franchise fraud, franchise marketing, bad franchises, FASTSIGNS franchise, franchise scams, fake news, Amazon fraud, Amazon scam, Catherine Monson Fastsigns, Joe Malmuth, United Franchise Group, Robert A. Spuck, Farm Stores Franchising,  Scott Mortier, Dental Fix RX, unhappy franchisee .

3 thoughts on “Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School

  • Cleanup Franchising

    I was waiting for everyone to pick up on this.. How many failed Dickeys franchisees should be reimbursed for their losses by “Dr. John Hayes”? When I first saw the email from John Hayes offering franchisors the ability to pay for a listing in his book I thought something was fishy. Including Dickeys barbecue when he was well aware of the catastrophic closing rate…. not just fishy…Fraud.

  • anonymous

    Dickeys = Fraud

  • Anthony M. Gould, PhD

    Last week a couple of ex-colleagues of mine sent me this link about this man (

    A few years ago I worked with him. I knew exactly what he was like and what he was up to then.

    I recall he couldn`t go five minutes without telling people he was an Amazon best selling author. I felt a bit sorry for him – with his tacky books covered in doctored photos of himself.

    He was well into his 60s at the time and an assistant professor in a Kuwaiti university. I know for a fact that, at the time, nobody I knew thought he had any substance – and knew that what he said about his prowess with penmanship was BS. Anyway, over time, I realised he had a very nasty side to him.

    He never did anything to me – although I think he tried to promulgate some nonsense about myself and a couple of people I knew on a few occasions (it certainly didn’t worry me – he just seemed bitter and angry). I do however have a few rather disquieting stories about aspects of his conduct that I would be happy to share if you want me to.

    I am only really getting involved in this now as a public service. I know some older people who have been scammed in various ways (not by him). Please, if he (Hayes) gives you advice, get a second opinion.

    The only silver lining is that I don`t think that his cheap line of BS is very convincing. He is not charming and not particularly bright. I recall he would often say things publicly – or in person – that everyone knew where not true. He seemed to think he was being clever – these exchanges where sometimes quite awkward.

    Anyway, he has virtually no substantive scholarly achievement (check out google scholar, etc). I looked at a couple of his books at one stage – boring, vacuous and bereft of wisdom (aside from their apparently paid-for copy, their only contribution is to remind the public that John P Hayes is a winner).

    I am happy to communicate with anyone who wants more information about the matters I have raised in this post. Please, be careful – honesty, integrity and kindness are everything. Don’t do business with anyone who does not have these qualities.

    Anthony M. Gould, PhD

    Professeur titulaire / Full Professor

    Université Laval

    Département des relations industrielles

    Pavillon J.- A.- DeSève

    1025 av des Sciences-Humaines

    Local 3286

    Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6


    Directeur / Editor

    Relations industrielles /Industrial Relations​

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