Does Lake Superior School District Hire Sex Offenders?
The rumors that Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson was arrested as a teen and sentenced for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl has been confirmed by Swanson’s own admission. The rumors that he was then hired by the local school district as a youth soccer coach are now being investigated. by Sean Kelly
Also Read the Follow-up Post with Superintendent Belcastro’s Response: Is Superintendent Jay Belcastro Lying About Sex Offender Chris Swanson?
For years, rumors circulated that Two Harbors, MN Mayor Chris Swanson had been arrested for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl when he was a teenager in Silver Bay.
There were rumors that he and at least one brother preyed on young girls in their Marks Drive neighborhood where their mother ran a daycare center in their home.

These allegations can now be considered confirmed, as Chris Swanson admitted in a Star Tribune article that he was arrested and sentenced, as a juvenile, for sexually assaulting his 5-year-old neighbor when he was 15. See the story link (and PDF) at Exposing Mayor Chris Swanson of Two Harbors MN (Full Index)
Did Lake Superior School District Hire – Then Fire – Sex Offender Chris Swanson as a Youth Soccer Coach?
Rumors persist that some time after Chris Swanson fulfilled his sentence for one of the sexual assaults, he moved to nearby Two Harbors where he was hired as, of all things, a youth soccer coach by the Lake Superior School District.
The Lake Superior School District includes both Two Harbors and Silver Bay schools.
The story that I’ve heard from multiple sources is that they fired Chris Swanson by firing the entire coaching staff, then hiring all back except him.
Rumors also persist that at one school board meeting, Swanson grew so irate that he accosted the superintendent in the hallway, pinning him to the wall. Although Swanson initiated the altercation, he pressed charges for assault. The county attorney, the story goes, dropped the charges.
Does Lake Superior School District Not Perform Background Checks? Or Did they Overlook Swanson’s Past?
These are some of the questions I posed in a letter to Jay Belcastro, Superintendent of the Lake Superior School District:
Jay Belcastro, Superintendent of Schools
Lake Superior School District #381
1640 Hwy 2. Two Harbors, MN 55616
(218) 834-8201 X8213
August 8, 2022
Dear Superintendent Belcastro:
My name is Sean Kelly. I’m an investigative reporter and web publisher currently focused on the controversy (controversies) surrounding Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson. I am hoping that you will be forthcoming with the basic details of Mr. Swanson’s past and present relationship with and role with the Lake Superior School District, including any potential periods of employment or volunteering, including any teaching or coaching positions held, his performance, reasons for separation, etc.
Chris Swanson’s Role as Coach & Reason for Departure
If available online, I would appreciate links to any School Board meeting minutes that mention Mr. Swanson (or PDFs if they are not posted). I have communicated the following request to Secretary Debbie Peterson but have not heard back. Both you and Ms. Peterson were in attendance at these meetings:
I am specifically looking for the school board meeting minutes for July, 2014 and any special meetings around that time.
I am also looking specifically for meeting minutes and/or other documentation related to the employment of now-Mayor of Two Harbors Christopher Swanson by the school district, including those mentioning his hiring as well as his departure. Also, any mentioning Mr. Swanson’s involvement in the extension program for both soccer and computer instruction (as Pure Driven).
Additionally, I am looking for minutes and documents related to issues related to the proposed suspension of Boys Soccer for the 2014/2015 school year mentioned in the attached minutes.
7.1 Boys Soccer:
Recommendation to support the Athletic Director’s recommendation to
suspend Boys Soccer for the 14/15 school year, with intent to re-instate for the
following year. (No Action Taken)
5.1 Perkins
5.2 Jerry Carlson
5.3 Chris Swanson – Boys Soccer
Chris Swanson Has Admitted to Sexually Assaulting a 5-Year Old Girl
Mr. Swanson has admitted that he was arrested and served a sentence for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl in Silver Bay when he was 15 years old. Was he a student under the supervision of the School District at that time? Would the school district have records of incidents such as this, even if he were homeschooled?
Has Lake Superior School District #381 ever performed a deep background check – the type that would access even sealed records – on Christopher Swanson? Was the School District aware of Chris Swanson’s history of sexual assault of a minor prior to giving him a role of authority over District students?
You Co-Founded the National Civility Association with Chris Swanson
Mr. Belcastro, the National Civility Association website states that it began when a group of DECA students brought the idea to you. You later brought in Chris Swanson
Were you aware of Mr. Swanson’s history of sexual assault of minors when you invited him to co-found the organization that has adult businessmen “working side by side” with high school students? You certainly have a long association with Chris Swanson. Did the “open secret” of his prior sex offenses not give you pause?
Finally, does the Lake Superior School District #381 have a policy regarding the participation of sex offenders as employees, faculty, coaches, volunteers or as part of partner organizations granted access to elementary and/or high school students.
Thank you very much for time and transparency on this important subject.
Sean Kelly
Relentless, Inc., UnhappyFranchisee.Com
PS can you help me identify where and when this picture was taken and where it was published? I believe it’s from 2018.

The rumors that Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson was arrested as a teen and sentenced for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl has been confirmed by Swanson’s own admission. The rumors that he was then hired by the local school district as a youth soccer coach are now being investigated. by Sean Kelly
For years, rumors circulated that Two Harbors, MN Mayor Chris Swanson had been arrested for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl when he was a teenager in Silver Bay.
There were rumors that he and at least one brother preyed on young girls in their Marks Drive neighborhood where their mother ran a daycare center in their home.
These allegations can now be considered confirmed, as Chris Swanson admitted in a Star Tribune article that he was arrested and sentenced, as a juvenile, for sexually assaulting his 5-year-old neighbor when he was 15. See the story link (and PDF) at Exposing Mayor Chris Swanson of Two Harbors MN (Full Index)
Did Lake Superior School District Hire – Then Fire – Sex Offender Chris Swanson as a Youth Soccer Coach?
Rumors persist that some time after Chris Swanson fulfilled his sentence for one of the sexual assaults, he moved to nearby Two Harbors where he was hired as, of all things, a youth soccer coach by the Lake Superior School District.
The Lake Superior School District includes both Two Harbors and Silver Bay schools.
The story that I’ve heard from multiple sources is that they fired Chris Swanson by firing the entire coaching staff, then hiring all back except him.
Rumors also persist that at one school board meeting, Swanson grew so irate that he accosted the superintendent in the hallway, pinning him to the wall. Although Swanson initiated the altercation, he pressed charges for assault. The county attorney, the story goes, dropped the charges.
Does Lake Superior School District Not Perform Background Checks? Or Did they Overlook Swanson’s Past?
These are some of the questions I posed in a letter to Jay Belcastro, Superintendent of the Lake Superior School District:
Jay Belcastro, Superintendent of Schools
Lake Superior School District #381
1640 Hwy 2. Two Harbors, MN 55616
(218) 834-8201 X8213
jbelcastro@isd381.orgAugust 8, 2022
Dear Superintendent Belcastro:
My name is Sean Kelly. I’m an investigative reporter and web publisher currently focused on the controversy (controversies) surrounding Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson. I am hoping that you will be forthcoming with the basic details of Mr. Swanson’s past and present relationship with and role with the Lake Superior School District, including any potential periods of employment or volunteering, including any teaching or coaching positions held, his performance, reasons for separation, etc.
Chris Swanson’s Role as Coach & Reason for Departure
If available online, I would appreciate links to any School Board meeting minutes that mention Mr. Swanson (or PDFs if they are not posted). I have communicated the following request to Secretary Debbie Peterson but have not heard back. Both you and Ms. Peterson were in attendance at these meetings:
I am specifically looking for the school board meeting minutes for July, 2014 and any special meetings around that time.
I am also looking specifically for meeting minutes and/or other documentation related to the employment of now-Mayor of Two Harbors Christopher Swanson by the school district, including those mentioning his hiring as well as his departure. Also, any mentioning Mr. Swanson’s involvement in the extension program for both soccer and computer instruction (as Pure Driven).
Additionally, I am looking for minutes and documents related to issues related to the proposed suspension of Boys Soccer for the 2014/2015 school year mentioned in the attached minutes.
7.1 Boys Soccer:
Recommendation to support the Athletic Director’s recommendation to
suspend Boys Soccer for the 14/15 school year, with intent to re-instate for the
following year. (No Action Taken)5.0 DELEGATIONS/OPEN FORUM:
5.1 Perkins
5.2 Jerry Carlson
5.3 Chris Swanson – Boys SoccerChris Swanson Has Admitted to Sexually Assaulting a 5-Year Old Girl
Mr. Swanson has admitted that he was arrested and served a sentence for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl in Silver Bay when he was 15 years old. Was he a student under the supervision of the School District at that time? Would the school district have records of incidents such as this, even if he were homeschooled?
Has Lake Superior School District #381 ever performed a deep background check – the type that would access even sealed records – on Christopher Swanson? Was the School District aware of Chris Swanson’s history of sexual assault of a minor prior to giving him a role of authority over District students?
You Co-Founded the National Civility Association with Chris Swanson
Mr. Belcastro, the National Civility Association website states that it began when a group of DECA students brought the idea to you. You later brought in Chris Swanson
Were you aware of Mr. Swanson’s history of sexual assault of minors when you invited him to co-found the organization that has adult businessmen “working side by side” with high school students? You certainly have a long association with Chris Swanson. Did the “open secret” of his prior sex offenses not give you pause?
Finally, does the Lake Superior School District #381 have a policy regarding the participation of sex offenders as employees, faculty, coaches, volunteers or as part of partner organizations granted access to elementary and/or high school students.
Thank you very much for time and transparency on this important subject.
Sean Kelly
Relentless, Inc., UnhappyFranchisee.Com
PS can you help me identify where and when this picture was taken and where it was published? I believe it’s from 2018.
Please share with a comment below or email us, in confidence: UnhappyFranchisee [at]
Tags: Jay Belcastro, Lake Superior School District, Two Harbors School District, Christopher Swanson, Chris Swanson, Soccer coach Chris Swanson, Mayor Chris Swanson, Two Harbors MN, molestation, child rape, Sexual Assault, sexual violence, Two Harbors Mayor, Two Harbors City Council, #JusticeforMarksDrive, PureDriven, PureDriven Marketing, Jason Sunday
Thank you for the continued efforts to shed light on the darkness surrounding the former mayor and the associates who enabled his disgraceful behavior and business practices. If past predicts the future, Chris Swanson, Janelle Jones, and Jay Belcastro are all suspect in their roles as leaders of the now defunct National Civility Association. Hoping efforts to “follow the money” are on the horizon.
How was Chis Swanson, a self proclaimed pedophlie, allowed to infiltrate the Lake Superior School District? Correct me if I’m wrong, but according to my research, I discovered that background checks for all potential hires include their sealed juvenile records. Schools are supposed to a safe haven for our children, yet this monster was allowed to roam the halls and coach soccer for DECADES! This is personal, my daughter attended grades K-12 in this school district. Thankfully soccer was never one of her interests! So, how did this did this happen Mr. Belcastro? Our community deserves answers!
Question, do you think all sealed juvenile records should be unsealed?
The media was so proud of themselves for finding and leaking Josh Duggar’s sealed juvenile sex offence that they revealed the identity of his victims.
There are murderers, sex offenders, thieves and drug pushers out there that have kept their noses clean since they turned 18 and their records have remained sealed.
The cynics would say they just haven’t gotten caught again.
I guess my other question is what do you want juvenile offenders with sealed records to do?
Kill themselves? Exile themselves to remote islands? Starve to death?
I am willing to accept “Not work around children” seems like a reasonable request.
Is that enough?
Do you want someone on a lifetime sex offender registry for what they did when they were 15?
Curious as to what your thoughts on this are.