UnhappyFranchisee.Com Praised for Fair & Open Franchise Discussions

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com has a simple approach.  We encourage both sides of (often) controversial franchise issues to present their views so our…

UnhappyFranchisee.Com Praised by Would-be Franchise Owners

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com (along with its bold predecessor and mentor, Blue Mau Mau) is giving franchisees and former franchisees a platform to…

UnhappyFranchisee.Com: Praise from Franchise Owners

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com receives a lot of praise from franchise owners who claim they could have made more informed decisions and been…


12 years ago

Kelleher International matchmaking service claims, on its MeetTheElite.Com website, that it has "set the Gold Standard in upscale, selective, and…

CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Secures Prime Manhattan Location

12 years ago

Cherry Blow Dry Bar has announced that the company has secured a prime Manhattan location for its first company-owned salon…

NATHAN CUNEEN: 12 Questions About The Cherry Blow Dry Bar Franchise

12 years ago

Nathan Cuneen’s Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise website(s) and Facebook page are making big claims about the franchise opportunity they…

CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Announces First U.S. Franchisee. Sort Of.

12 years ago

Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise founder Nathan Cuneen has announced the signing of his first U.S. franchisee. Sort of. May…

CHERRY BLOW DRY BAR Franchise Warning

12 years ago

Cherry Blow Dry Bar promoters are touting their $125,000 - $185,000 investment franchise as the next hot opportunity. According to the…

RHINO7 Franchise Development Cashed in on USAMDT Says Franchisee

12 years ago

A USA Mobile Drug Testing franchise owner claims that the Rhino7 Franchise Development brokers lied and used misleading sales representations…

USA MOBILE DRUG TESTING Franchise Owner Warns of “Lies and Deceit”

12 years ago

A USA Mobile Drug Testing (USAMDT) franchise owner claims that he/she was lied to, deceived and misled by both USAMDT…