FETCH! Pet Care Franchise Complaints (Index)
FETCH! Pet Care Franchise targets both pet lovers & passive investors. Its franchisor is multi-brand Phoenix Franchise Brands of Livonia, MI, founded and headed by Greg Longe and Maria Shinabarger Longe. Current & former franchisees of Fetch! Pet Care and other Phoenix Franchise Brands & related concepts (Spray Foam Genie, Door Renew, Furry Land, Medspa 810) are invited to share their opinions and experiences below or via confidential email. Greg & Maria Longe, corporate employees, brokers, contractors & affiliates are invited to provide corrections, rebuttals, and opinions. We are an independent publication and do not represent any franchisor, franchisee association or other special interest.
Check back often for updates & new postings. by Sean Kelly, Publisher
(UnhappyFranchisee.Com) Recently, the Federal Trade Commission Request for Public Comment prompted nearly 40 responses (so far) from franchisees of FETCH! Pet Care, including members of the Independent Association of Fetch! Pet Care Franchisees (IAFPC).

Some Fetch! franchise owners posted under their own names, while others requested anonymity for fear of franchisor retaliation.
We will continue to repost and share Fetch! franchise owners’ statements, as well as updates & franchisor responses – as time and available resources permit.
FETCH! Pet Care Franchise Complaints & Allegations include:
- Exorbitant & Escalating Fees
- Unreported Kickbacks
- Territory Churning (Reselling Failed Franchises)
- Hiding Franchise Failures
- Inhibiting Franchisees’ Right to Communicate & Associate
- Deceptive Franchise Sales Tactics
- Call Center Overcharging/Underperforming
FETCH! Pet Care Franchise Complaints & Allegations

FETCH! PET CARE Paul Mann Complaints April 26, 2011 (Our original warning)
Fetch! Pet Care Franchise: 8 Unethical Behaviors of Phoenix Franchise Brands (FTC Complaint)
FETCH! Pet Franchise is Destroying Marriages (FTC Complaint)
Fetch! Pet Care Franchise Bleeds Franchisees Dry (FTC Complaint) (FTC Complaint)
FETCH! Pet Care Franchisee Feels “Suffocated, Strangled, Trapped!” (FTC Complaint)
More resources:
Franchise Times Article 10/1/24: Fetch Pet Care Franchisees Allege They Were Defrauded as Complaints Mount for Phoenix Franchise Brands
Phoenix Franchise Brands FDDs
Fetch! 2023 Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)
Spray Foam Genie 2024 Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)
Furry Land Franchise Disclosure Document 2024
EagleOne Insights vs. Phoenix Franchise Brands Lawsuit
EagleOne Insights v Phoenix Franchise Brands Complaint
Eagle1 v Phoenix Franchise Brands Answer and Counterclaim
EagleOne v Phoenix Franchise Brands Answer to Counterclaim
About Fetch! Pet Care & Phoenix Franchise Brands:
Livonia, MI-based Phoenix Franchise Brands was founded & is headed by Greg Longe & Maria Longe (aka Maria Shinabarger).
One or both of the Longes were previously associated with British Swim School, Martinizing International, Rooster’s Men’s Grooming Center, Zoup! (rebranded Z!Eats), & Collision on Wheels International (defunct).
Franchise Brands: Fetch! Pet Care, Spray Foam Genie, Door Renew, Furry Land mobile pet grooming, MedSpa810 & Steel Coated Floors.
Private Equity: Cybeck Capital Fund, LLC (“CCF”), a private equity fund managed by Cybeck Capital Partners, LLC of Dayton, Ohio, acquired a portion of the issued and outstanding common stock of Fetch! Pet Care, Inc. and retains a minority ownership interest in Fetch! Pet Care, Inc.
- Phoenix Franchise Brands is being sued by call center provider EagleOne Insights, LLC.
- Franchisees Tim Jamil, Lisa Jamil, and TL Jamil, LLC are suing Spray Foam Genie International, LLC, Kevin Longe, Chris Ryan, Keith Ryan, Gregory A. Longe, Spray Foam Genie Managed Services LLC, Rhino 7 Consulting Co. d/b/a Rhino7 Franchise Development Company, Inc, Phoenix Franchise Consulting LLC d/b/a Phoenix Franchise Brands, and Maria Longe.
- Independent Association of Fetch Pet Care Franchisees is suing Fetch! Pet Care, Inc., Greg Longe for alleged violations of franchisees’ right to associate under California Franchise Investment Law.
Franchise Registrations appear to be expired in multiple states (CA, MN, & IN). Most recent FDD expired September, 2024
Please share your story, your experience or opinions of the Fetch! Pet Care franchise and Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchises
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Invitation: Please Share Your Opinion of Experience (Anonymity Assured)
Are you familiar with Greg Longe, Maria Longe, Phoenix Franchise Brands, or Cybeck Capital Fund?
Please leave a comment below or email us, in confidence, at UnhappyFranchisee[at]Gmail[dot]com.
Franchisors: The franchisor, its employees and agents are invited to submit correction, clarifications, rebuttals or other opinions for immediate consideration.
UnhappyFranchisee.com is not associated with this or other franchise company or seller.
Tags: Fetch! Pet Care franchise complaints, Fetch! Pet Care franchise, Fetch franchise, Phoenix Franchise Brands, franchise complaints, Greg Longe, Maria Longe, Maria Shinabarger, pet franchises, Rhino7, Cybeck Capital Fund, LLC (“CCF”), Cybeck Capital Partners, LLC, dog franchise, Furry Land franchise, Spray Foam Genie franchise, Door Renew franchise, MedSpa810 franchise, Federal Trade Commission, FTC
The owners of Sprayfoam Genie, Furrland Mobile Grooming, and Door Renew are also experiencing similar issues. They have been financially affected to a greater extent than the Fetch! Pet Care owners, largely due to the nature of their business models. Owners of Fetch! who signed up under Maria and Greg Longe have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, while owners of the other brands have seen losses ranging from $500,000 to over a million on average. This is Phoenix Franchise Brand’s playbook across all of their brands!
Spot on! Phoenix Franchise brands promises the world and then takes huge amounts of money and doesn’t provide the services as promised. Furry Land Mobile pet grooming owners are mostly all bleeding money and many have closed their doors as the investment kept growing 3-5x’s what was in the original FDD. Managed Services is a joke. They do not “run” your business as the word “run” implies. They hop on an hour call with your GM weekly to give advice. There’s so many things done wrong, it’s hard to name them all.
Spot on! Phoenix Franchise brands promises the world and then takes huge amounts of money and doesn’t provide the services as promised. Furry Land Mobile pet grooming owners are mostly all bleeding money and many have closed their doors as the investment kept growing 3-5x’s what was in the original FDD. Managed Services is a joke. They do not “run” your business as the word “run” implies. They hop on an hour call with your GM weekly to give advice. There’s so many things done wrong, it’s hard to name them all.
As an owner of Fetch Pet Care, I can not remain quiet. The only reason there is ONE positive post is because that person works directly for Greg and Maria. She is under a very different contract than those of us that joined in 2020 or later. And even for the legacy owners who got in before 2020, their businesses have lost significant value (as previously stated) because they will not be able to retire or sell under G and M’s terms. “Business ownership is not for everyone”….It’s actually not for ANYONE under Phoenix Franchise Brands. During the discovery process, Greg and Maria tell potential investors how great they are, how smart they are, how successful they will be. So, those same people are just bad at business ownership now? Please! It is the system! It is an impossible system that is only set up for the franchisor to take as much money as they possibly can before franchisees have to finally give up and surrender. The executives at PFB use the same tactics that abusers do. They isolate owners from one another. They monitor and censor. They gaslight. They deflect. They publicly shame if you speak up. And the reason so many people are anonymous is because they are fearful of retaliation. Many contracts for those who get out include clauses where you can not speak about your experience or pursue legal action but people sign them anyway because they are financially and emotionally drained and this is the only way out. I hope that this website and other information out there gets in front of people considering investing with anything that Greg and Maria Longe are involved with. BUYER BEWARE! Learn from those of us who learned the hard way.
I’m a franchisee owner of Fetch! Pet Care that I opened several years ago. The franchisor is Phoenix Franchise Brands.
I’m speaking to expose the deceptive and misleading practices of Phoenix Franchise Brands. Prior to purchasing my franchise, I worked exclusively with Tom Moore who is a Fetch Pet Care Development Manager. I worked with Tom for nearly 6 months prior to purchasing my franchise.
I wanted to take my time and make sure all of my questions and hesitations were dealt with prior to making such a huge investment. I had asked Tom if a neighboring franchise was doing business in my territory, how would that be handled. I was told that approximately 20 clients would be transferred over to me.
After I opened my franchise, I had weekly meetings with the Phoenix Franchise Brands Area/Regional Manager Stacy Arias. I asked her on several occasions when the 20 clients would be transferred over to me. She finally responded noting that she spoke with my neighboring franchise owner, and they decided the 20 clients would not be transferred to me as they didn’t want to disrupt the relationship that had been built with the 20 clients. This was a huge loss of expected revenue. This was of course deceptive and may have changed my decision to purchase a franchise.
After purchasing my franchise, I later learned that this purchase was based on deceptive false promises of success.
In my opinion, this purchase appears nothing short of what appears to be a fraudulent pyramid scheme designed to enrich the franchisor while franchisees like me are left financially ruined.
From the outset, I was misled by the franchisor, Tom Moore, and Greg and Maria Longe, who painted a rosy picture of the franchisees earning potential could be well over $600,000.00 in revenue within the first year of opening the franchise. However, I was misinformed about the true costs and potential earnings. I was told to set aside 1 year of working capital. In reality, it requires up to 3 years of capital before any profit is realized.
In the Financial Disclosure Document given to me prior to purchasing my franchise, it showed revenue based on the legacy franchisees revenue (those who purchased prior to 2018) instead of the revenue from 2019 to 2022. Phoenix Franchise Brands also failed to show that over 90% of the Fetch Franchises opened from 2018 to 2024 have closed.
In my opinion, Phoenix Franchise Brands is involved in a scam, built on misrepresentation and misleading promises, When approaching Maria or Greg about selling a franchise, they stated that if the franchise is sold within the first year, we will get back 75% of what we put down to purchase the franchise, 50% if sold in the second year, and nothing after 3 years.
We are not kept abreast of the progress of selling the franchise. It appears they are purposefully holding onto the franchise for 3 years, so they don’t have to pay anything back to the franchisee.
Later, it appears they then sell the franchise after 3 years and often sell it for more than what the original franchisee paid.
I know this is against the law, but I’m fearful of retaliation from the owners Greg and Maria Longe and Vice President of Operations Heather Bir. In the last 6-8 months, the emails we’ve received from either Greg or Maria are downright rude and offer no remedy to the concerns that many of the franchisees have.
The deceptive practices of Phoenix Franchise Brands has shattered me personally, financially, physically, and emotionally. So far, I’ve depleted my 401k of $130,000.00, used all of the inheritance I received when my Dad passed away in 2017, and have accumulated over $50,000 in credit card debt just to keep me afloat.
I also sold my car. Additionally, my 23-year marriage is suffering. The only thing I have left is my house.
Lastly, since February 2024, I’ve had unintentional weight loss from 164 to 124 pounds. I’ve been to multiple doctors, and after multiple tests including MRI’s, multiple blood tests, EKG, EMG, wearing a heart monitor for a week, and nerve conduction study, all of my doctors have opined that my weight loss is due to stress.
Due to my financial situation, I will soon need to close my franchise.
I’m currently seeking a full-time job so that I don’t lose my house, which is all I have left financially.