New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced last week that LA Weight Loss Centers Inc. reached a settlement to pay…
Unhappy Franchisee received this email from a former Liberty Fitness franchise owner. He claims that a year after closing their…
Commenters at UnhappyFranchisee and franchise site have posted the contact information for preparing or considering group action suits against…
Read the story here: QUIZNOS: Quiznos Franchisees Celebrate Legal Victory DISTRICT COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, STATE OF COLORADO…
You can't keep a good man down. Despite the recent plunge into bankruptcy that left his Cork & Olive wine…
A Quiznos franchise owner posting as FQuiznos has voiced the frequent complaint of struggling Quizno operators: That heavy discounting and…
A Quiznos owner named "Martin Tate" left a comment on a Quiznos franchise post warning would-be franchisees that Quiznos stores…
United We Geek filed a complaint with Virginia’s Division of Securities and Retail Franchising regarding Geeks on Call America, Inc.…
Curves on Fourth St. in Albany, MN has shut its doors for good, and franchise owner Carol Smith blames the…
A total of 10 Geeks on Call franchisee groups filed lawsuits in federal court in Norfolk, alleging that the Geeks…