CORK & OLIVE: The Probst Method of Guilt Avoidance

A key skill for CEOs of imploded franchise companies is denial, accompanied by a ninja-like avoidance of any admission of…

17 years ago

WEEKENDERS: Email from Lia to Coordinators / Managers

Here's the longwinded email sent out to managers / coordinators of Weekenders regarding their abrupt closing. To some, it's the…

17 years ago

DREAM DINNERS: Should Meal Assemby be a Diet Concept?

Unhappy Franchisee reader and ex-Dream Dinners customer Jennifer recounts the reason she no longer goes to Dream Dinners, but goes…

17 years ago

DREAM DINNERS: The Customer Speaks

Guest writes: Lori, I have been apart of Dream Dinners as a customers for many years. Even though I have…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: College Student Scammed?

College student Nic Bernhard thought he was making a solid investment in his future; however, his future allegedly involved digging…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Jennifer’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Jennifer related her experience in a recent comment: I fell for the Red Bull Scam too. We purchased…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: The Wallace’s Story

Unhappy Franchisees Michele and Vincent Wallace share their story: Thank you for the story. I know that there are many…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Michael Turko’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Michael Turko comments: There comes a time when corporations need to step up and reconcile poor business decisions…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Mallory’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Mallory comments: We did do our “homework” before purchasing our Red Bull vending machine franchise. And yes, we…

17 years ago