A Dickey’s franchise owner claims that the franchisor is hiding franchise failures by reselling and reopening failed locations over and…
A Dickey’s Barbecue Pit franchisee predicts that the company will soon face a backlash from the exploitation of franchise owners…
Joseph “Joe” Smith is the founder and President of NY Bagel Café, a franchise concept with a near 90% failure…
The NY Bagel Café franchise, which has perhaps the highest failure rates of any active franchise seller we’ve encountered, appears…
NY Bagel Café franchise advertisements have been dropped from two prominent franchise advertising networks after Unhappy Franchisee provided evidence of…
NY Bagel Café franchise parent New York Bagel Enterprises Inc. had its NJ corporate status revoked in 2011 for not…
Shoney’s CEO David Davoudpour claims that he, the Shoney’s brand and Shoney’s franchisees are being harmed by disparaging online comments…
Muscle Maker Grill franchisees learned that the controversial franchisor was sold to a California private equity firm via an impersonal…
Muscle Maker Grill has been acquired by Muscle Maker, Inc., an affiliated company of private equity firm American Restaurant Holdings,…
The Teriyaki Madness franchise company made a number of changes last year, including moving its headquarters to Denver in February…