Minnesota Unkind: North Shore Area Partners & the Cruelty of Silent Age Discrimination
Minnesota Unkind: North Shore Area Partners & the Cruelty of Silent Age Discrimination by Sean Kelly
Garrison Keillor helped establish the myth of “Minnesota Kind” with his Prairie Home Companion feature “The News from Lake Woebegone.”The Coen Brothers contrasted the polite, almost-Canadian, demeanor of Minnesotans with a hidden darker side, elevating their darkly comic Fargo franchise to masterpiece status.
Two years ago, peaceful, idyllic setting Two Harbors, MN was the perfect setting for the real-life drama that unfolded when a journalist, a group of local residents and a posse of sexual assault survivors (The Marks Drive Sisterhood) ousted corrupt & abusive Mayor Chris Swanson (and made my The Wreck of the Hotel Chris Swanson a runaway hit among dozens of listeners in the Greater Duluth market.)
Recently, I stumbled upon a hilarious review of a tourist motel run by a Minnesota man who made no effort to hide his hatred and contempt for its tourist guests. While Seinfeld’s “Soup Nazi” epitomized an attitude expected in New York City, the Motel Nazi review is hilariously set in Silver Bay, MN… in the heart – and potential Capitol – of Minnesota Nice.
North Shore Area Partners: Once the Epitome of Minnesota Nice

Read: Mother Confronts Mayor Over Alleged Sexual Assault of 5-Year-Old
With that controversy behind them, the Christenson family had time to concentrate on the healing process with their two daughters and the other childhood survivors of Marks Drive. Both Nancy and Greg gained peace, purpose and fulfillment by dedicating much of their free time helping to further the mission of the non-profit organization they had helped to build: North Shore Area Partners of Silver Bay, MN.
North Shore Area Partners (NSAP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Silver Bay, MN that “supports the independence of those 60+ living in their own homes in the heart of the North Shore, including the communities of Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Finland, Isabella, and Little Marais.”
I recall hearing about how Nancy had helped NSAP acquire the facility that houses the NSAP offices and community center – a long-vacant building donated by Wells Fargo – and how Greg had acted as General Project Manager overseeing its renovation.
When they finally insisted on paying Greg for some of the countless hours he devoted to NSAP, Greg Christenson used his first paycheck to buy a slate pool table for the recreation center. His name is on a plaque in the community center thanking him.
Nancy had spent 40 years in local banking, a career that not only resulted in expertise in financial and tax matters, but one that had built decades of trust with nearly everyone in the local community.
As one of only four employees at the time, Nancy was part of the small group that had arranged and spearheaded fundraising drives, such as the Bay Days Silent Auction. She went door-to-door soliciting donations from local businesses, helping to raise a record $20,000. She had conducted popular anti-fraud seminars for seniors, sometimes teaming up with a local credit union.

While she was paid a part-time salary ($15,000) for 15 hours per week, Nancy Christenson would spend countless hours, paid or unpaid, doing tax returns for free for Senior Citizens, putting on seminars, helping Seniors apply for and navigate the complexities of Medicare, Medicaid, insurance and social security.
“They’re Coming for you Next, Dear.” – Greg Christenson
There were a number of warning signs that, looking back, Nancy ignored or dismissed.
There were two instances where the oldest co-workers had allegedly been harassed or bullied into resigning or were let go.
Greg recalls having warned Nancy a little over a year ago:
“They’re targeting anyone with grey hair,” Greg told her. “You’re next, dear.”
Nancy had shrugged it off: “Oh, no, I’ll be fine.”
After all, NSAP is an organization dedicated to empowering older Americans, protecting their dignity and independence, right?
Minnesota Cruel is Beyond Unkind
Marginalization of the sort Nancy Christenson suffered at the hands of North Shore Area Partners is worse than unkind.
It’s worse than cruel.
The curt and abrupt attacks of The Soup Nazi (“No Soup for You!”) or the Silver Bay Motel Nazi (“No Room for You!”) are downright compassionate compared to the passive-aggressive tactics allegedly deployed by Executive Assistant Keri Johansen & Executive Director Kelly Looby.
The Minnesota Cruel approach doesn’t simply terminate and dispatch Senior employees.
It marginalizes them.
Alienates them.
Makes them feel unnecessary.
It uses indirect tactics, like changing the locks and telling Greg, (who has been integrally involved in the building and grounds maintenance, repair, etc.) that they decided he didn’t need key.
In other words, if he needed access he could request it from one of the younger, more important keyholders.
It involves excluding Nancy from office staff meetings and letting her find out about it indirectly.
Suddenly, there were events or activities where everyone in the organization had been invited… except Nancy.
There were events or activities where anyone else from NSAP attending would get paid… except Nancy.
She would hear about activities that she would have gladly volunteered for only to learn that she had been left out.
- “Oh, you’re only part time,” or
- “Oh we already have plenty of people,” or
- “It’s OK… you can stay home.”
Minnesota Cruel at NSAP involves those in power pretending to tolerate… but instantly dismissing… ideas proposed by the person being targeted… ideas based on experience, past performance and history… ideas immediately dismissed as if tainted by having been proposed by a person of no value.
Minnesota Cruel by the Experts at NSAP: Death of a Thousand Slights
The suffocating thing about Minnesota Cruel at NSAP is that each one of the thousand slights sound trivial when considered individually. Sharing one’s feelings about any individual slight is usually minimized or dismissed (unless you’re married to Greg).
However, taken together, over time, the thousand trivial slights serve to alienate, denigrate and communicate that the person has nothing of value to contribute… that they are nothing of value…
Nancy Christenson had poured her heart, soul and time into her “part-time” position at North Shore Area Partners for 5 years when NSAP Executive Director Kelly Looby abruptly informed Nancy that she could not find a “bucket” from which to pay her exorbitant $15,000 per year salary.
Nothing personal, said Looby. Just no available bucket.
According to ProPublica, North Shore Area Partners has assets total assets of $877,000 and generated $687,000 in 2022 revenue.
The NSAP website states “At the end of July 2023, we opened an endowment fund through Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing…Since only a portion of the fund is used each year, what you give grows…”
Kelly Looby reportedly makes $65,000 per year.
Being told her years of dedication and willingness to contribute, in an office staff meeting no less, aren’t worth $15,000 per year was just one of many messages telling Nancy she had nothing more of value to contribute.
Sad Ironies Abound at North Shore Area Partners (NSAP)
I just turned 65 this past March, so I’m brand new at being “old”.
It’s a new landscape for me to navigate… perhaps that’s why this story resonates as do its many ironies.
For instance, in trying to navigate the maddening process of Medicare and Social Security applications, I’ve found those firsthand experience (like Nancy Christenson) to be a cherished resource.
It’s likely that neither Kelly Looby, Keri Johansen nor the younger staff members could relate to Seniors as one of the experienced peers could.

It is also ironic that an organization that professes serve the needs of others has no human resources professional – either on staff nor subcontracted – and does not perceive the need.
They do not perceive the need for exit interviews… nor the need to listen to exiting employees.
They apparently do not perceive the need to establish policies and training to help them avoid age discrimination or safeguards to prevent age discrimination lawsuits that could threaten their reputation or ability to obtain funding.
For example, the Bush Prize: Minnesota awards up to $500,000 to organizations like North Shore Area Partners. But could NSAP truly claim to meet this eligibility criteria based on its treatment of older staff members like Nancy Christenson?
Does the organization have a pattern of using inclusive, collaborative and resourceful processes?
· Inclusive: meaningfully engaging key stakeholders, thoughtfully identifying those needed to create the intended change and, whenever possible, including those directly affected by the problem.
· Collaborative: a true joint effort, with partners willing to share ownership and decision-making as they pursue an innovation together.
· Resourceful: using existing resources and assets creatively to make the most of what a community already has.
And the ultimate irony is that NSAP, an organization that appears to be eager to apply for and receive grants based on their care and compassion for Seniors, may, themselves, be the ones marginalizing and adding to the anguish of the Seniors who built their organization.
“You Have Nothing We Want. You Have No Value. Just Go Away.”
On her last day, Nancy Christenson asked what Executive Director Kelly Looby would like her to work on.
“Nothing,” she said. “You can just go home.”
This is the message from a supposedly “dedicated & compassionate” professional who helps 60+ adults “navigate aging well,” who claims to help foster the “dignity and worth of all people,” and who empowers individuals in an “age-friendly space and community.”
“Just go away,” was Kelly Looby’s unspoken, but clear, message.
Whether it was intended or inadvertent, the message received by Nancy Christenson, one of the most capable, caring and giving people you will ever meet, was:
“You are old…”
“You have nothing of value to give…”
“You have nothing we want….”
“You have no value…”
“Just go away…”
NOTE: I have reached out to the Board of North Shore Area Partners (NSAP), Executive Director Kelly Looby, and Executive Assistant Keri Johansen for comment. I will share their responses if and when received.
OPEN INVITATION: Unhappy Franchisee extends an open invitation to all those discussed to provide corrections, explanations, clarifications and/or rebuttals. We will correct factual errors & alternative views fairly. Anonymous or signed comments are welcome below or can be emailed in confidence to UnhappyFranchisee[at]Gmail[dot]com.

Sean Kelly is a franchise watchdog who prompted and aided the FBI investigation that shut down the 165-victim multi-million-dollar NY Bagel franchise scam and landed perpetrators Dennis Mason & Joseph Smith in federal prison.
Sean was featured in the ABC Four Corners expose of 7-Eleven wage theft in Australia and has served as an advisor to Dateline NBC.
He has withstood bullying, intimidation & frivolous lawsuits as high as $35M and never lost. His crack editorial staff and fact checkers include Chick, Gem, Red, Pru & Joanie the Rescue Chicken.
Contact the author at UnhappyFranchisee[at]Gmail[dot]com
Keywords: North Shore Area Partners, NSAP, Silver Bay MN, Kelly Looby, Keri Johansen, Nancy Christenson, Greg Christenson, Mary Planten-Krell, Randall Walz, Cindy Hanson, Bev Yoki, Tim Anderson, Dean Rudloff, Tom S., Erin Thompson, Chris Swanson, Two Harbors MN, Minnesota Unkind
Oh no! This is heartbreaking! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will not be supporting thay organization anymore with the way they treated such a wonderful woman. Ageism is disgusting. We have so much to learn from people older than us. The elderly should be honored not dismissed.
So sad to hear Nancy is no longer with NSAP. She has givin so much to this community