Dr. John Hayes’ Book Reviews Given an “F” for Fraudulent

Dr. John Haye’s latest book, “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities – Second Edition,” has a 5-star rating on Amazon, with 16 out of 16 reviewers raving about it.  Online review analyzer FakeSpot casts doubt upon the authenticity of these reviews – and upon the honesty and ethics of author Dr. John Hayes and BizCom Press publishers Scott White, Monica Feid & Melissa Rubin.


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Next Post:  FASTSIGNS Franchise Deception Seems, Well, Amazing. Comments?

Dr. John Hayes’ latest book, “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities: Second Edition” currently has 16 reviews.

All 16 reviewers gave the book a perfect 5-Star rating.

9 of those reviews were posted within 2 days of the book being posted – hardly enough time for an average person to read, digest and review a 202 page book.

2 of those reviews were written by employees of the publishing and PR company BizCom Associates.

BizCom Executives Posted Prohibited Reviews Using their Own Names

Despite Amazon’s rules against employees and publishers reviewing their own books, they posted using their real names.

BizCom Co-Founder and President Monica Feid gave the book she published 5-Stars, writing “Valuable for franchise investors  A valuable book that helps understand a ‘squishy’ industry. Because, as Dr. Hayes says, nobody is even keeping count of how many FDDs are out there. This book does the homework on a few, talks to experts about general evaluating guidelines, and helps people navigate a huge sector with so many different franchise opportunities.”

BizCom Vice President Melissa Rubin gave their book 5-Stars, writing:  “Highly Recommend This is a great resource if you are considering buying a franchise. Dr. Hayes does a good job of helping you decide if buying a franchise is the right decision, steps to take to properly investigate a franchise, questions to ask yourself and more.”

Two 3rd party review analysis services deem the reviews suspicious.

FAKESPOT Fails Dr. John Hayes & BizCom for Bogus Book Reviews

FakeSpot.Com is a free content analyzer that purports to scan and analyze reviews on product pages and report the percentage of reviews it deems to be authenticate.  It claims its algorithm is designed to detect characteristics that indicate comments by human shills or automated bots.  While opinions vary as to the accuracy of FakeSpot analysis, Fakespot’s opinion of the Amazon reviews of Dr. John Hayes’ “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities: Second Edition” published February 9, 2018  is clear.

FakeSpot gives Dr. John Hayes’ comment authenticity an “F,” and warns “Tread lightly, this product may contain a major number of unreliable or low quality reviews!”

FakeSpot gives Dr. John Hayes’ comment authenticity a grade of “F,” and warns “Tread lightly, this product may contain a major number of unreliable or low quality reviews!”

Analysis overview

  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 0.0% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 16 reviews on Mar 24 2018.
  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    great, best, many, right and valuable.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.

FakeSpot flagged several suspicious commenters:

“Jeff” –  Unreliable Reviewer
Reviewer Analysis:
✓ Correlation with other fake reviewers’ profile data and language.

“Ayberk Karakavuz” – Unreliable Reviewer
Reviewer Analysis:
✓ Overwhelming amount of positive reviews
✓ Correlation with other fake reviewers’ profile data and language.

“JohnBEBE” – Unreliable Reviewer
Reviewer Analysis:
✓ Reviewer account looks to be generated by automation
✓ Correlation with other fake reviewers’ profile data and language.

Fakespot neglected to flag highly suspicious commenter mswtex whose only other review was for another John Haye’s book “How to Buy Hot Franchises without Getting Burned” way back in 2013.  Tex, who evidentally has been lookng for a franchise for 5 years, wrote “Glad I found this book before making the wrong decision.”

See FakeSpot’s analysis of the authenticity of “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities” reviews


ReviewMeta Also Gives Hayes’ & BizCom’s Reviews a D for Deception

FakeSpot alternative ReviewMeta also flagged Hayes’ reviews as suspicious, citing these red flags:

  • · “Unnatural reviews detected”
  • · “Suspicious Reviewers”
  • · “This is an excessively large percentage of Take-Back Reviewers* which may indicate unnatural reviews.”
  • · “In total, we found that 5 reviews were created on just 1 day. This is an excessively high number of reviews submitted on these high volume days.”**

* Take Back Reviewers are reviewers who have previously had a large number of reviews removed by Amazon

** Excessive numbers of reviews appeared only 1 and 2 days after the ebook was listed – hardly enough time for an average person to read and digest a 202 page book

See ReviewMeta’s analysis of the authenticity of “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities” reviews

READ The Series “Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School & Pay-For-Praise Emporium!”:

Part 1:  Dr. John Hayes & His 12 Amazingly Deceptive Franchises

Part 2: 6 AMAZING Franchise Deceptions of Dr. John Hayes

Part 3:  FASTSIGNS CEO Catherine Monson named Valedictorian, Franchise Fraud School

Part 4:  Dr. John Hayes’ Book Reviews Given an “F” for Fraudulent

Part 5:  FASTSIGNS Franchise Deception Seems, Well, Amazing. Comments?




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Are Franchise Business Review Winners Violating the FTC Act?

FRANCHISE BUSINESS REVIEW: Justify or Retract Your Bogus Franchise Award

Dr. John Hayes Named Dickey’s Barbecue Pit one of the 12 Amazing Franchises for 2015.  Here’s how things turned out:

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit: The Musical




TAGS: Dr. John Hayes, Dr. John Hayes franchise expert, Scott White, Bizcom Press, 12 Amazing Franchises, franchise books, franchise fraud, franchise marketing, bad franchises, FASTSIGNS franchise, franchise scams, fake news, Amazon fraud, Amazon scam, Catherine Monson Fastsigns, Joe Malmuth, United Franchise Group, Robert A. Spuck, Farm Stores Franchising,  Scott Mortier, Dental Fix RX, unhappy franchisee


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