School of Rock Names Rob Price CEO Amid Dzana Homan Controversy

School of Rock has named Rob Price as CEO.  The appointment comes after numerous complaints about bullying and intimidation tactics…

8 years ago

Sterling Partners Claims Tractenberg NOT Authorized to Threaten Publisher

Fox Rothschild partner Craig Tractenberg’s threatening phone call to web publisher Sean Kelly was NOT authorized by School of Rock…

8 years ago

Craig Tractenberg Complaints

Attorney Craig Tractenberg was with Nixon Peabody for 13 years and recently joined Fox Rothschild LLP as partner.  He is…

8 years ago

How Do Craig Tractenberg’s Irresponsible Tactics Benefit Clients?

Craig Tractenberg, a partner at Philadelphia law firm Fox Rothschild, claims that he’s a “Super Lawyer.”  Web publisher Sean Kelly…

8 years ago

Craig Tractenberg Complaint Submitted to Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of PA

Attorney Craig Tractenberg, a partner at Philadelphia-based Fox Rothschild LLP,  is the subject of a complaint submitted to The Disciplinary…

8 years ago

Is STERLING PARTNERS Funding a Craig Tractenberg Vendetta?

Sterling Partners may have given attorney Craig Tractenberg the go-ahead to bully and threaten web publisher without knowing that Tractenberg…

8 years ago

Open Letter to Rick Elfman and Sterling Partners

Sterling Partners, through their attorney Craig Tractenberg of Fox Rothschild, is threatening web publisher Sean Kelly with a personal smear…

8 years ago

Attorney Craig Tractenberg Threatens Web Publisher (Press Release)

Attorney Craig Tractenberg, a prominent franchise litigator with Philadelphia-based Fox Rothschild LLP, has threatened to smear UnhappyFranchisee.Com publisher Sean Kelly’s…

8 years ago

School of Rock Attorney Craig Tractenberg Threatens Unhappy Franchisee Publisher

School of Rock franchise attorney Craig Tractenberg, a partner at Philadelphia Law Firm Fox Rothschild LLP, threatened to disclose and…

8 years ago

Christine Johnson, General Counsel, Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc. (DBRI)

Christine Johnson, General Counsel of the Dickey’s Barbecue Pit franchise company, coordinates and orchestrates litigation against Dickey’s franchise owners.  She…

8 years ago