JAVA JO’Z: Buy Roy Snowden’s House

Java Jo'z founder Roy Snowden's House is for sale for a mere $2,350,000.00. (more…)

17 years ago


CUPPY’S RELOCATION LETTER - DALE NABORS The embattled and controversial Cuppy's Coffee franchise headquarters will be relocated from Fort Walton…

17 years ago

MEAL PREP: “You Can’t Fix Stupid”

Chow Bella posted the following in the comments section in response to a comment left by Karen (Who, incidentally, has…

17 years ago

BUTTERFLY LIFE: Jeff Marks, Ex-Franchisee

Interview with Jeff Marks, Former Multi-Unit Franchise Owner, Butterfly Life 8/1/08 Butterfly Life is a women's 30 minute fitness franchise…

17 years ago

COLD STONE CREAMERY: Franchisee Alleges FR “Churning”

What follows is a comment left by ex-franchisee JB Montgomery who alleges he's the victim of "Churning" at the hands…

17 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: $30K Per Month?

Despite numerous shuttered Make & Take Gourmet meal prep kitchens and rumors of franchisee contract buy-out offers and franchisee group…

17 years ago

QUIZNOS SUBS: PA Franchise Owners File Lawsuit

Source:  Blue MauMau   A class action lawsuit against Quiznos Subs was filed on July 3 on behalf of Pennsylvania…

17 years ago

ENTREE VOUS: Broomfield, CO Franchise "Adventure" to Close

Entrée Vous, 1140 Highway 287, Broomfield, CO will close on July 31.  Our condolences go out to franchise owners Debbie…

17 years ago

BROOKE INSURANCE: Nasdaq Threatens to Delist Brooke

Source: Kansas City Star Brooke Corp. said Monday that it had been warned by Nasdaq that its stock might be…

17 years ago

CORK & OLIVE: The Probst Method of Guilt Avoidance

A key skill for CEOs of imploded franchise companies is denial, accompanied by a ninja-like avoidance of any admission of…

17 years ago