CUPPY’S COFFEE: Dale Nabors’ Private Conference Call
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Friday, October 3rd, Dale Nabors held short, invitation-only conference calls with two groups: unhappy Cuppy’s Coffee franchisees who have opened, and unhappy Cuppy’s Coffee franchisees who have not yet opened. There was no conference call for the third group: unhappy franchise depositers whose $35K – $100K+ refundable deposits Cuppy’s Coffee/Elite Manufacturing felt free to spend on other things.
Reportedly, Dale’s bold action plan includes actually talking to the franchisees whose financial futures are teetering on disaster. According to Jim: “The Cuppy’s corp office will be in touch early next week to begin scheduling calls.”
Of course, Dale reportedly blamed the “negative blogging,” in part, for the current situation (perhaps signaling a new Fransynergy motto: Believe, Shut your Pie Hole, and Succeed). Attendees immediately heeded his plea with negative blogging.
Jim writes:
It lasted about 15 mins. He said he felt like he failed particularly in the area of communication. (Really? nah…) He and the corporate team (team?) are going to work at responding to calls and emails on a more timely basis.
I think I heard that Dale said he is working with their banks and the franchisee banks to attempt to restore confidence in the brand. He requested a stoppage of negative blogging to give them some time to move past where we are today.
He hopes to announce that the SBT suit is resolved sometime next week. He intends to meet with each franchisee re: where they are in the process and what they need to get back on track to opening the store.
The Cuppy’s corp office will be in touch early next week to begin scheduling calls.
And then a bunch of stuff about how we need to work together to make this the best specialty coffee brand in the US.
Oh – and have a great weekend.
Good luck to him and the Cuppy’s “family.”
He left out believe and succeed…hmm
guest writes:
We just heard Dale on the conference call & all I have to say is… WHAT BULLSHIT! DALE HAS BEEN MEETING WITH MORG.
jd writes:
As I stated elsewhere, where was this six months ago?
He’s asking people to stop the negative blogging, but people have heard that before when they signed their ‘refund’ agreements, and things quieted down until they stopped getting paid.
Current and prior management has brought this onslaught on themselves. People that haven’t opened their stores yet need to look at the economics of the situations. You could take the $40k loss on your current investment and open independently, and you would probably save $50k on the buildout. Your $10k ahead already.
Quit letting Dale blow smoke up your ***
David writes:
…I will not stop the negative blogging or trying everything within my power to see that they get what they deserve for taking money from people and not feeling like they need to give it back.
Dale is a joke. He has taken teh money of many people and ruined their lives. Now he is joining forces with the evil Brian Hayes and Morg Morgan. He really thinks that we are stupid enough to fall for this crap again. He really does take us as idiots. Dale was not around for the past two months as he continued to ruin innocent peoples lives and now he is begging for helpt to save his name and his family. Sorry, fresh out of money Dale. It all went to your partners in crime, Brian and Morg. Anyone would be foolish to send in another penny to you people. Believe and Succeed. Yeah I believe I am ready to see you fall on your face now and I also believe that you just might succeed at that. Especially with Brian and Morg’s help.
He said he failed “especially in the area of communication”. I would say that the lack of communication is far from his biggest failing. How about listing what you have succeeded in doing Dale! Tell us one success Cuppy’s has had while you have been at the helm. Never mind, don’t answer that. I don’t have any more time for lies, deceit or false hopes. I have filed my complaints with necessary parties and will breathe a sigh of relief when you are behind bars with Morg and Brian and anyone else who had a hand in stealing my money.
What has Dale accomplished? He’s perfected the stall tactic, for one.
When he first took over, it was “just give me a little time! I’m going to pay everyone legitimately owed a refund.” and “I’m going to get your stores opened.”
Then it was ” just wait for the report to come out at the end of july!”
Then it was: “just wait til the announcement in August.”
Then it was “just wait til we trim the deadwood employees and move to AL”
Now it is “just wait til our big SBT announcement and wait 7-10 days when we can schedule a time to meet about your situation and I can present the next stall tactic”
Does he really think that we regard a call to schedule a meeting a substitute for results? That his promise of better communication will only last until the first unreturned phone call?
He’s also demonstrated mastery of the timely scapegoat, claiming that it is the economy and negative blogs to blame for the banking problem.
There are many who already closed on their loans, and are making payments or going into default because of Elite and Cuppy’s, not the economy.
In the end, Dale’s accomplishment is fooling himself and a handful of others who have gotten themselves so dizzy they don’t know which end is up.
The fact is that Dale, Morg, and Brian are crooks and anyone that does business with them will be involved. Dale is a weak troll of a man who lies whenever possible. Morg and Brian are in need of money and don’t want to work for it so the scammers that they are, are on the hunt for an easy buck. Beware Zees and banks their like thieves in the night. Amy is lazy and agenda driven and will lie, cheat, and steal her way there. Frankie, Robin and Jessica are hard workers but lack corporate experience i.e. they don’t bring much to the table. Whenever you go into business with someone make sure you know the people who’s running things. This may help.
I can not beleive people are still listening to Dale.
Whatever you have experienced, all of you: former employees, employees, current franchisees, new franchisees, suppliers, vendors, and ANYONE whose path has been crossing with Nabors; of either CUPPY’S, SAN GELATO, PLANET WINGS…
These people (Dale, Morg and gang) have and will continue to destroy innocent lives by feeding LIES, getting money out of all.
AND YES, the lies from Dale and Morg, while looking straight into your eyes, using GOD as a shield for their wrongdoing, are the most incredible and deplorable act (and Morg you love the word ACT) that a human being can do to another.
If you still beleive their words…there is a say about that….. “the first time shame on you… the second shame on me”.
I wish I could help those that are hanging from a rope, as Dale and Morg are tightening such until no life is left into these innocent people.
Dale, come on, everybody you touch is drowing out there, take the mask off and be a man. Stop continuing the Robert Morgan legacy (because yes for all of you that do not know MORG HAS ALWAYS been behind the scenes)….
Enough is enough. You can feed only so many lies to people. You can screw them only so much…
With the tone of your conference call it shows that lately you have been practicing watching a lot of presidential debates…
Wake up from the oblivious. You should see that the GAME IS OVER
Same crap coming from Dale, different day. I don’t know how people can stand to be around him. Just articlulate a business plan, something other than wait and see or we are working on it or we will call you next week.
I am simply stunned that he blamed the bank situation on the economy and negative blogs. Banks don’t put loans that are being paid in default because of what people say on the internet. My loan is in default not because I am not making the payments, but because of an adverse event which is Elite not performing to their contracts. The claim that the invoices submitted to the bank were fraudlent came after the fact, it’s just icing on the default cake. There are other claims under investigation but I don’t want to educate Dale and Morg too much.
I will be damned if I am going to be treated like some pig in a luau. This is just sick. Doesn’t anyone realize that sacrificing stores in this business means ruining families and sending people to see a bankruptcy lawyer. Oh I forgot who we were dealing with here. Apparently Dale doesn’t care if anyone makes it or not as long as he gets to cash in on the $27 million waiting him at the finish line. It makes sense now why he would be talking to Brian and Morg again. He wants to take a trip to the darkside. Maybe he figures he is already a failure so why not do things the dirty way now. Well I know I am not falling for his BS lines anymore. I have heard from several people that I can go directly through the vendors to get my eqipment and hell I can find many contractors this day in age who would be begging for work. I bet I could get the job done a hell of a lot cheaper by someone else and probably a million times better. Who needs Cuppys. I am not going to let them take me for a fool again. I hope the rest of you don’t either. It’s time we set off and make ourselves successfull. Maybe if we believe in shutting Dale and his crew of crooks out then we can SUCCEED.
Oh I know of several franchisees in the construction process that have been there for probably 6 motnhs or even longer. They have sent in money and have been waiting and waitning and waiting. These must be the franchisees who are going to be sacrificed for the “better of the company.” How could any CEO possibly say that wihtout even flinching an eye. I know…..because they are evil and heartless. I bet if the shoe were on the other foot it would be much different. I feel the worst for these franchisees who are stuck right now. Their dream just a glimmer away. And now an even bigger road block. Instead of dealing with just one con man they will be dealing with 3. I sure hope nobody is dumb enough to send them anymore money. I just dont’ see how anyone with a heart or soul could still be working for that man. They have watched him ruin several franchisees lives and they watched him throw his own staff out on the streets. I know some of them may have needed to go a while ago…..but you can bet there were several loyal employees who worked there. I spoke to many of them. It’s sad because they were all so loyal and really believed that Dale was going to change things. They were duked like everyone else. It’s either that the people in Alabama are the biggest suckers of them all or Dale is still paying them secretly and they are trying to play stupid. Maybe Morg paid their payroll this past week. I mean heck if he is back in the game he probly got a chunk of ownership for paying the payroll. Poor Alabama dream team. Look at the bright side, the two crooks who you were all so HAPPY to see go, may be helping you bring home the dough. How sad. I guess some people just never learn. I hope most people have learned that there isn’t a damn thing Dale, Morg or Brian could ever do except drag them deeper into the black hole. Soon they will be sitting in that very same black hole begging for others to help them. Just a hunch but I bet there aren’t too many people out there willing to help them out now. I guess nobody ever told them that cheaters never prosper and lieing only makes your nose grow. Yikes I will hate to see what they look like in a few more months.
Dale is trying to keep Cuppy’s the franchise & Morg take back Elite & Medina. Brian Hayes will build out Elite’s existing contracts for Cuppy’s zees. I HOPE BOTH MORG & DALE SPEND SOMETIME IN PRISON WITH ROY SNOWDEN. Now that would be a pretty picture.
Perhaps Dale Nabors will be getting a new nickname: JAIL Nabors.
And a new motto: Deceive & Succeed.
How will he possibly justify working with the people he previously said were corrupt? This should be interesting to see how he spins this publicly. Since most of the wrongdoing was done under Elite, Jail Nabors may be trying to toss that hot potato back on their laps.
Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but no one is going to jail over this. The Morg, Dale and their croonies have breached contracts but have not committed crimes. They took your money and paid 125 employees and ocean front rents but i can assure you that they personally were not living off of your deposits.
It doesn’t matter where the money went. There is a pattern of taking people’s and SBA-loan money and misappropriating it. More importantly, people better educated that I am in these matters, like the bank people that specialize in SBA-loans and attorneys, tell me they smell fraud.
Did you hear about the new character? It’s Adam. I hear he is earning sweat equity for a café site. I guess he technically volunteers for DN Enterprises because it is apparently his voice on that announcement when you call one of Cuppy’s/Elite’s numbers. Is Courtney earning sweat equity too?
There is documented proof that fraud was committed so whoever doesn,t think that somebody won’t go to jail over this is probably still up Dale’s butt.I GUARANTEE an ex? employee in Florida has proof that will put someone in jail. He also has proof that Dale has decided[a written list by Dale himself] on the stores that will be sacraficed “for the good of the Franchise”. Who does he think he is”God”? My project better not be on that list or Dale will have the entire white box sitting in his front yard,personally delivered.
He also has proof that Dale has decided[a written list by Dale himself] on the stores that will be sacraficed “for the good of the Franchise”. Who does he think he is”God”?
I think God has a better construction record.
Guest wrote…”Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but no one is going to jail over this. The Morg, Dale and their croonies have breached contracts but have not committed crimes. They took your money and paid 125 employees and ocean front rents but i can assure you that they personally were not living off of your deposits.”… Yes they are in breach of contracts but they are also guilty of fraud because they took hundreds of thousands of dollars for franchisee’s buildout and DID NOT put the money where it was suppose to go!!! THAT IS FRAUD! NO WAY AROUND IT! And by the way, there offices did not have an ocean view… It’s the Gulf of Mexico.
Two new Cuppy’s Coffee interviews posted. The Mirandas, Suarez & Schneider each entrusted Cuppy’s Coffee/Elite Manufacturing with significant sums of money. Each were promised repayment. Each received a token payment or two before the payments stopped and their calls were no longer taken or returned.:
CUPPY’S COFFEE: Interview with Franchise Owner Joshua Miranda
CUPPY’S COFFEE: Interview with Franchisee Daniel Suarez & Jaime Schneider
Read their stories. Share a comment.
Make that three interviews:
CUPPY’S COFFEE: Interview with Franchisee Mike Herber
So, I do beleive that Dale stated the phones were fixed. ANOTHER LIE. What a shock. “We here are corporate are going to do our best to improve the communications.” LIE LIE LIE. It’s 9:20am on Monday morning and guess what? The phones are still not being answered. It’s the same lame recording as it has been for the past month. What a bunch of BULL. I would gather that if this part of the call was a lie, then the rest of his words were just the same. LIES LIES LIES.
Prozac, just a couple of things. Adam is a franchisee, NOT an employee. He owns a mobile unit and put in a deposit for 2 cafes with Morg. The deposits of course are gone. He’s got alot of money invested in Cuppy’s and he’s working with Dale to try to protect his investment and he’s NOT getting paid. He’s a real good guy and cannot be lumped in with the rest of the crew. Also, it’s NOT his voice on the announcement when you call.
Did I say he was an employee? From what I hear, there are no employees because no one is being compensated for their time. What exactly is he doing to protect his investment? Heck, I probably have more money invested than he does, but I’m not running down to AL to volunteer for this cause. So if you have any information, it would be interesting to hear exactly what he is doing to “protect his investment”.
Just to clarify… Planet Wings & San Gelato are NOT affiliated with Medina, Elite, Cuppy’s or with Morg, Dale or Brian Hayes. With the exception which sounds like owner(s) of Medina scammed them out of several hundred thousands of dollars to help build their franchise. Which never happened!
Well, if San Gelato isn’t affiliated anymore with this company, they may want to change their website where it says their preferred vendor (Elite Mfg) provides a ‘business in a box’.
Oh, they might also want to have Medina’s website changed:
San Gelato and Planet Wings were scammed just like the franchisees. They paid good money and never got the product or services they contracted for. That’s why San Gelato is suing.
jd… thanks for the heads up
Medina’s website states: “San Gelato Cafe is an authentic, affordable, casual yet classy Italian experience.”
You know it’s sophisticated & upscale if they describe themselves as “classy.” Can’t you almost hear the gum popping as they describe themselves? We’re cla-assy. [pop. pop.]
“We are looking for franchisees that want to capture and share this experience with their customers.”
Could you imagine if they applied this idea to Cuppy’s Coffee? A customer would order a cappucino and 6 months later they would be told that they should expect a call next week when the owner will discuss what needs to get done to get their beverage preparation completed.
“It is not the traditional franchise because there is so much passion and culture involved.”
You can’t deny that Cuppy’s franchisees are filled with passion… that passion seems to be heating up more and more each day.
What did San Gelato and Planet Wings “pay good money” for?
What was the financial arrangement? Did Medina do their franchise development for them? Did they prepare their legal disclosure documents for them?
Francorp is being sued for illegal practice of law for being a consultant AND preparing legal documents. Was Medina doing the same thing?
Medina has been advised to remove any and all references to San Gelato from their website, etc…
It is now the middle of the week following the conference call and has anyone been called for our 1-1 discussions? I’m not aware of any….
San Gelato and Planet Wings were scammed just like the franchisees. They paid good money and never got the product or services they contracted for. That’s why San Gelato is suing.
Does anyone have a copy of the San Gelato lawsuit? If so, would you be willing to email it to unhappyfranchisee[at] I can post it or not post it… your preference.
That goes for other suits anyone may have. We could start an online library.
Speaking of lawsuits and emails, the email for info on a Cuppy’s lawsuit is actually cuppylawsuit[at] Note that there’s no “s”
Okaloosa County doesn’t have the lawsuits available on-line, but you can search the database for suits filed against Cuppys, Medina and Elite:
It is now the middle of the week following the conference call and has anyone been called for our 1-1 discussions? I’m not aware of any….
Jim: Are you surprised?
He’s consistent. Ya gotta give’m that.
>>> Here’s an idea: Set up a Cuppy’s 900 number with an excuse of the day recorded message. Proceeds can be donated to… wherever all the proceeds go… <<<
I think Dale asked for 7 to 10 days. I’m sure he meant 7-10 business days.
From talking with some of the owners around the country, it sounds like Dale, and SBT have an agreement, but the lawyers still need to push it through.
I’m willing to wait 10 Business days. I now have 5 liens on my business, I’m beat up bad, and am at a loss for words. What’s 10 business days going to matter at this point?
I don’t believe Dale, Brian or Morg will get this done. I don’t have faith in them anymore and on the 10th Business Day. October 17th. I hope they prove me wrong.
Common you guys! People believed in you, we believed in you. We would still believe in you if you could somehow turn this thing around.
It’s simple:
-Pay those owners back who want out. (Not payments, just give them their money back) duu…
-Finish the job with those who still believe in Cuppy’s (The Brand) this means allllllllllllll the way, bills, extra costs, etc. etc. etc. Get them built out up and running and off your list so you can move to the next one.
-Pay the subs with the money we gave you so we can operate without the liens.
-Lastly: Set up a single voice mail box $25 bucks a month: Every day give an announcement of what you’re doing to grow our team. We would call in and get an update.
Dale, you nailed it on the head – You suck at communication, suck with a big S! Show us what you can do, show us your creative thinking. We owners out here are working hard with each other to keep our businesses moving forward, and you’re going to benefit from that if and when you get this thing rolling fwd.
Yes my friends here on this site will probably bash me because I’m giving you too much grace. Ya maybe, but I know this.
You go bankrupt: I’m out 250K
You get put in jail: I’m out 250K
You flee to another country: I’m out 250K
You work hard at thinking, and you will be sitting on top of an amazing company with an amazing bunch of owners who are fighters. We have a great brand, GREAT brand! Don’t keep screwing it up for us.
That goes for you also Brian and Morg!
NOPE. still no call to me either. NO BIG SUPRISE. This guy just can’t stop. It’s one big lie after another. So I wonder what the excuse is this time. Maybe all the AL employees finally threw their hands up too. I hardly doubt Dale would ever attempt to pick up the phone and call anyone himself. LOOKS LIKE NO CALLS WILL BE HAPPENING. ANOTHER LIE! Besides, what would they possbly have to say? They would just be making up more lies to try to string us along further. Why bother? GIVE UP ALREADY!
It’s pretty evident where all our money went. All the money spent on the move to Alabama (which could have waited for at least 6 months), and the new cars which the employees so graciously awarded themselves with before they moved. There were definitely not any stores being built out and that’s obvious. So, It’s picture perfect what our money was being used for. The franchise has cut off sales for quite some time now. So there was no money coming in if the process got snagged anywhere. Not a very smart move. That money that was spent on the move I am sure could have paid some of the vendors and the employees. That would have helped to prevent some of the negativity that Dale is begging to stop now. Bad decisions bring bad consequenses. If Dale were ever looking out for the best interst of the franchisees, he would have waited to start making hasty decisions until the company was stable. He was greedy and wanted his MONEY.
And how about being honest with the franchisees. We were just at coffee college a few months back. Dale could have been completely honest about the situation and kept the lines of communication opened. This would have changed so much. If we had known about the problems going on we could have used our money and went different avenues. When we tried to do that and couldn’t get any response from Dale. Finally after several weeks of no communication we went ahead and proceeded on our own. We MIGHT have enough to do this on our own. We have already lost so much. We have to at least try. We are lucky and may have enough to complete our store and get open. I know that not everyone may have the financial abilites to do so. i feel the worst for you. So many people have been effected by this mess. It’s just not fair. I can’t help but wonder why Dale would have made such bad decisions and then he doesn’t have the guts to stand up for the decisions he has made.
so- im in for 34 thousan &40 thousand! i was ready to brake ground—— yes i too belived all the lies
Yvonne wrote I think Dale asked for 7 to 10 days. I’m sure he meant 7-10 business days.
IMHO, he’s either committed to communication with the franchisees and depositers or he’s not. If he IS, why wait an arbitrary 10 “business days”? Why not call a few each day? Sounds more like getting people off his back for a couple of weeks, and letting them think there must be something going on that will benefit them. Uh-huh.
Set up a single voice mail box $25 bucks a month: Every day give an announcement of what you’re doing to grow our team. We would call in and get an update.
Dale was a telemarketer, wasn’t he? If the principal of our elementary school can manage automated phone calls when there’s a weather delay, I’m sure Dale could figure out automated messages. Barring that, what about a daily email or text message?
Unfortunately, Yvonne, your eagerness to believe and succeed, and your belief in the Cuppy’s “brand,” despite all you’ve suffered, could be construed as a signal that you will accept any amount of neglect or abuse to come in the future. All they need to do is tap into your desire that there’s a brand here. IMHO, BIN LADEN BREW would have less of a negative connotation than CUPPY’S COFFEE.
If you accept an infinite series of 10 day waiting periods, that’s exactly what you’ll get, in my opinion.
PS I believe that Richard Quick will license you the name and logo for Ponzi’s Coffee for a nominal fee.

I remember back when Dale first came on as a consultant & mentioned he use to work for the Dwyer Group in Texas several years back. Some of the higher up managers at Medina were concerned about this new consultant coming on board & investigated/called Dwyer Group. There comment was that they did remember Dale but that he NEVER AMOUNTED TO MUCH & WAS LET GO. That should have been a RED FLAG for Morg at the time. But I guess not. Dale has proven to be an absolute weasel & coward! He tells people such bull (this includes zees, s-employees, current employees, media) that I believe he truly believes his on crap! WHAT A JOKE THIS SO-CALLED MAN HAS PROVEN TO BE. I truly feel sorry for his family. WHEN A PERSON CAN NOT STAND UP AND ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE BITEN OFF MORE THAN THEY CAN CHEW & JUST LAY IT OUT FOR EVERYONE SO THEY CAN MAKE OTHER ARRANGEMENTS… PLUS THIS SAME PERSON CONTINUE TO TELL PEOPLE LIES SO THEY WILL SEND IN MORE MONEY… ALL I CAN SAY IS THIS PERSON IS THE BIGGEST COWARD I HAVE EVER KNOWN!!!! Even if Dale did this now, he has waited tooooooooooo long and most zees are bankrupt because of his delays and deceit. Again… What a coward!!!
Please stick to facts without the personal attacks and name calling. It doesn’t further your argument, or provide any insight into the Cuppy’s Coffee situation.
Further, your specific attacks are pretty weak.
First, he was employed (according to his published bio) by the Dwyer Group for 5 years. If he “never amounted to much” I doubt they would have kept him on for that long. Additionally, if the “higher up” consultants a Cuppy’s / Medina got a bad report, why did they hire him? Why were “higher ups” like Theresa St. Clair so enthusiastic (at first) when he was taking over the company if they knew of a lackluster past?
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I am no ardent defender of Dale Nabors. However, I would not call anyone who would take over this train wreck of a company a coward. To the contrary, it was a huge and very public risk and I think he’s paying for it dearly.
As you are a great believer in courageousness, might I suggest that you post under your real name so that he can’t make the same claim about you?
Dale Nabors and Amy Hiller have told more lies, ruined more lives, destroyed more people than all of the politicians in Washington combined!!!! Karma is real…. They will one day get what they deserve….
I can’t believe the admin of this site continues to defend Dale Nabors. Are the two of you related to each other or does he owe you money??? I have set back for months and kept up with this fiasco and the admin continues to defend Dale Nabors. What give here? Before when it was Robert Morgan that people were getting on here and blogging….it was never “COWARD, SPINELESS, YELLOW, FRAUD, SICK, PIECE OF SH*&, A-HOLE, LIAR, GOING TO JAIL, FEDERAL CHARGES, NOT PAYING EMPLOYEES, what is going on here on this site Mr. Admin??? I guess you will not post this as you have my sister-in-law who was totally screwed by DALE NABORS. I don’t know what Dale Nabors has on you or this site but you are super biased about your comments concerning this LIAR, FRAUD, PIECE OF SH*&, A-HOLE, SPINELESS, YELLOW, SICK, GOING TO JAIL, CREEP THAT HAS RUINED SO MANY LIVES…BOTH FRANCHISEES AND EMPLOYEES OF CUPPY’S COFFEE.
ps…why don’t you ask Dale Nabors to post under his real name. Anything on this site defending him other than you the Admin is him. What does Dale Nabors have on you?????????????????????????????
Dale is a sales man ADMIN so don’t you think he knows how to smooth talk his way in and out of any situtation. In other words he is a good base for a conartist or a conman. Which he has proven to be many times over again at this point. There is no defense for Dale Nabors. He is a poor excuse for a man. I am sure that everyone who knows him feels this way by now….they just don’t have the balls to tell him that. I am pretty sure that he knows all the ex employees feel this way about him and all the zees but those few people he seems to have still following his lead and being strung along will soon get their SLAP IN THE FACE TOO. It happens to EVERYONE who crosses his path. Your time will come. Sorry but Dale Nabors thought he could be a HERO and amounted to just about a ZERO.
He is a joke. I honestly can’t believe that someone would put people through this mess. He is a piece of work that’s for sure. People like him should come with a warning sign posted to their forehead. People thought Morg and Brian were bad. Who knew Dale would be ten times worse?
“…People thought Morg and Brian were bad. Who knew Dale would be ten times worse?”
They couldn’t have done it without the help of all the little loyal employees who did their dirty work and didn’t make a peep until they didn’t get their paychecks. My heart bleeds for them. Karma is a b!@#$.
Poor Dale. if people don’t stop talking abou thim & threating him, he’s going to move to his summer home in Maine. Isn’t that nice to still be able to say you have a home & haven’t lost it due to actions such as Morg’s & Dales.
Got this e-mail from the brain trust in Alabama:
Due to technical issues with Go To Webinar, we were unable to obtain the recording from the conference call held on October 3, 2008. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please see the bulleted summary of the call below:
The last 30-45 days and how it has been a very difficult time for franchisees and the corporate staff.
The staff is working hard to overcome the issues that have been preventing progress with the franchise.
Dale addressed the poor communication and is striving to improve the challenges.
Dale has been speaking with Brian Hayes of SBT and the anticipation of the SBT lawsuit being dropped.
The state of the economy is making it more difficult to build trust with the banks and Dale asked that the blogging and negativity stop so that progress can be made.
Dale is working with Cuppy’s key vendors for assistance for the future.
Dale had originally planned for the call to be more informative; however, certain individuals had posted the phone number and access code on the internet for all to join. Due to the breach of information, the call would have to be less informative.
The staff at Cuppy’s Coffee will be communicating individually with franchisees to discuss their projects.
We understand that there were time frames stated on the conference call and in the blog updates. As we improve the process please understand that each and every one of you is a priority to us here at Corporate. We apologize again; however due to all the variables it is going to take longer than what was anticipated. We are trying to create steps that will improve the information sharing process between all parties involved. Please be patient as we are trying to provide more open communication with each of you. We do understand your frustration and the corporate office have devoted all their efforts to try and secure a more successful future for Cuppy’s.
Problem: Can’t post recording as promised
Blame: Go To Webinar technical issues
Problem: Distrustful Banks
Blame: Economy, negative blogging
Problem: Lack of info from Corp.
Blame: Bloggers sharing access code, spys on call
Problem: Time frames on calls not kept
Blame: “all the variables”
Summary: Our commitment to communicating with you is second only to our commitment to NOT communicating with you. Have a Cuppy’s day!
Admin… that funny! :)