Christopher Swanson

Exposing Mayor Chris Swanson of Two Harbors MN (Full Index)

Chris Swanson, the ousted Mayor of Two Harbors, MN, abused a 5-year-old girl and continued to retraumatize her family with his indifference, silence and misrepresentations for 30 years.  As Mayor, Two Harbors citizens claim he abused their trust through his manipulation, lies, shady self-dealing and backroom deals in an effort to finance and build a mini-empire of local businesses & organizations, often in the names of his young daughters, his wife or friends.

On Tuesday, August 9, Two Harbors voters will end his abusive reign as mayor midway through his second term.

This page provides the interactive story of the inspiring grassroots movement, energized by sexual abuse survivors, their families, their friends, their supporters, local residents, bloggers and reporters – many of whom have never met – who came together to expose the lies of a powerful bully, strip him of his power, offer him the opportunity of redemption, and caution all future potential victims.

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Exposing Mayor Chris Swanson of Two Harbors MN – The Definitive Index

NEW!  8/7/22  Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson Admits He Sexually Assaulted 5-Year-Old Girl.  Refuses to Explain or Apologize.

In an interview with the Star Tribune’s Christa Lawler, soon-to-be-ex Mayor Chris Swanson reluctantly acknowledged that he was arrested, charged and found responsible for sexually assaulting a 5-year old child when he was 15 years old.  Two days before the recall election that will end his failed mayorship midway through his 2nd term, Chris Swanson continues to express neither remorse nor compassion for his victim or the family whose lives he has ruined.  The Star Tribune story’s final line reflects Swanson’s consistently unflappable and unjustified arrogance:  “’I am a success story.’ he said.”  by Sean Kelly

Forcing the litigious and disgraced soon-to-be-ex Mayor of Two Harbors, MN, Christopher Swanson, to finally acknowledge that he sexually violated (at least) one 5-year-old girl when he was a teenager has been a long and painful group effort led by the abuse survivor’s family, childhood friends & supporters under the banner #JusticeForMarksDrive.

Chris Swanson’s grudging acknowledgement of his repeated crimes against pre-school-aged neighbor Lindsey Christenson in the Marks Drive neighborhood of nearby Silver Bay, witnessed by her 6-year-old sister Melissa, was published in the Star Tribune:

Juvenile sentence haunts Two Harbors mayor  Family’s story of abuse resurfaces as Mayor Chris Swanson faces recall election Tuesday.

(PDF version: Two Harbors mayor breaks silence over decades-long sex abuse allegations )

(Video)  “Mayor Chris Swanson Raped & Defiled My Sister… Multiple Times in the Home” – Melissa Christenson Giles

On June 13, 2022, Melissa Christenson Giles shared the painful truth that then-15 year old Chris Swanson raped her 5-year-old sister by 15-year-old Chris Swanson and recent victimization of the family…   Chris Swanson, who is the current  Mayor of Two Harbors, refuses to even acknowledge the accusations.

(Video) Nancy Christenson Describes the Years of Psychological Abuse Chris Swanson Her Daughter & Family Suffered by Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson.

On June 13, 2022, Nancy Christenson addressed a crowd of supporters behind Two Harbors City Hall.  Inside, Mayor Swanson & City Council ignored the protest raging outside.

Nancy Christenson’s Message to Mayor Chris Swanson & Two Harbors, MN (PDF Transcript)

Posts Related to Mayor Swanson’s Child Sexual Assaults  (#JusticeforMarksDrive)

 June 7, 2022  Mayor Chris Swanson Sexually Assaulted 5-Year Old Children… Or He Didn’t

June 9, 2022 Restorative Justice: A Way Forward for Two Harbors?

June 10, 2022 Mayor Chris Swanson & Restorative Justice For Sexual Assault

June 16, 2022 Mother Confronts Mayor Over Alleged Sexual Assault of 5-Year-Old

June 20, 2022 Open Letter to Two Harbors City Council: Which Side Are You On?

Posts Related to Mayor Swanson’s Proposed Underwater Hotel

June 1, 2022 The Wreck of the Hotel Chris Swanson (Parody Song & Video)

February 20, 2022  Unmasking Mr. ODuluth Monitor FEATURED

More From Duluth Monitor:

March 17, 2022 Boss Swanson, Part I: Poaching Lou’s Fish

March 26, 2022  Swanson News Roundup

May 23, 2022 Boss Swanson, Part II: Shining light of hope

May 2, 2022 Woot woot! Mayor Swanson promoted Swanson businesses 50 times on Facebook

July 15, 2022 While under contract with Ruth’s Vegetarian Gourmet, Mayor Swanson advocated for their expansion project with city

Posts Related to Mayor Swanson’s Digital Marketing Firm

May 18, 2022  PureDriven Owner Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson Sues to Silence Citizen Journalist 

May 20, 2022  PUREDRIVEN Claims Mayor Swanson No Longer CEO, No Longer Involved

May 23, 2022  PureDriven Struggles (Poorly) to Build Trust Despite Owner’s Controversies

May 26, 2022 SLAPP-HAPPY Does Droel Law in Minneapolis Have Ethical Standards? Does It Enforce Them?

May 31, 2022 Attorney Brendan Tupa No Longer With Droel Law

How We Fight Bullies With Parody & Humor

Savior Swanson COMIX, Cartoons & Graphics You Can share (Coming soon)

Memes, Cartoons & Graphics You Can Share

Timeline (Coming Soon)

June 1, 2022:  Defiant Mayor Swanson “I will not Resign… “

June 13, 2022:  Nancy & Melissa Christenson publicly broke the silence surrounding Mayor Swanson’s sexual assault of their 5-year-old daughter & sister

June 20, 2022:  Two Harbors City Council Votes to Ask Mayor Swanson to Resign

How’d a PA-based franchise blog come to fight a small-town bully in Minnesota?  Sean Kelly, publisher of UnhappyFranchisee, first became aware of the controversy in Two Harbors during his investigation of PureDriven, Swanson’s franchise marketing company.  A staunch advocate of free speech with a track record of vanquishing bullies, he initially focused on supporting blogger John Ramos withstand Swanson’s legal attacks.  He mocked Swanson’s underwater hotel venture with a musical parody.  Then, after speaking to the gutsy and relentless forces of nature Greg & Nancy Christenson and Melissa (Christenson) Giles (watch their videos below), (along with ninja sisters Jen Nifer & Steph Lee) the #JusticeForMarksDrive movement became his focus and priority.

Special recognition goes out to Duluth Monitor, Re-Sign & Recall Committee, Two Harbors News, NorthShore Journal, Center for Restorative Justice, MMAJose, Star Tribune, Duluth News Tribune, North Shore Horizons and the many who care enough to speak out and comment.

Please support #JusticeForMarksDrive by visiting, reading and sharing the links above.

Tags:  Christopher Swanson, Chris Swanson, Mayor Chris Swanson, Two Harbors MN, child rape,  Sexual Assault, sexual violence, Two Harbors Mayor, underwater hotel mayor, #JusticeforMarksDrive, PureDriven, PureDriven Marketing, Jason Sunday, Winmark franchise brands, Wreck of the Hotel Chris Swanson, Underwater hotel minnesota, billionaire MR. O, Sean Kelly


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