FRESH HEALTHY VENDING: Fresh Twist on Old Scam?

Despite a recession that has continued to drag on for over 3 years, Fresh Healthy Vending has managed to maintain…

14 years ago

FRESH HEALTHY VENDING Earns Franchise Chutzpah Award

Brand new franchisor Fresh Healthy Vending has been awarded UnhappyFranchisee.Com’s coveted  Franchise Chutzpah Award in the category of outrageous claims…

14 years ago

RED BULL: Gored by Vending Scam

Jan warns about the all-too-familiar fate of those who fell for the alleged Red Bull vending scam. Before you invest…

16 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Another Alleges Red Bull-oney

Unhappy Franchisee reader Lederhos left this comment recounting an all-too-familiar story regarding the CCA / Red Bull Vending business opportunity:…

17 years ago

RED BULL: More Alleged Victims Seeing Red

Chris writes: Well, Add me to the list of hard working folks that were scammed by Red Bull North America…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: College Student Scammed?

College student Nic Bernhard thought he was making a solid investment in his future; however, his future allegedly involved digging…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Jennifer’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Jennifer related her experience in a recent comment: I fell for the Red Bull Scam too. We purchased…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: The Wallace’s Story

Unhappy Franchisees Michele and Vincent Wallace share their story: Thank you for the story. I know that there are many…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Michael Turko’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Michael Turko comments: There comes a time when corporations need to step up and reconcile poor business decisions…

17 years ago

RED BULL VENDING: Mallory’s Story

Unhappy Franchisee Mallory comments: We did do our “homework” before purchasing our Red Bull vending machine franchise. And yes, we…

17 years ago