MARS VENUS COACHING: Does Your Life Coach Wear an Ankle Monitor?

(  Mars Venus Coaching may want to consider renaming its June 9th licensee training seminar to Women are from Venus,…

14 years ago

RICHARD BERNSTEIN of Mars Venus Coaching Charged with Theft & Fraud

Unhappy Franchisee - Richard Bernstein, self-professed executive and life coach and CEO of the Mars Venus Coaching franchise company, faces…

14 years ago

CURVES One Club’s Struggle for Survival

(Unhappy Franchisee) Not long ago, there were three Curves franchised fitness clubs in Palo Alto, CA.  Now there is one.…

14 years ago

COMFORT KEEPERS Caregiver Bilked Elderly Man

Comfort Keepers franchise employee Tammy M. Sainato pleaded guilty to charges of stealing more than $32,000 from a 79-year-old man…

14 years ago

LIBERTY TAX Scam Exposed by Franchise Owner

Liberty Tax franchise owner Tami Woestemeyer didn’t make it through her first season without being targeted for a tax refund…

14 years ago

LIVHOME Senior Care Franchise Rocked by Caregiver Theft Scandal

(Unhappy Franchisee) by Sean Kelly  LivHOME, Inc., one of the nation’s largest providers of at-home care for seniors, made news…

14 years ago

CURVES INTL Must Repay Members of Closed Curves Fitness Clubs

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has announced that Curves International must establish a restitution fund to repay members of 60…

14 years ago

HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE Franchise Nightmare: Everybody Loses

(Unhappy  - by Sean Kelly  Home Instead Senior Care of East Bridgewater was paid $3000 per month by the…

14 years ago

DAIRY QUEEN Franchise Closes After Franchisor Rejects Sale

Unhappy Franchisee – A Dairy Queen franchise that has operated for 25 years will close after Dairy Queen Corporation refused…

14 years ago

QUIZNOS Franchise Failure Blamed on Corporate Policies

Quiznos franchise failure in Elgin, Illinois is being blamed on Quiznos corporate policy decisions, the recession and prolonged street construction…

14 years ago