EBAY DROPOFF: Online Outpost Being Used By Scammers

17 years ago

Internet scams come in many cleverly packaged disguises, from the popular widow of the deposed dictator who wants to share…

Dream Dinners-Living the Dream Foundation

17 years ago

If you check out the new Dream Dinners UFOC you'll find something interesting... Someone has "borrowed" $169,046, from the Living the…

MEAL PREP: Another One Bites the Dish

17 years ago

http://http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008806290331 Here are some excerpts from an intersting article online about the Meal Assembly Industry and the toll it's taking…

MEAL PREP: What Happens Next?

17 years ago

"Kelly- I have $350,000 invested in my business, I'm losing money every month...What should I do?" " I have never…

CORK & OLIVE: How to Make Pruno (Prison Wine)

17 years ago

In Pruno Veritas. What is Pruno? In prisons, it is cellblock wine made from fruit, sugar and, often, moldy bread.…

CORK & OLIVE: Probst Prison Wine (Humor)

17 years ago

The folks over at FranWorst.com are dedicated to celebrating the worst franchise opportunities and the worst product ideas in franchising.…

CORK & OLIVE: Trinity’s Life After Franchise

17 years ago

According to the June 25, 2008 story by Carl Orth in The Suncoast News, Cork & Olive Trinity is positioned…

CURVES FOR WOMEN: UFOC dated March, 2008

17 years ago

Here is the Curves for Women Uniform Franchise Offering Circular dated March, 2008: Curves for Women UFOC 3/08 Part 1:…

Cuppy’s Coffee to Open in Charlotte, NC

17 years ago

(FranchisePick.Com)  According to the Charlotte Observer, Mohammed and Bouchra Iblidi are preparing to open Charlotte, NC's first Cuppy's Coffee:  A…

CORK & OLIVE: Who is Deborah Augenti?

17 years ago

(Unhappy Franchisee)  Here's a post by TAKEN.  Who is Deborah Augenti?  Have you had dealings with her?  What's her reputation? …