Franchise broker Kim Marinoff of A2B Franchise Consulting tells The Franchise Lie – the long debunked bogus statistic stating that…
Kim Marinoff Franchise Consultant is owner of A2B Franchise Consulting in Colorado. Marinoff is a former Quiznos Sub franchisee and…
Tapp Palmer extracted millions of dollars from Clubstore Outlet franchise investors who signed long-term leases, cashed in their retirement accounts…
Christopher Conner & Franchise Marketing Systems (FMS) point to the franchise development strategy and lead generation program they designed and…
A co-chair of the International Franchise Association (IFA), several members of the IFA Supplier forum, and 23 franchise companies are…
Catherine Monson, FASTSIGNS CEO & 2nd Co-Chair of the International Franchise Association, seems to be everywhere – receiving countless awards…
Restoration 1 apparently paid an author to endorse its franchise opportunity as “amazing” and to add their promotional copy to…
Lime Painting franchise CEO Nick Lopez put out a press release stating that he is “honored” that company was selected…
Joel Libava is a former franchise broker who became King... More specifically, The Franchise King®. Joel consults with people looking…
Rhonda Sanderson, founder & principal of Sanderson PR, shares her view of the line between public relations and advertising, and…