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LIBERTY TAX SERVICE Franchise Complaints asked: Are LIBERTY TAX SERVICE Franchise Owners Happy? If you’re familiarliberty_logo with the Liberty Tax franchise, please share a comment below.

Entrepreneur magazine has ranked the Liberty Tax Service franchise #3 behind  McDonald’s & Subway.  However, some commenters who claimed to be former Liberty Tax franchisees left stern warnings on the Franchise-chat forum.

This post was originally published 

BostonTax wrote:

I’m a former Liberty Tax Franchisee

I hope you are ready for a little enlightenment! I held a successful Liberty Tax Franchise for 5 years until I decided to let the franchise agreement lapse. I did this for a few reasons:
1. The royalty fees were outrageous! 14% went to normal royalty while and ADDITIONAL 5% went for so called advertising royalties. The ad royalties were supposed to be put back into your local market to build the brand name. This was never done! All advertising in addition to the ad royalty I had to pay for because it did not fit into Liberty’s concept of advertising. I don’t know exactly what the concept was because our AD could not give an answer and the approved methods changed by the week.
2. Corporate was totally unresponsive to the needs of the franchisees. The AD system is designed to recruit anyone who can write a check for 100K. No other skills or ability required.
3. The minute you are behind in a royalty payment, they send you a notice to cure. After that, if you don’tpay, they try to terminate your franchise agreement.
4. Upon termination, Liberty enforces through legal proceeding a 2 year, 25 mile radis non compete clause that is in the franchise agreement. This is enforceable in the Eastern Division of the Federal District court, where, at least 2 Liberty friendly judges preside.
5. Liberty does not recognize chargebacks for bad debts as an adjustment for your royalty fees. All royalties are based on your gross, not your net collectable. This was an ongoing issue with them and the accounting department did not have the ability or the inclination to resolve!
My best advice is do not go with these guys, they are bad news. If you like to have people collect royalties and provide no support, then this is the franchise for you! It is very expensive to get into, the initial fee is around $32K just to buy the territory plus those pesky royalties. You can’t make money on this concept.

Most of the surviving franchisees I’ve talked to in the last 2 years have experienced great difficulty not only in making a profit, but in the corporate support or lack thereof.Remember, 19% of your gross is getting kicked back to Liberty, which is excessive by any standards. Please do yourself a favor and call former franchisees ,those that are currently getting sued (they are very likely to talk, as I found out), and current ones to try to get the straight poop.

Barbara Green wrote:

I too was a Liberty Tax Franchisee and I agree with everything you said.

The only reason for purchasing any franchise is because the business model is a proven marketing success as evidenced by the profitable franchisees. That is why you pay a license fee of $25,000. Being profitable is not in the cards for a Liberty Tax franchisee. Liberty Tax’s market/ business model is aimed at individuals who have very simple tax returns, i.e one W-2 and standard deduction which is why they were very successful in Norfolk, Va. That market is full of military people with one w-2.

Liberty will sell anyone a franchise at any location, in any georgraphic area, even if there is not a chance in hell of the franchisee being successful.

At one time, I too owned a Liberty Tax Franchise for one tax season. It was only one season because of the behavior of the Regional Manager who called me on January 15th demanding and screaming “Why had I not generated 200 tax returns and that maybe this business was not for me. I was stunned and confused since employers are given until January 31st. to give w-2’s to employees. Apparently, he thought that I was in Norfolk, Va. where that is possible.

It only goes downhill from there. The bottom line is I lost all of my investment in this businees (approx. $80,000) because I closed it rather than becoming a victim of this unethical company. NOthing would make me happier than to be a part of a class action lawsuit.


5,730 thoughts on “LIBERTY TAX SERVICE Franchise Complaints

  • NCHillBilly

    IRS is reporting more returns filed — however the announcement shows that over 50% of the returns were filed from home computers, up from 14% from last year. Another example that shows that John’s Hewitt’s business model going after low income clients is failing.

    Filing Season 2014 Begins with More Returns Filed

    IR-2014-15, Feb. 14, 2014

    WASHINGTON — The IRS today announced that tax filings in 2014 have outpaced filings for the same time last year. As of Feb. 7, the IRS received 27.3 million returns, up 2.5 percent compared to the same time last year. Electronically filed returns account for almost 96 percent of those filed so far this year.

    Taxpayers, either through tax preparers or from their home computers, have e-filed more than 26 million returns so far this year, up almost 4 percent compared to the same time last year. As of Feb. 7, taxpayers have filed more than 13 million returns from home computers, an increase of 14.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

    Refunds are up for 2014, with almost 19.5 million issued this year, an increase of more than 18 percent compared to the same time last year. The average refund as of Feb. 7 is $3,317, up 4.6 percent compared to the same time last year. (Refund averages generally have higher dollar values early in the filing season than later in the year.)

    Most refunds are directly deposited into taxpayer accounts; just over 87 percent of all refunds issued were directly deposited as of Feb. 7. 2014.

  • texastee

    With the low income model gone, how can Liberty survive? I don’t think there is the capacity at Liberty to handle higher end and more difficult returns. These are left to the more reputable local tax services or CPA’s. Liberty is neither one of these. The business model no longer works, its time for Hewitt and his forty thieves to throw in the towel. Oh, did someone mention a possible IRS investigation? More reason for the crooks to pack up and get out of town.

  • Dr. great posting. That means the fastest growing ever only up 5 pct will be down 5 pct by the end of the season because the growth will decline over time.

  • Franchizee

    What did it mean they measure their office count per fiscal year? I am sure they are lower in office count by now.

  • SanFranDan

    “fanatical customer service”? Once a bullshit artist, always a bullshit artist. It’s hard for me to believe people cannot see through his amazingly deceptive approach. That’s how people sign on to begin with. Yeah, we’re doing terrific! That’s why franchisees and ex-franchisees alike hate your guts! That’s why people are losing the shirts off their backs by purchasing a franchise. That’s why “successful” franchisees will go on an internet forum to tell the general public how disgusting it is to be an actual franchisee with this company. They will certainly not hear it from the horse’s mouth. Or the horse’s ass as he most certainly is.

    Buyers beware! If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS!

  • Does anyone really believe their numbers. The IRS is reporting that returns by paid preparers are down by 5.6% and that overall returns are down by a little less then one 1% percent but somehow we’re to believe that at Liberty tax service after closing 2% of their stores are up 5.8% . I’m not a statistician but what is the probability that Liberty which accounts for 2% of the market could be out performing the rest of the industry by an 11.4% swing.

    Their report clearly states that this is furnished to the SEC but is not filed with the SEC and references the securities act of 1934. This caveat is to keep them from getting into trouble with SEC and to warn potential investors not to purchase stock based on this information. .

    As to the asterisk about how they count stores. This simply means if someone opened their doors for one hour of the tax season their counted in that total. So for any of those underperforming stores that Liberty decided to cut out of financing if they tried to survive until January their counted in that total.

  • unhappydumdums

    haha… Bill is so funny….. When Liberty releases good numbers they must be lies…. Just because you failed, does not mean the whole system is going to fail….. such a loser my man. Give it up! Yes, the average office is up 15% in net revenues this year. Why is that so hard for you to believe?

  • bill

    unhappydumdums: Now that Liberty is a public company we will be able to see what the audited results will be. So why don’t you and I make a little wager. My position will be Liberty revenue is down from last year and your position is they will be up 15%. Any number in between is a draw. If I’m right you will write a check to Unhappy Franchisees for $100.00 and if your right I will write a check for $100.00 to a charity of your chosen. I can have admin give you my e-mail address.

  • Out and Glad

    unhappydumdums: Just because revenue is up, does not make the company sustainable. I know of one of the top 15 entities that have increased fees by 35% over 2 years, but each year they are loosing clients(22%). There will be a point that the net revenue will stop increasing.
    I can say that they have lost all of the long term preparers, and office managers have quit on them this season. How can you keep great customer service with only 1st year preparers and no experienced preparers doing complicated returns. The group cannot even do an amended return.

  • Franchizee

    That increase in revenue will translate into a payment to John John and his goons. It will not stay in your bank account to balance the books. Big deal.


    The rise in Liberty’s numbers is in its online returns not in the brick and mortar stores which only increased by 5.5% in returns.

    The brick and mortar offices only increased by 51,000 returns with 4100 Liberty offices this only equates to only 12 new returns per office. Nor does this increase in returns equate to the 2012 delay of certain returns that could not be completed until after February 20th.

    This increase in returns would relate to an increase in revenue, but this will only be temporay. When Liberty release it results for the end of February do not be surprised to see a decrease in both returns and revenue.

    These numbers realy mean bad news to new owners. The expected returns and revenue that these new owners were led to believe are falling way short.

    Numbers dont lie.

  • Aaron J

    JACKSON HEWITT CONS FOR LIFE!!! Liberty tax assholes.They treated me like scum. The only thing that was important was to get fees upfront first!! I should ran to another tax preparer. she took info for deposit and said office will call me back in to two days to get forms. It wasnt done electroncially< i still got the physcal check !! when icalled the office , the owner Unproffesional Chris at Gladstone office hung up on me, was mean bitch, and rude.

  • original mike

    Aaron. sorry to hear about your extremely terrible service that you received at liberty tax. It is their policy to refund everyone who was not 100% SATISFIED. Call 800 790 3863 ask for john Hewitt he is in charge of customer service. He is very hard to get a hold of because of the time of year. So you have to be persistent and demand to speak with him. He will make sure you get 100 % of your money back. Good luck call vthem many many times until you talk with mr hewitt. He will get you your money back guaranteed if you weren’t satisfied. Keep us posted.

  • michelle

    I did a rapid refund on feb 6 my check came in on the 14th but no one called me so I called on the 15th and asked if my check came in they said let me check she came back to tell me ill call you back when she called back im check was printed but lost or stolen so now I’ have to wait 21 more day cause they messed up I’ve got them all my friends to file there so ill never do my taxes there again I think I should get my lawyer involved I payed 400.00 dollars

  • Michelle

    Liberty tax lost my check or someone stole and cashed it

  • texastee

    Liberty tax has no screening procedure for its franchisees other than their ability to come up with money to be stolen by Liberty. The 100% guarantee will be eventually paid by Hewitt, but the franchisee ultimately pays for it by having the refund tacked onto their monthly royalty bill. Nothing comes out of Hewitts pocket.

  • bill

    This site is for unhappy franchisees it’s not about customer satisfaction. While I have empathy for those who used their tax service this is not the forum for those complaints. I suggest you file a complaint with your state office of consumer affairs.


    Liberty tax system is doomed to fail. Franchisees are not making money, only John Hewitt is making big bucks by selling the failing stores to one franchisee after another.

  • SanFranDan

    ^^Exactly correct, Jasmin. Are you are current or past franchisee? The involvement with Liberty Tax Service has been nothing short of a horror story for thousands of franchisees. My advice to anyone that is seriously considering buying a territory should do some major due diligence and step back and re-consider. Many individuals that are posting here have lost thousands of $$, not to mention incredibly dysfunctional experiences dealing with corporate staff, AD’s, internal lawyers, “help desk” employees, etc.,etc.,etc. This company has absolutely NO interest in your individual success as a franchisee. They just want to know when they get paid. Period. And they have this fee intercept now, so you are left with nothing after paying rent, utilities, salaries, LTS………’s a huge scam and needs to be stopped. The DOJ and IRS are investigating and need to shut the company down and put that man in jail f-o-r-e-v-e-r. He is a disgrace.

  • bobbi bass

    recently we filed taxes at liberty tax. It was the most rinky-dink unprofessional office I’d ever seen. the so called tax professionals were dressed as if they were going to a night club cleavage was hanging out it was quite a sight. While we were attempting to answer their questions our tax preparer kept answering the phone and interrupting us even though there were 3 other people there and a person whos sole purpose was to answer the phone it was like being with high school kids fighting over the phone. Once we finally finished and received 1,000 less than it should’ve been our complaint of the return was met with changing people and starting all over again. Did I mention the fact that the children of the people that worked there were also there playing with kazzoos blowing them in our ears literally. then the professional tax person who had to receive some kind of schooling suggested to us that we claim deductions that we didn’t have receipts for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when the taxes were finally done, I’m still not sure correctly the woman got up walked over to the main desk and blew the loudest whistle ive ever heard and stated I finished another one. in conclusion to all this we were in the process of moving from fl. to sd. and we notified of that and were told by one person no problem we will mail it. while on the road leaving fl we get the txt saying our return is in there office. we immedietly called them and told them the whole moving story again they again said no problem. we gave them the address and repeated the address 3 times and having them repeat the address back to us 3 times reassuring us that this was going to be taken care of in a professional manner. as we finally arrived at our destination in sd we have been waiting on this tax return foe 5 days with no follow up call from liberty tax or notification that the check wasn’t sent. Nor told that the branch manager wasn’t allowed to even send out the check to a personal address only onther liberty tax there for putting us in a more serious financial bind than we ever have been. thanks liberty tax I hope u all go bankrupt like you forced us to

  • I usually do my own tax return but this year I needed money right away. the office at 2960 south federal in denver colo. were reluctant to tell me how much they would charge. They would not even give me a ball park figure. When they had completed my return, I was surprised the charge was over $300.00. I was disappointed but agreed to let them process my return.My federal check came about 2 weeks later. That was 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t recived my state return. Not much faster then if I had done it myself. If I had known it would be like this and not a quick and reliable cash return like they promised I would have never used liberty tax service. I wiil never use them again and discourage anyone to do so either. The $50.00 cash you receive for using them was a sucker ploy and I fell for it. Shame on me!!

  • texastee

    Joseph: Sorry you got duped by them, but you are not alone as you can see from these postings. You are correct that if you did it yourself, you would have received your refund at the same time, without spending $300. Some states are slow, but most are fast in the refunds. Often, I have found, that the state software that Liberty uses is inadequate and has to get transmitted several times. A lot of times, Liberty never transmits these returns, so you have to get on them. If you are unsatisfied, DEMAND your money back from the preparer or from Liberty Tax Corporate. By the way, the $50 cash in a flash was added to your fee. This is a trick that Liberty has employed for many years. The best thing to do is to tell your friends what a bunch of bums they are so they won’ t go to them.

  • Joseph: You should be angry at the service that you received. Contact your state office of consumer protection and file a consumer complaint. The link is and you complete the form online. Also Post on Twitter and Facebook.

    Texastee, balancetrend, Sanfrandan and others. In the most recent JTH filing they stated that there are 5.5% less franchisees this year then last. The company is also saying they have 2% less locations than they did last year. The company has issues with cash flow and is no longer funding underperforming franchisees. All of this transparence is because JH had to go public during the great recession. Thank you JH!

    Buyer Beware!!!

  • texastee

    The filing that JTH has to make requires disclosure, which is a foreign concept to Hewitt and his thieves. Interesting that all the so called growth factors that Hewitt uses as measurements of performance are all down. Does this still make them “the fastest growing ever”? I don’t think so. Perhaps the public is finally able catch up with him and know what a charleton he really is.

    Bill: Keep up the good work and thanks for the kudos! The more people that realize what a bunch of crooks they are, the sooner they will be out of business. Keep on their tails!

  • SanFranDan



    Bill: Your numbers and research are invaluable! People like Trisha and Greg should come back with more up-to-date facts too. The truth of the matter is that there is absolutely NO surprise knowing the numbers are down. What is surprising is how long he was able to get away with it.

    It makes me thrilled that maybe our posts have some influence on the general public looking to own this franchise. Stay away, it is bad news all around.

  • Every wonder why franchisee’s are pushed so hard to do free returns? Keeping busy and good will are the official reasons given in franchisee training.

    However, JTH counts all tax return prepared in their financials, SEC reports and in press releases to keep the return counts up. By including free returns, JTH is able to pull down the average fee that Liberty reports ($600 fee + $0 fee = average fee of $300). This is important to JTH because the industry is being watched by reason of high fee complaints by consumers.

  • Out and Glad

    One thing to think about on the free returns is that some of the franchisees will flip walk-outs to free paper. They do this so that they hit the free return numbers. The returns are only reported to Liberty. It never gets to the IRS, and the ex-client never knows about it.
    I know of one zee that did this to all of the returns and was praised at their AD meeting.

  • Franchizee

    Out and glad – Dang, I wish I would of thought of that little deal!! Then my numbers would of been a lot better. Good for the Zee keeping up the illusion.

  • Ex-Zee: How much pressure do you think Liberty put on current franchisee’s to open in Wal-Mart? In looking at the latest press release it shows franchised kiosk are up by 54% from 479 to 311, company owned Kiosk went from 157 to 58.

    Does anyone have any information on what the cost is to the franchisee to open in a Wal-Mart? Does Wal-Mart put stipulations on what you can charge? If being in Wal-Mart was profitable HR Block would still be there.

  • Franchizee

    @Bill – What I understood, if there was a Walmart in your territory and you as a Zee did not man it, then it would or could be taken away from you and given to another Zee. So I would say if you wanted the counts in your Entity, then you would have to pay to man it.

    Costs I am not aware of the exact amount, but you have to purchase a kiosk and a computer, printer etc. Not sure of the amount to Walmart, but I am sure it sucks.

  • dr zhivago

    @Bill: According to the FDD, the “Wal-Mart License Fee” is $3,900 per tax season for a Super Center, $2,900 for a Discount Store, and $1,900 for a Neighborhood Market or Express Store.

    There were more and likely better Wal-Mart locations to select from this year.

  • Out and Glad

    With Wal-Mart, you have to man it for the whole season. You might get 15-20 returns after 1st peak. That means wasted labor costs. Kiosk costs run from $500 for a small desk type and up. Laptop and printer around $1,000.

  • SanFranDan

    ^^How much does Liberty charge these days for a Wal Mart kiosk? Same as a regular territory? Omg, this company is such a rip-off! If I only knew then what I know now……………..don’t sign up people!!! You will live to regret it for sure.

  • SanFranDan

    PS: We already KNOW the LTS computer software is bugged. I’m sure the emails, phone calls and zeenet was bugged too. Buyer Beware! Seriously, folks. Go elsewhere, please!

  • NCHillBilly

    It will cost a Zee an average $38,000.00 to operate a Wal-Mart kiosks, this does not include the cost of the franchise, which is currently $45,000.00. If the Wal-Mart is already located in the Zee’s territory then you can subtract the minimum royalty fee of $11000.00, instead the Zee will pay 14% royalties and 5% marketing fee. These expenses are before the Zee produces a single return.

    Hardware around $6700.00
    Labor: $13,000.00
    Wal-Mart Lease: $3900.00
    Minimum Royalty $11,000
    Supplies, internet, cell phone/land line fees $3300.00

    All these Wal-Mart locations did was to increase the number of Liberty of locations during a time when Liberty was unable to sell franchises. Very few Zees will see a return on their investment. Yet Liberty Corporate will use these kiosks to show an increase in offices and returns.

  • SanFranDan

    ^^Yeah, just like they do with free returns. What a bunch of sleezebags.

  • Seeing it all now

    WOW! I am currently a regional coordinator for a ZEE with 6 location and 2 kiosks. I’ve been in the business world and ran business’s for over 15 years and nothing I have ever seen in other franchises even comes close to this. Liberty hold all the cards and pulls all the strings. They are taking an owner (second season with Liberty) with over 18+ years in the Tax business and ruining him. He was duped, much like some of you were. They are lying to everyone, manipulating numbers, not paying what they should, when they should and ignoring the Zee’s needs.
    I understand how franchises work, I have been involved with several successful ones over they years. The actions of this corp are almost criminal.
    I was offered one of the locations to take it over as my own. I am so glad I do homework before I make decisions. NO WAY would I ever buy into something like this scheme.
    Best of luck to all of you.

  • Franchizee

    I swear, John John just slips by every year on having the kiosk’s to make it look like they are not as many store fronts as there really is in reality. One of these days it is going to come to an end.

    Is anyone still listening to the phone calls couple times a week. Is John John still super positive or is he peddling his free returns?

    Not having to listen to Ms “Awesome” every week has made this tax season a pure joy. Or listening to some crappy music montage where you are suppose to figure out the song…..Awwwww all the time I have saved! Not counting the money still in my bank account, not being siphoned off today to do a GRRRRRRRR.

    I should be paying $2,500 or $3,000 today to John if I had to do a GRRRRRR.

  • SanFranDan

    Aren’t you glad you’re OUT of there??!?!?

    Seeing it all now:
    Thank you so much for coming on here and posting! You wrote, “The actions of this corp. are almost criminal”. NOT almost!!! They ARE criminal!!! Trust me on this one. I cannot begin to tell you about the thousands upon thousands of $$ I have lost and so many others have lost by being associated with this so-called company. What you have pointed out is so true and I can’t wait for it to really all come pouring out when the company hits rock bottom. Unfortunately they will be taking innocent people and their money with them.

  • Franchizee

    Thanks for the update “Seeing it all now”. It is nice to hear from others regarding their incites into this fraud of a Ponzi scheme. Only Hewitt gets the money. I have saved some of the You Tube videos of Hewitt talking about how this is your business and you when you are ready you can sell for big bucks. Ya, when you try and sell, Hewitt swoops down and states your business ain’t worth swat and that even when you try and add just the cost for equipment, furniture etc, he will come in and squash any of that, and make the final determination of what your territory is worth. Usually, just for a territory fee and 10 percent goes back to him…..How convenient. So much for that “annuity” he spouts off about every tax season.

  • original mike

    Hewitt is a pile of shiat….can’t wait until they anounce brick and mortar offices have a decrease in retuns…should be after this season. .then good luck selling any territories. Haha.

  • The time of the tax prep storefront has ended. Unfortunately, Hewitt continues to rip off anyone and everyone he can find. When I went to sell my territory, Liberty came down on me and disapproved of the buyers. Give me a break! Hewitt would not let me list it on the zeenet and told my business broker that he would not allow a new franchisee to take over. The reason was that he did not want to share any commission with the broker. As a result, the broker delisted the territory and told me it was basically worthless due to the corporate attitude. At that point, I abandoned the territory since it was not at all a good asset nor was it liquid. They then sold my territory for a six figure sum to someone who was not quite as sophisticated as some would believe. Of course, Hewitt financed him. As far as I know he is still paying exorbitant financing charges and royalties! There is no way to get out from under these clowns unless you walk away and move to a different planet.

    Obviously, this company, having sold its stock publicly, is about to go belly up and leave the duped investors holding the bag. They are crooks and have managed to evade punishment because they know who’s pockets to line. The money for this comes from the franchisees. Don’t get involved with this group of clowns.

  • Franchizee

    @Texas Tee – I was told I could put my store up for sale for any price and it LTS approved I could sell it. However, I could not get a firm number from them and they would drag it on and on. Finally, just chucked it.

    I am glad I did not go any further down that path.

    Bottom line for anyone looking at LTS:

    1. It is not your business, it is LTS.
    2. You do all the work, take all the risk and pay all the bills to promote LTS.
    3. There is no such thing as an annuity with LTS, it is a “fairy tale”. Hewitt would rather resell a territory than have you sell one.
    4. Once you leave the “fold” you are a traitor and never existed as a human being with them.
    5. LTS is a cult and it’s leader is like good ole Jim Jones from the late 1970s. Only the people that “fawn” over him are the “special ones”.

    Don’t sign up and waste your time, talent and especially treasure to promote Hewitt.

  • texastee

    The cult of Hewitt and Liberty is criminal! They don’t approve any buyers, even their own Zee’s. You are right, franchisee, that they would rather sell your territory as developed to an otherwise unsophisticated buyer.

    It is silly to promote Hewitt and his thieves while paying them a royalty for the privilege. If that isn’t slave labor, I don’t know what is.

    best advice: Don’t get involved with these crooks!

  • JTH will issue their third qtr results on 3/13/14 and of course they will claim how well Liberty is doing compared to HR Block who lost 6% of return volume compared to last year. How despite the IRS report that their seeing a 1.5 percent decline in tax returns completed by a paid preparer compared to the past year and the fact that liberty lost over 5% of their franchisees this tax season and have 2.2% less locations, their still the fastest growing tax preparation business.

    As taxestee stated the store front tax business is over and so is the business model that Liberty offers. So Liberty may still claim its the fastest growing tax prep. business but for one trick ponies’ like Liberty and Jackson Hewitt it’s a race to the bottom.

    Buyer beware!!!!

  • Out and Glad

    JTH will have a 3qtr conference call (listen only) at 8:30 am on the 13th. You need to log on 10 min prior to listen to the dog and pony show. They are claiming a 5.8% increase in store front filings, I guess the free returns helped somewhere. Additionally an increase of 1.4% on web filings. The Liberty website will give you the phone number and access code.

    I cannot wait for someone to delve into the numbers and see how they were inflated.

  • original mike

    Dr….!!!!!! OMGosh you made my day. Liberty charges mucho dinero$$$$$

  • Troy Robertson

    So funny, I cant believe I got Hewitt to react to a truck I parked next to his office in Norfolk. He got so mad. I put a big box truck with a $38 tax prep sign next to his over priced rip off corp tax office. He responded by rented 2 u haul trucks to block my sign, but that was not enough, he then rented a tractor trailer to block my truck. WOW Where did he steal the funds? Maybe from the local marketing money from the local Zs? Is he using the investors to fight a small battles? John Hewitt it a joke

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