This page contains a running list of those who continue to promote the controversial Phoenix Franchise Brands franchise opportunities (Fetch! Pet Care, Furry Land, Spray Foam Genie, Door Renew, MedSpa810, Steel Coated Floors, Worried Bird Window Cleaning). Please alert us to any we’ve missed. Please inform us if you’ve deleted your content so we can give credit where it’s due. Dissenting opinions welcome. by Sean Kelly
(UnhappyFranchisee.Com) Updated 12/5/24: Kudos to IFPG (International Franchise Professionals Group) for dropping Phoenix Franchise Brands and deleting 12 of the pages we linked to below!
It seems that every franchisee horror story related to Phoenix Franchise Brands starts with a franchise “consultant” (broker) that’s a member of the IFPG (International Franchise Professionals Group).
Part of Princeton Equity Group, the IFPG claims it is driven by “Virtue & Integrity.”
Founder IFPG founder Don Daszkowski writes:
For us, reputation is everything.
By self-regulating, we ensure ours is pristine.
In a letter to state franchise regulators, Mr. Don Daszkowski boasts of the IFPG’s Code of Ethics and its Ethics Committee.
IFPG brokers call themselves consultants & refer to the hot leads they deliver to franchisors & FSOs (like Rhino7) as their “clients.”
IFPG “clients” claim the representations told to and by brokers about a “Semi-Absentee Investor Franchise” option is false:
“Semi-Absentee Investor Franchise” is a Scam – Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchisees
IFPG client-franchisees contend that the information Greg Longe, CEO of Phoenix Franchise Brands, provides to brokers contains misleading, undisclosed and potentially illegal earnings claims:
Does Greg Longe Make Deceptive Earnings Claims?
IFPG “clients” have provided more than 40 firsthand accounts of lost retirement savings, marriages breaking under the financial pressure, & families trying to save their homes from foreclosure:
FETCH! Pet Care Franchise Complaints (Index) October 23, 2024
Phoenix Franchise Brands, Greg Longe Franchise Investigation (VIDEO)
This month, the association of state securities regulators, NASAA, mulls over allegations of franchise broker deception and misconduct.
We’ll help IFPG self-regulate with issues we intend to share with NASAA.
For starters, why is the IFPG STILL promoting the franchises that have allegedly destroyed dozens of their “clients’s” hopes, dreams & finances?
IFPG Ethics Committee Member Karol Mercurio Promotes Deletes Phoenix Franchise Brands (Franchise Destinations)
>> Kudos to Karol Mercurio and IFPG for quickly deleting Phoenix Franchise Brands promotional pages from Franchise Destinations website.
According to Karol Mercurio, “The candidate always comes first.” [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted]
IFPG President Red Boswell Promotes Deletes Greg Longe & Phoenix Franchise Group Videos
IFPG President Red Boswell, the Clown Prince of Franchising and King of the Finger-Pointing Selfie, promotes his old pal Greg Longe in video interviews on YouTube and the IFPG site:
Red Boswell promoting Greg Longe & Phoenix Franchise Brands: [Deleted]
Red Boswell promoting Greg Longe & MedSpa810 (post-bankruptcy version of MedSpa810) [Made Private]
IFPG Member Paradigm Franchising (IFPG) Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchises [Deleted] [Deleted]
International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG) Promotes Deletes Phoenix Franchise Brands
IFPG Promotes the Fetch! Pet Care franchise [Deleted]
IFPG Promotes the Spray Foam Genie franchise [Deleted]
IFPG Promotes the Furry Land franchise [Deleted]
IFPG Member Franchise Matchmakers Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted]
“Our proven, systematic approach to pet care enables our franchisees to outpace the competition and succeed while having fun at the same time. We have systems that allow you to work “on” your business, not “in” your business.”
VetFran Fetch! page
Rhino7 Franchise Development & Sales Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands (?)
Let Corporate help Franchisee run the business
Corporate Management Company will help manage the business with the Franchisee after the business setup is completed
Furry Land Mobile Grooming
Spray Foam Genie
Franchise Sidekick Promotes Deleted Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchises
Franchise Sidekick promotes Deleted Spray Foam Genie [Deleted]
From Franchise Sidekick COO Michael Judkins:
“We were made aware of the situation around October 4th through the Franchise Times story and shortly thereafter, one of the stories you posted as well on your website, about the issues franchisees were facing with Phoenix Brands. We promptly removed all Phoenix Brands franchises from our inventory the day we found out and have not added them back into our inventory nor have we shown them to a client since we were notified of the issues reported…
It looks like the page on our website you linked to was a hidden page not accessible to clients from our site, but still accessible via a site map or Google Search. We have since taken that page down to prevent any further confusion.” [Removed]
FRANSERVE Promotes the Fetch! Pet Care franchise [Removed] [Removed]
Micah & Annette Gautier (Franchise Top 40 , Business Alliance) Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands [Deleted] [Removed]
The Franchise Coach Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands Franchises
The Franchise Coach Promotes the Fetch! Pet Care franchise
Buy the Right Franchise Promotes Phoenix Franchise Brands Semi Absentee Franchises
The Franchise Hotlist Powered by The Perfect Franchise
“Exclusive Territory, Fantastic Earnings Potential
…The FDD Item 19 Earnings Claim showcases the fantastic earnings potential with net profits soaring over $500k.
Franchisee Investor Model (Absentee): Our Corporate Management Team runs the business for you, requiring just 2 hours a month commitment. Open in any market, not just where you live, expanding your horizons.”
– The Franchise Hotlist powered by The Perfect Franchise
UPDATE: The Perfect Franchise Founder Mark Schnurman has threatened us with legal action for… well… we’re still not sure why he’s threatening us. Perhaps to provide comic relief. In the end, it appears that the entire “Franchise Hotlist Powered by The Perfect Franchise” website has been deleted.
Mark Schnurman, The Perfect Franchise, Threatens Me with Legal Action. For Written Slander.
These pages display The Perfect Franchise logo & were created by The Perfect Franchise Senior Consultant Marty Greenbaum CFE: [site deleted]
The Perfect Franchise Promotes the Fetch! Franchise: [site deleted]
The Perfect Franchise Promotes the Spray Foam Genie Franchise: [site deleted]
Thank You! Phoenix Franchise Brand Promotional Pages Removed
1) “Fran Opps Live interview with Kevin Longe” with Jared Nassif – REMOVED
Rhino7 Removed from the Fran-Opps Portfolio of Brands
2) FETCH! PET CARE – Rhino 7 Franchise Brands [REMOVED]
4) IFPG Dropped Phoenix Franchise Brands, Deleted 12 promotional pages
5) Franserve Deleted its Phoenix Franchise Brand Pages
Are you familiar with Greg Longe, Maria Longe, Phoenix Franchise Brands?
What is your opinion or experience with franchise brokers or franchise broker groups?
Please leave a comment below or email us, in confidence, at UnhappyFranchisee[at]Gmail[dot]com.
Franchisors: The franchisor, its employees and agents are invited to submit correction, clarifications, rebuttals or other opinions for immediate consideration. is not associated with this or other franchise company or seller.
Tags: Franchise brokers, IFPG, Don Daszkowski, International Franchise Professionals Group, Rhino7, IFPG, FranServe, the Business Alliance, Franchoice, Red Boswell, Phoenix Franchise Brands, Kevin Longe fraud allegations, Rhino7 fraud allegations
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