Patrick Elsner is a Partner, franchise consultant and commissioned broker at The Perfect Franchise. He promotes the controversial sales pitch…
Here are 5 leading mosquito franchise opportunities. Each have professional websites and nearly comparable logos and branding. Each boasts industry…
Please share “The JDog Report: An Urgent Call to End the Exploitation of Veterans in Franchising” [PDF] with every active…
Sean Kelly, Franchise Truth founder & publisher of UnhappyFranchisee.Com, is reinventing the traditional folk music protest song to inform &…
Supergreen Solutions is concerned that there may be a likelihood of confusion between a franchise brand with a horrendously high…
I had a dream last night that Two Harbors, MN Mayor Christopher Swanson had voluntarily entered a program designed to…
The Minnesota litigation attorney who is suing a journalist & the entire city of Two Harbors on behalf of visionary…
Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson is still owner of PureDriven digital marketing, but has been “removed from the company” and…
Victims of the NY Bagel Franchise Scam are urged to submit their Victim Impact Statements ASAP. Help drafting your statement…
A thirteen-year National Guard Sergeant survived a tour in Iraq only to fall victim to a far more subtle domestic…