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MATCO TOOLS Franchise Defenders Speak Out

Matco Tools franchise – distributor program is under fire.  Failed & failing Matco Tools mobile distributors claim that they are victims of a callous and unethical investment scheme that sets them up for failure.  Yet Matco Tools also has its defenders.  The comment section below is for Matco Tools and its supporters to share their opposing views, and show their support for the Matco Tools franchise opportunity.

Our post MATCO TOOLS Franchise Complaints sparked more than 1000 spirited, often angry, comments in less than a month, an record.

Central among the criticisms of the Matco Tool franchise is a high failure rate and allegations that Matco intentionally “churns” up to half of its distributor population in order to replace them with the fresh investments of new distributors (See MATCO TOOLS Franchise Report Alleges Distributor Churning).

Complaints also include a frighteningly high SBA default rate for Matco Tools franchise loans (see Failure Rates of the 10 Most Popular Franchises) and allegations that Matco colluded with TD Bank to fraudulently get distributor loans they knew were doomed to fail (see FRANCHISE LAWSUIT Alleges Matco Tools Scam, TD Bank Fraud ).

Matco Tools Defenders Vehemently Deny Allegations

Both on and a Matco franchisee Facebook page, Matco defenders have shared a different view than the angry detractors.

Veteran Matco distributor Kevin writes:  “Matco is not a perfect company. None are. You must use your own common sense in any business dealing. I have been a distributor for 22 years, and have experienced none of the above problems. I am self employed, and I buy what I want from Matco, nothing more. They do not run my business, nor force me to buy anything.”

Another distributor Scott writes:  “Matco is not the evil empire that so many are making it out to be, but they are definitely out of touch with what we go through… the complaints you and others are voicing are nothing new. If you do a little research you will find the exact same thing happening in Mac and Snap On throughout the years and it’s almost word for word. This business is damn tough…”

None of the supporters thus far have provided unqualified praise for Matco Tools, but many say Matco is the best choice in a tough business segment.

Jay writes:  “I have been with another tool company before that would make all these complaints seem very trivial and chose to switch to Matco over 11 plus years ago all as a distributor. I am not saying they are perfect but they are the best choice out of the 4 major tool companies…”

Some object to the characterization of “terminated distributors” (a term used in Matco’s Franchise Disclosure Document) as being synonymous with “failed distributors.” Some point out that Matco Tools franchisees leave the system for a variety of reasons

Jason writes: “What I saw as a district manager was guys would become matco distributors because they thought it was easy, and matco would set up a route for them and they thought it was instant success. It wasn’t I saw high performing distributors succeed and fail. I had distributors get divorced and fail, I had 2 distrbutors in 1 year die, I had distributors become district managers, all of these are examples of terminated distributors, so the 36% fail rate is inaccurate.”


Also, feel free to read & comment on these related posts:

MATCO TOOLS Franchise Complaints  June 8, 2011

MATCO TOOLS Franchise Report Alleges Distributor Churning  November 29, 2011

MATCO TOOLS 2011 Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) & Other Resources  November 22, 2011

MATCO TOOLS Class Action Lawsuit, “Secret” Sales Projections  November 22, 2011

FRANCHISE LAWSUIT Alleges Matco Tools Scam, TD Bank Fraud  November 15, 2011

Failure Rates of the 10 Most Popular Franchises  April 26, 2010

To contact the author and site admin, email UnhappyFranchisee[at]


179 thoughts on “MATCO TOOLS Franchise Defenders Speak Out

  • Tommy Cheung

    I got the facts, I just dont need to share with someone like you, go sell your foreign made tools, that matco puts their name on it.

  • Cary Devitt

    tommy, I didn’t know that service was made in a foreign country, maybe that was your problem, maybe thats why you failed as a distributor. who cares where the tools are made as long as there is service to back them. My customers dont have a problem with it and my service is made in the USA!

  • Cary Devitt wrote “who cares where the tools are made”?

    Seriously? Who cares where the tools are made?

    Guess who wrote this:

    “Matco Tools, its 800 U.S. employees and 1,250 U.S. Distributors, makes and distributes tools for the professional mechanic. Our customers have a very strong preference for “Made in the USA” products. Therefore, Matco Tools strongly opposes the commission’s proposal to weaken the standard for ·Made in USA· claims… Weakening the standard will … deny Matco Tools the marketing advantage attributable to Made in USA products.”


    THOMAS N. WILLIS, PRESIDENT, MATCO TOOLS in a letter to the FTC: August 6, 1997

  • MATCO#1

    A lot has changed since 1997, I agree with Tom then, Cary now seems price and service are more of an issue now 14 years later

  • Cary Devitt


    Good quote, mind you its 4 years old not really relevent to my comment. What control do I have where my inventory is made, the one thing that I do control is the level of service after the sale. Of course I would like to have a stronger mix of made in USA product but in this game you play the cards your dealt.

    Thank you

  • Cary Devitt

    sorry 14 years


    Cary how are those china boots working for you ? Went back to Red Back I bet even though they aren’t loyal to Matco oh wait they were loyal to Matco for years but not anymore just why is that???????? Made in china means nothing to me as long as the price reflects it. Look at the 1/4 swivel sockets apx $37 ea at one time said USA not anymore, same with pliers wrenches ect ect ect. The cost for Matco went down and the profit went up buy buying overseas but not only did the cost for distributors go up it keeps going up ie the new 3.2$% price increase. I caution you before you slam me my PA is great my PROFIT is even better but WTF ( WITH OUT GREAT DISTRIBUTORS MATCO WOULD BE NOTHING MORE THAN AN OFFICE IN STOW). The problem with most of these people is they never should have been recruited by Matco or the local popsicle company they are helpless, But that does not excuse Matco of ripping us off every chance they get I am getting freaking tired of it. You know exactly what I am talking about. You really need to goto the ISN EXPO no need to buy just go. That said I’ll bet you the cost of the trip you will buy the deals are just that good!!!! See you in Vegas

  • Cary Devitt


    Fine with redbacks, fine with ISN, appreciate the leveling competition that brought them back to a realistic net. So you know, Tom @ redback has been persuing other retail outlets for the past 10 years: Cabelas, Genesco (largest retail footwear company in the US…..I worked for them for 11 years) events at or around expo put some fire in his britches thus ISN….good for him! great product everyone should try a pair on….its a two way street do you think that was all he wanted….matco’s market get real every business wants to grow. Didn’t care for the Shield boots but thanks for the assumption.

    Got the email on the 3.2% also read everthing that was stated after that….materials….shipping….fuel…..etc. yes its the same every year, not going to say anything else.

    Have no desire to slam you on your PA and im sure your profits are wonderful and 100% believe you about great distributors, happy to say myself my brother and some really good friends are a part of that club.

    Not going to comment on the “helpless” you can relate this to what we do on the truck everyday and im not saying thats bad or unethical.

    Would have attened ISN’s expo this year but grumpy pregnant wife had a problem with 2 unsupervised excursions to florida. My ISN guy said travel expenses are covered for next year as well as Matco for Vegas. So see you at one of the two ill buy you a beer….not sure who you are though. email address is at


  • MATCO#1

    Tlman, you are correct Pre sell one box, pays for expo, not only that if you are in top 200 you get a couple nights free.


    ISN EXPO Flight paid for and 2 free nights. The top 200 in matco is great just not for me and not in area just won’t work. I’m okay with the top 600 and a nice Margin.

  • Former Distr


    “your ISN guy said travel expenses are covered…

    Your cheating… You should be terminated for violating the contract. It would only be fair to the others that have been terminated for the same reason.



  • Former Distr

    How are you Matco distributors offering warranty from Grey Pneumatic?
    I purchased a lot of Grey via Matco, now you have to cheat the system, or VIOLATE the CONTRACT to honor your customers and the warranty they bought from you.

    Sorry about the knife in the back… That was Tom Willis and company :-)


    Former Dist had you bought your grey somewhere else —- never mind some people just can’t be helped.

  • Former Distr

    I bought 100% Matco, A lot of special orders, but via Matco.


    The reason Matco droped grey is distributors would buy it on the outside and use Matco for their warranty. I don’t blame them for that makes sense. Sometimes you do need to purchase products on the outside and if you are good with your money it is not a problem but some people are not cut out to be business owners and get in over there head. Why you feel the need to blame everyone and your neighbors goat is beyond me.

  • Former Distr

    The Neighbors Goat is eating MY GRASS!


    Former ,
    You bought 100% and drank 100% of the koolaide how did that work out for you ?? No one no matter what they say buys 100% from Matco. Do you really think Matco can give deals on everything. So what you a saying is I was 100% loyal to the end and it killed me how stupid was that friend. Like I have said before some people can’t be helped.

  • Former Distr

    you sell a screw driver set to customer…$100. set the terms, 20 down 20 a week. Everybody agrees.

    three weeks in customer notifies you that his wife had some unexpected health issues. He can’t make the payment this week and won’t be able to ‘double-up’ next week, but will continue the payments a week later.

    What do you do? Repo the driver set? Slap a late fee on him? Sympathy with the guy and move on? Or sue him for failing his portion of the contract?


    Matco finds out your only 70% of NPA, and there is no way you can get it above 80% this year. What should they do? Terminate you? or maybe realize the economy is bad in various areas, or maybe the list of calls was less than honest and give you another year to work it out, by honestly looking at the list, and the economic statistics for the location your in?

    Maybe even listen to your concerns and attempt to address them.

    No, it is more profitable and less manpower is required to just terminate you and start over with a new body.

  • Former Distr

    Good people die young


    You said the goat was eating your lawn no wait you said grass now I understand the problem. Matco does not support the drugs

  • Former Distr

    in my contract, I did not have to do drug testing. Matco tried, but i do not have to honor contracts I didn’t sign.

  • Former Distr

    It was a mexican goat.

  • Former Distr

    Thank god it wasn’t a Bolivian Goat.

  • Lenny

    I reviewed the UFOC on line, and it did not mention goats.What are you guys talking about. Just concerned, I have alpacas.

  • MATCO#1

    We don’t have a ufoc anymore Lenny

  • Lenny

    Thanks, last business I reviewed had a UFOC, its been about 15 years. Meant FDD.

    Seems interesting that the UFOC/FDD was always difficult to get your hands on, but now you find the Matco one on-line.

  • MATCO#1

    Overcoming challenges is a primary source of happiness.


    What challenges getting out of bed not coming home at 3:00 and complaining that your broke. This business is pretty easy for the most part not for everyone as we can clearly see on this site.

  • Guest

    I’m leaving this comment here because I feel sorry for this comment thread.

    Now there are 80 comments.

    It’s been at 79 comments for 4 days. Meanwhile the complaint page has racked up a few hundred in the same time and will hit 2000 comments soon.

    Why is no one defending Matco here? Doesn’t anyone have anything nice to say about the company? Are they too busy complaining about the quality of the distributors?

    Well, I for one think Matco has a really cool race car. I’m glad they support racing. That’s good. I have a crush on the girl in the calendar. And I like the logo.

    Woo Hoo! 80 comments!

  • MATCO#1

    Guest, it’s a pain in the butt going back and forth between sites, just easier to stay in one….so here you go MaTcO Tools is the # 1 franchise!

  • Guest

    Here’s another positive: Entrepreneur has named Matco Tools the top ranked tool distribution franchise in its 2012 Franchise 500!
    That’s right! #1!
    Out of a field of 2, Matco is #1!

    It’s easy to see why Matco blew Snap-On away:

    Most years in business: Snap-on
    Most locations: Snap-on (4747 vs. 1434)
    Most unit growth: Snap-on
    Advertised in the Entrepreneur 500 issue: Matco

  • MATCO#1

    Guest, wrong again, 3 franchises, Cornwell doesn’t make the top 3, and how about this. Cornwell the oldest with the fewest dbr’s.

    Second just think if Matco went to a 200 headcount like snap on Tommy would really be pissed

  • MATCO#1

    Don’t be fooled by unit growth, snap on is filling vacant routes with employees because they don’t have enough people wanting to pay their franchise fees, computer fees, advertising fees, truck maintenance fees….etc the list goes on!

  • Guest

    MATCO#1 said “Guest, wrong again, 3 franchises…”

    But MATCO#1 is wrong again. Entrepreneur only has Matco and Snap-on in their rankings. That would equal two.

  • MATCO#1

    Yes guest….Cornwell doesn’t make the top 500, but they are a tool franchise so you still have to count them, no matter how you spin it MATCO is #1Mac is not a franchise so they don’t count.

  • MATCO#1

    Guest…I not wrong. I know there are 3 tool franchises. Matco is #1, snap on is #2, and Cornwell is #3. Mac is not a franchise and Cornwell doesn’t make the top 500 franchises, boy thank god your son didn’t go with them.

    Guest did you also know that ALL Matco tool boxes are made in the USA, unlike snap on, there kra series boxes are made in Canada.

    Did you also know Matco had the best built took boxes?

    Do you know you can customize your box at no additionL charge, if you get a custom color from snap on it’s 10% more.

    Guest do you see a pattern with Snap on they nickel and dime their dbr’s to death.

  • MATCO#1

    No franchise fee for matco

  • MATCO#1

    No advertising fee for matco

  • MATCO#1

    No royalty fees for matco

  • MATCO#1

    No computer fee

  • MATCO#1

    No fees for promo fliers

  • MATCO#1

    325 headcount for Matco vs. Snap on 200 headcount

  • MATCO#1

    If you are self motivated, a self starter, and desciplined Matco is right for you.

    If you are looking for a 40 hour a week job, look for another career

    If you can’t drag your self out of bed, look for another career.

    If you require someone to hold your hand or run your business, work in an office.

  • Matco2

    I’m glad Snap On is in almost all my shops…….. They just keep driving customers to me…….. All they have to do is be the cocky jerks that they hire and I clean up. They send me more business that they take. GO Snap On.

  • MATCO#1

    Being a Matco tools distributor is awesome but it’s a lot of work to be successful

    Some people don’t have the strength needed to be successful.

    Some people only want to work 4 days a week.

    Some people don’t go to expo to take advantage of extra margin or promo’s on tools

    Some people don’t attend sales meetings and talk to their fellow distributors on how to be successful.

    Some people who fail in this business blame others for their failures, because that’s easy.

    Some people expect their franchisor to run their business for them.

    It’s up to you to be successful. A franchisor provides the foundation, you have to build the rest…it’s up to YOU!

  • Matco2

    I do look at the other site but my the same thing over and over. All I can say is….. in business each deal is like making sausage it always comes out a little differant each time.

  • MATCO#1

    Exactly matco2. They are more pushy now than ever. I hear it every day how pushy my snap on guys are. It would have cost one a toolbox sale today, but I couldn’t get the guy approved.

  • MATCO#1

    Guest makes it look like all those posts are complaints 1/2 of them are Tommy saying go Jerry or him lying about being in the top 200, which he NEVER was.

  • Matco2

    Had a Snap on guy tell a customer that a clasic 78 is bigger than a 5s I was getting pushed him into it. He saw the 5s and was so mad at him he baught very little from him sence. He got the box I FILLED it. Now he”s thinking 6s. I could go on for more post than the othe side just about snap on. Hey theres a idea we should all post how we are taking market share from Snap on……. It could help those that are not doing as well but the down side is we could help Snap On. You know they are reading.

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