United Franchise Group (UFG) GRAZE CRAZE Franchise Warning

3 years ago

The United Franchise Group (UFG) has launched a new franchise opportunity which is outrageous even by UFG standards.  The Graze…

UFG’s Plan Ahead Events Franchise: What Happened?

3 years ago

What happened to the Plan Ahead Events franchise?  Did Kristie Saucerman & Ghassan Barazi tank the concept, or was it…

UFG SUPERGREEN SOLUTIONS Massive Failures, Titus Fraud Allegations

3 years ago

“Behind the Curtain:  United Franchise Group Franchise Expose” by industry watchdog UnhappyFranchisee.Com reports massive Supergreen Solutions franchise failures and fraud allegations…

UFG CEO Ray Titus: STOP Promoting the Failed Experimax Franchise!

3 years ago

Open letter from UnhappyFranchisee publisher Sean Kelly to United Franchise Group (UFG) CEO Ray Titus demanding that UFG stop promoting…

EXPERIMAX EXPERIMAC Franchise Expose: Behind the Curtain Web Series

3 years ago

EXPERIMAX EXPERIMAC Franchise Expose: Behind the Curtain Web Series gives you an insider’s glimpse into the process allegedly being used…

EXPERIMAX EXPERIMAC Franchise Report (The Index)

3 years ago

This is the home page of the crowdfunded EXPERIMAX Experimac Franchise Report, including research, analysis & opinions of the United…

Senator Cortez Masto: 2021 Franchise Report & Discussion

3 years ago

In April, 2021, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto put many of the issues reported for years by UnhappyFranchisee in the national…

FAIRCHISING: How Can We Restore Fairness in Franchising?

3 years ago

What changes would be needed to restore fairness to the franchise relationship? To restore a win-win scenario in which both…

SBA / SCORE: Attempt to Avoid Ethics Questions Raises More Questions

3 years ago

Our video “Can SCORE Advisors be Trusted?” prompted a very prompt & professional response from SCORE CEO Bridget Weston.  Instead…

SCORE DISCUSSION: “Can SCORE Advisors be Trusted?” Video Presentation

3 years ago

SCORE is a non-profit organization funded by the Small Business Administration (SBA).  SCORE provides FREE business advice and mentoring to…