The franchise information website Franchise Pick posted the question "Is Curves for Women a Good Franchise Investment?" Most of the…
. . . . . . . . The contents of two bankrupt Cork & Olive wine stores are up…
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced last week that LA Weight Loss Centers Inc. reached a settlement to pay…
Unhappy Franchisee received this email from a former Liberty Fitness franchise owner. He claims that a year after closing their…
Commenters at UnhappyFranchisee and franchise site have posted the contact information for preparing or considering group action suits against…
Read the story here: QUIZNOS: Quiznos Franchisees Celebrate Legal Victory DISTRICT COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, STATE OF COLORADO…
You can't keep a good man down. Despite the recent plunge into bankruptcy that left his Cork & Olive wine…
A Quiznos franchise owner posting as FQuiznos has voiced the frequent complaint of struggling Quizno operators: That heavy discounting and…
A Quiznos owner named "Martin Tate" left a comment on a Quiznos franchise post warning would-be franchisees that Quiznos stores…