Franchise buyers should be wary of relying on representations made by “research firm” Franchise Business Review, our research indicates. FBR…
Franchise Business Review (FBR) claims that it is a legitimate research firm that provides prospective franchise owners with critical, objective…
Unhappy franchise owners claim that Eric Stites, Michelle Rowan and Franchise Business Review are misrepresenting their satisfaction and are knowingly…
Founded by Eric Stites, Franchise Business Review claims to be the leading "market research firm" that provides accurate, objective data…
Franchise Business Review claims that it “brings transparency to the franchise industry” by interviewing thousands of franchise owners and publishing…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com is Under Constant Fire. UnhappyFranchisee.Com is a unique franchise discussion and information website that invites franchise owners, former franchisees…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com has been praised by many as an indispensable resource for franchisees and former franchisees. Yet our website's credibility and…
Ciara Stockeland’s MODE retail franchise seems mired in turmoil with franchise agreements ending in terminations, take-backs and lawsuits. How is…
Ciara Stockeland is promoting herself as a successful entrepreneur and her MODE retail fashion concept as a franchise success story. …
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is being portrayed as one of America’s greatest current success stories, with a dozen new franchise locations…