McGrow Franchise Consulting Spreads The Franchise Lie

McGrow Franchise Consulting spreads the deadly franchise lie that franchises hardly ever fail. (UnhappyFranchisee.Com) McGrow Franchise Consulting of Hingham, MA…

12 years ago

THE FRANCHISE LIE Spread by Greg Cantrell, Jack McBirney & 1-800-DRYCARPET

The Franchise Lie is the franchise industry-wide deception created with bogus statistics and fictional “research” to lull would-be opportunity seekers…

12 years ago

GREG CANTRELL Franchise CEO, Sex Offender

Gregory Erik Cantrell is Founder and CEO of 1-800 DRYCARPET, and a member of the IFA (International Franchise Association). He…

12 years ago

NYPD PIZZA Franchise has a Proven Track Record? Seriously?

The NYPD Pizza franchise system has a proven track record, according to New York Pizza Development CEO Paul Russo. The…

12 years ago

SCENTSY MLM Scam Deceptive Advertising by Sleazy Independent Consultants?

Is Scentsy a deceptive MLM company that uses fraudulent tactics and sleazy independent consultants to sell dangerous, overpriced products? According…

12 years ago

VAULT DENIM Scam, Rip-off or Opportunity?

Vault Denim is recruiting women to orchestrate and/or host home parties at which they supposedly sell discounted, name-brand designer jeans…

12 years ago


Is AMWAY a Scam? See what former Amway IBOs have to say below. Add your own opinion about Amway. Have…

12 years ago

DVDNOW DVD Vending Kiosks: Scam or No Scam?

DVDNow offers a DVD rental business vending opportunity.  While their website does not disclose the required investment (unless you fill…

12 years ago

Is IT’S JUST LUNCH Dating Service a Scam?

It's Just Lunch: a dating service scam? The It’s Just Lunch franchise dating service website calls itself the “the first…

12 years ago

SUBWAY Franchise Horror Stories: How Not to Become One.

SUBWAY franchise horror stories are not that hard to find.  If you’re thinking of buying an existing Subway franchise, following…

12 years ago