SCENTSY MLM Scam Deceptive Advertising by Sleazy Independent Consultants?

Is Scentsy a deceptive MLM company that uses fraudulent tactics and sleazy independent consultants to sell dangerous, overpriced products?

ScentsyAccording to Carol B. it is.  We received this angry complaint from Carol, who felt that she was deceptively tricked into attending a sales presentation by a coworker.

Here’s Carol’s story:

“I started working at a new job in a new town.  Since I don’t know too many people here, I was really happy when a coworker sent me an email saying that she was having a few people over on Sunday afternoon, and she would love it if I would be able to come.

“I really appreciated her thinking of me, and I was really looking forward to meeting some new people.

“When I arrived, I found out that instead of a social get together, this was a home party and that my new ‘friend’ was an ‘independent consultant’  for some multi-level marketing scam called ‘Scentsy.’  Instead of a real party, I had to listen to a presentation about these stupid, overpriced warmers that melt scented wax with a light bulb.  She was pushing  these stupid warmers and wax bars packages for like $75 – $85.  The Scentsy plug-in warmers are glorified nightlights they sell for $20, and the tabletop warmers are like $35.  Of course, if you’re stupid enough to buy those you’ll have to buy their ridiculous scented wax bars for the rest of your life.

“I discreetly asked around and none of the other guests knew they were attending a sales presentation.  Yet still they allowed themselves to be manipulated into buying these ridiculously overpriced air freshners just to be polite.  I was the only one who didn’t buy.

“I have some advice to people who do these home parties like Scentsy and invite people under false pretenses:  You are scum.  You might think you are clever, and you might get some free products or whatever, but all those people you tricked, even the ones you tricked into buying and tell you they love the product, now know you’re scum and can’t be trusted.

“My advice to people who unknowingly show up to sales parties:  You should leave.  Or eat a bunch of their free food and then leave.  Do not buy a thing!  Make it clear you don’t appreciate being lied to and that if your friend needs money that bad she just should have asked you for a loan.  Do not be ashamed.  It’s your scummy host who should be ashamed.  Go buy yourself a Glade Air Freshner and buy some new shoes with all the money you saved!”

The only good thing that came out of Carol’s experience with the Scentsy home party is a new goal she has at work.

Says Carol:  “I now have a work fantasy that I will get promoted to supervisor over the sleazebag Scentsy consultant.   I will call her in for a meeting to discuss a promotion and a raise.  When she gets there, I’ll say ‘Oh, I didn’t mean a promotion and a raise!  Sorry!  The meeting was to let you know you’re fired!  Good luck with your Scentsy MLM scam!”



219 thoughts on “SCENTSY MLM Scam Deceptive Advertising by Sleazy Independent Consultants?

  • I am a consultant and first of all it is wrong for you to put SCAM or deceptive advertising with my company. This consultant was the one who did you wrong not the company. I make a pretty good living selling it because eventhough it is expensive some people think the product is wonderful as do I!! I agree she should have told you what the get together was about but again, don’t rub the company in the ground. Go buy your glade air fresheners or whatever you want to make your house not stink but I can assure you, MY FRIENDS walk into my house and ask what smells so good, I tell them and then they want to buy. I don’t pressure and have never even thrown a party. Be glad someone thought of you to invite you somewhere to socialize. Close mindedness will keep you alone in your new town!!!!

  • Francisco

    Don’t listen to Karen. I wouldn’t trust anyone who bases socializing on business motives.

    I don’t like getting invited to deceptive parties either. 10 years ago, I experienced the same problem with My sneaky boss promoted me to senior engineer along with 10 other people. I even got a raise. He invited me to attend an ‘important’ meeting. It was important alright, there was over 1000 people attending! I know what you’re thinking. Why would 1000 people be promoted? My company was only 500 strong! We teamed up and had this manager fired under the laws of ‘Conflict of Interest’.

    It was so serious that he had taken employee information to his home and was calling others passed midnight. He was later arrested for stealing company information. People should be straight forward with their recruiting tactics. Some of these MLMs should give them better training.. As far as I’m concerned, doesn’t exist anymore. I not only lost trust, but I lost my position and new salary as a ‘Senior Engineer’ shortly after he was fired. This caused me alot of pain as the position was given to a younger new college graduate.

    Today things are different, I have found something less invasive and elusive in the Internet Marketing business. I now am earning a better income each month than a ‘Senior Engineer’ makes in a year. No one here lies like MLM decievers.

  • marci

    I think that your choice of words was so incredibly horrible it made me scowl at the page. Who are you to judge a company that has given so many mothers and families a legitimate business opportunity based on the actions of one person? For someone who was trying to make new friends at a new job in a new town or whatever, you have a disgusting attitude towards people in general. It sickens me to see anyone make such a harsh blanket statement when it should in fact apply to ONE PERSON. I agree with Karen. Go buy your glade spray for the rest of YOUR life and support the big box stores who could care less about their customers or the service they receive. You think the concept of Scentsy is “stupid” and a “scam?” Did you know tha everygle sin

  • marci

    My apologies. Did you know that every single year, Scentsy gives extremely LARGE sums of money to various organizations such as the American Heart Association, the Ronald McDonald House, many colleges, and scholarships to students who otherwise may not have been able to go to college? I just think it is sad that you need to smear a wonderful, thoughtful, family-oriented organization into the ground. And yes, I AM an independent consultant. And NOT ONCE have I ever “pressured” or “tricked” a customer into our products. It is a wonderful product that is both environmentally friendly and health conscious. Furthermore, I do not sell Scentsy for the money. I do it because I love it, appreciate all they have done for all the people and organizations they contribute to, and the opportunity they have given me. If you are so upset with this person, you should have filed a complaint with Scentsy, and they probably would have done something with her, NOT ran a very legitimate, caring, and wonderful company’s name through the mud. I hope you use more class in your daily life than you have exhibited here. Have a nice day! :)

  • Guest

    I get a kick out of these sanctimonious pseudo-Christian Amway-wannabe desperate housewife phonies like marci and Karen getting all outraged that someone would call their little direct sales scam a scam! How dare they!

    Karen says people compliment her on her house smelling so good, and then she lays the Scentsy sales pitch on them. Jesus, they are guests in your house, not visitors at Walmart. Imagine walking into someone’s house, complimenting them on their living room, and next thing you know they whip out a catalog and start telling you about the great discount they can get you on the couch, the current specials on drapes this month and the free gift they’ll receive with a carpet purchase.

    Then they pitch you on the free gift you’ll get if you agree to exploit visitors to your home too… as a Scentsy representative!

    I love marci saying its not about the money, and that Scentsy is on some charitable mission. Bullsh*t. You people are MLM phonies who betray your family, coworkers and friends to extract money from them, then use greed to try to sign more suckers into your pyramid scheme.

    Want to be the good Christians you pretend to be? Light a $3.00 Wal Mart scented candle and send the difference to the united way. It’s not your house that stinks, it’s your hypocrisy.

  • marci

    First off, nobody said anything about Christianity, second of all, keep my name outta your dirty mouth. And yes, if there is a product I believe in, I find nothing wrong with telling my family and friends about it. I don’t pressure anybody or “pitch” anything to anyone. And who are you to judge MY financial situation? I don’t do it for the money. Scentsy DOES in fact make MANY charitable contributions, do your research before you spout about things you obviously don’t have the slightest clue about. Go back to church now and ask for forgiveness. You “sanctimonious pseudo-Christian! Ouch. Burn. Really. Sniffle sniffle. We obviously are doing something rough considering we are raved about in many many magazines and are now a billion dollar company that gives back to the community. K bye. You good Christian you.

  • marci

    How dare we stand up for our businesses, Karen! How dare we! Lol, please.

  • marci

    You know, you all may have your opinions, but there is a certain amount of tact that should be expected in conveying those opinions, which, sadly, so many adults obviously lack. And throwing religious statements out there is just so low. I don’t remember claiming I was even a Christian to begin with. Frankly, that is MY business. I suppose it just makes others feel a little better about lacking any class or intelligence. I will never again buy candles, due to the fact that 1, they are horribly unsafe around children, 2, the wicks release dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens, into the air my children and guests breathe, and 3, they are horribly costly. So I’ll pass on the $3 candle. But thanks for your suggestion. You real christian guest! :)

  • Guest

    marci wrote: “I don’t remember claiming I was even a Christian”
    You didn’t have to. But you are, aren’t you? Wonder how I knew?

    “keep my name outta your dirty mouth”
    Whew! A brief glimpse of the real marci peeks out from behind the charity-minded Scentsy church lady persona who only cares about your children and how your house smells! LOL!

    “Scentsy DOES in fact make MANY charitable contributions”
    They’re called “tax deductions.” Every evil corporation makes them.

    “we are raved about in many many magazines and are now a billion dollar company…”
    We? Scentsy is. You are not. You are one of the thousands of brainwashed peons whose greed and need to belong they exploit to sell billions in overpriced air freshners. They think of you as free labor, free distribution, a sucker.

    “a certain amount of tact that should be expected in conveying those opinions”
    Sorry. I value truth over tact. That’s why I don’t pretend to be friends with people then invite them to “parties” that are really sales sessions designed to sell a product that requires ongoing reorders for life.

    “I will never again buy candles, due to the fact that 1, they are horribly unsafe around children, 2, the wicks release dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens, into the air my children and guests breathe…”
    OMG That’s the best! The NonSensies claim scented candles start fires & poison children! How low do their brainwash tactics go! ROFLMAO marci!

    Here’s the truth that marci, Karen & other NonSensies don’t want you to know:

    Scentsy is a scam designed to sell stupid products to people too stupid (or polite, since they are being coerced by supposed “friends”) to buy overpriced scent dispensers (like those plastic sanitary things in public restrooms) that require you to either keep buying their overpriced refills forever or toss the stupid things in the trash.

    When the victims realize what a ripoff it is, a certain number of the most needy or greedy of them get swept up in the idea that they can sell this crap to others, make money and be part of the Scentsy YaYa Sisterhood (cult). They can pretend its all about charity and goodness and doing god’s work and saving children, then invite coworkers and family members to “parties” that require visa, mastercard or checks.

    The strategy behind the whole thing is to hook people into buying refills forever, since if they don’t keep buying and using the thing they have to admit they got ripped off and they were taken advantage of by a “friend” or family.

    SCENTSY STINKS! and so do the sleazers who sell it.

  • marci

    HAHAHA you know what’s funny? Its that you have ABSOLUTELY NO personal interest in this matter, yet you keep coming back to slam myself and a fortune 500 company. And once again, my religion is NONE of your business, I’m FAR from a church lady…Lmao…and finally, your ignorance sickens me. What is it that you do, sell cookies at the church bake sale? Lol…sorry sweetie. I’m really sorry your complete and total lack of tact and common sense is such a hindrance in your godly life. Obviously, if you had a business of your own, you wouldnt be sitting at your computer surrounded by your 30 cats slamming a business you not only have no personal interest in and nothing to do with, but one that has a wonderful following WORLDWIDE. It’s okay. We understand. There isn’t much else for crazy cat ladies to do…so I will continue to read and respond to your non-sensical rants. Hallelujah!

  • Guest


    The fact that you have to stoop to personal attacks and insults against cat lovers rather than address the substantive points I made speaks volumes.

    It is obvious to anyone reading this that Scentsy is scam and when confronted by that fact the phony Christian cat-hating “con-sultants” bare their claws and attack rather than addressing the claims against them.

    Why don’t you address these facts, rather than hating on cat-lovers:

    “Scentsy is a scam designed to sell stupid products to people too stupid (or polite, since they are being coerced by supposed “friends”) to buy overpriced scent dispensers (like those plastic sanitary things in public restrooms) that require you to either keep buying their overpriced refills forever or toss the stupid things in the trash.

    “The strategy behind the whole thing is to hook people into buying refills forever, since if they don’t keep buying and using the thing they have to admit they got ripped off and they were taken advantage of by a “friend” or family.”

    Please enlighten us as to how that is NOT how your little multi-level marketing Amway-of-air-freshener scheme works.

  • Guest

    Q. How can you tell if a Multi-level Marketer is lying?
    A. Her lips are moving.

    People who promote MLM scams like Amway & Scentsy always make up lies to try to make their sleazy companies look and sound legitimate. They tell the lies to one another til they believe it’s true.

    Marci writes “you keep coming back to slam myself and a fortune 500 company.”

    Really, marci? Scentsy is a Fortune 500 company? You better tell Fortune cuz they plum forgot to put it on their list! Here are the companies that start with “S”:

    If you get involved with Scentsy or any other MLM, kiss your sense of honesty goodbye. Spinning the truth and outright lying is a basic part of the MLM cult mentality. They can justify anything to themselves, which is why normal people start avoiding them like the plague.

  • marci

    Poor misguided pseudo christian cat lovers…I have addressed and debunked your many lies about our company many times. You cannot even post a name…possibly because either A. You are ashamed of your needless rants falling on deaf ears, or B. You may have forgotten to take your meds this morning when fluffy woke you up from with the stink of the litter box in your stinky stinky home. God forgives you. I, however, could care less about your pitiful OPINION. I myself have NOT ONCE had a single party, yet have hundreds of overly satisfied REPEAT customers. Hmmm. Guess your poor little existence doesn’t matter much, now, does it.

  • Guest

    Actually, I’m allergic to cats AND multilevel marketers. I don’t allow either in my home.

    Tell me again, marci: Is Scentsy a Fortune 500 company?

  • marci

    Actually sharpie…we just had convention last weekend..and yes…we just hit Fortune status. Does that make you angry? Lol…funny…I’m allergic to ignorance and stupidity so I probably wouldn’t step foot in your home.

  • marci

    Yet ANOTHER “fun fact” Fortune lists Scentsy as one of THE most promising companies of our time.

  • marci

    I’m sure such a reputable leader in the business community is going to praise a so-called sleazy, scamming company, right? Tell me again…what is it that YOU do? Because in my spare time, I practice law.

  • marci

    I suppose that keeping sleeve off the street and protecting children is a scam as well?

  • marci

    *sleaze…excuse me

  • marci

    Yet ANOTHER SCENTSY fun fact: Scentsy, Inc. Is a Better Business Bureau accredited organization with an unprecedented A+ rating….scummy, right?

  • Guest

    Scentsy salesperson marci writes: “we just had convention last weekend..and yes…we just hit Fortune status.”

    marci: Please provide a link to any source that substantiates that Scentsy is a Fortune 500 company.

    Guess what? There isn’t one. No mention on the Scentsy website. No mention on the Fortune website. Only you, not telling the truth.

    Are you afraid to admit to being wrong?

    Explain why Orville Thompson recently sent me an email stating “At Convention this year, I announced Scentsy would someday rise to become a Fortune 500 company… As we continue to strive for that Fortune 500 designation…”

    Scentsy salesscammer marci writes “Fortune lists Scentsy as one of THE most promising companies of our time.”

    Another lie. Please provide a link to where Fortune names Scentsy as one of the most promising companies of our time.

    (I’m sure you are not referring to FORBES saying it’s the 66th most promising company, because THAT would mean you are not only clueless but actively deceptive.)

    marci, why exactly do you feel the need to tell lies to make Scentsy appear to be legitimate? Is the reality so bad you have to lie about what Fortune says about Scentsy? Is it really worth lying that it’s a Fortune 500 company when all one needs to do is check the list to see you’re lying?

  • Guest

    marci writes “Scentsy, Inc. is a Better Business Bureau accredited organization with an unprecedented A+ rating”

    An A+ rating is unprecedented? Can you prove that it’s unprecedented? Do you know what “unprecedented” means, marci? It means no one has ever gotten that rating before. No one! Are you serious?

    This NonSensie chick lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. Thousands of businesses have A+ ratings as long as they PAY the BBB for them. Did you know that you can’t get an A+ rating unless you PAY the BBB, marci?

    The BBB is a scam that allows scammers to BUY fake credibility, and punishes legitimate businesses if they don’t pay up.

  • marci

    GUEST… Can YOU explain why YOU need to continue to babble your petty disputes? Is your life REALLY THAT uninteresting….oh! Wait! Gotta go…YET ANOTHER very satisfied customer calling in an order, not to mention due in court in 1 hour. Don’t you have a pack of your followers waiting on your cyanide concoctions? Lol. Sorry. There is no more time in my successful life to debunk your tasteless rants.I will stand beside my statements…do with them what you will. I pity your poor soul. Continue your slamming successful companies. Maybe someday soon you will at least feel as if you have made a difference in the world. Funny thing though, of ALL of the statements I have made, you seem to be stuck on only ONE. Does it mean THAT MUCH? Hmmm. Puzzling.

  • Guest

    marci’s Scentsy lies are piling up:

    1) Scentsy, Inc. has an “unprecedented A+ rating” with the BBB. No company has ever received an A+ rating before.

    2) Scentsy is a Fortune 500 company

    3) “Fortune lists Scentsy as one of THE most promising companies of our time.”

    4) Wal Mart candles “release dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens, into the air my children and guests breathe”

    5) “I do not sell Scentsy for the money. I do it because I love it, appreciate all they have done for all the people and organizations they contribute to, and the opportunity they have given me.”

    OK, the last one might not be a lie, but it made me gag. Sounds like the Amway and Mary Kay robots. “I don’t do it for the money. I do it because I have a hole in my life that the MLM manipulators can exploit to get me to sell crap products because it makes me feel like I have friends and own a business, when I really have neither.”

  • wow. I am a Scentsy consultant too, and really, Marci is right. You must be a cult leader yourself to be so hellbent on slamming a company that has given millions of people something to call their own along with a great product! Crazy. Do you really think that you have the power to take down a successful corporation with such stupid tasteless rants? Why do people do this…some people are for it, some against. Just like everything else. But for you to attack someone that way. Calling them pseudo Christian and scum and a liar and so many ridiculous names for believing in their business is really pathetic. Really! Scentsy spirit lives!

  • Oh! BBB website: Scentsy, Inc.’s rating: A+ Who is lying?

  • Also, sounds to me as if Mr/mrs guest is the friendless one…hence the personal attacks against strangers! There. I’m done. Marci, contact me….you sound like a very funny and smart person, not to mention we both work for a great organization! Thanks!

  • marci

    Not possible to have an A+ rating? Roflmao..really? I think you may have went to the wrong website…BBB stands for Better Business Bureau…not Brainy Busty Babes…cant you find ANYTHING better to do?

  • Guest


    Read slowly: marci’s lie is not that Scentsy has an A+ rating, but that an A+ rating is “unprecedented.”

    Have you gals been inhaling too much of the Scentsy vapors? Is that why you won’t defend the lies marci has been called out on? You’re too buzzed?


    Please address the 5 lies listed above. Otherwise more and more people will see Scentsy people for the deceivers they are, and continue the mass defection to Pink Zebra

  • marci

    Thanks, Jenn! Ha. Lies. I could care less if you or your Charles manson-esque tactics get ANYONE to work for pink zebra, purple cow, or orange chicken. When are you going to come to grips with the fact that opinions, like buttholes, are universal? Everyone has on about everything…and I highly doubt yours is going to make that much of Mark with anyone except your minions. I appreciate what Scentsy has done for me. I don’t do it at all for the money, believe me, my money comes largely from my career as a partner in a law firm. And your sheeple can follow your derrierre to the deserts of distant planets, but I’m pretty sure that fellow Scentsy consultants and customers are not going anywhere. I am an honest business person, I stand by my products and services, and have not had a single complaint in five long years. Not one complaint, not one lost customer, and, guess what? NOT ONE PARTY. This whole post started with an unhappy customer, who dealt with one SINGLE consultant, not Scentsy as a whole. Us consultants make our businesses What we want them to be. I need not prove myself to you or anyone else.

  • Guest

    marci writes “my money comes largely from my career as a partner in a law firm”

    Puh-leeze! You could not be a partner in the most illiterate law firm in America, but nice try. Next time you want to make up a phony career, choose one that does not require grammar (like cosmetologist, say. Or pet groomer.).

    No partner in a law firm would make such grammatical gaffes as “Us consultants” No attorney would spew out such ill-conceived lies then not even try to argue their validity.

    What law partner would waste her time selling trashy little deoderizers for no money?

    marci, you’re a dedicated but very untalented liar. A little advice: Don’t say you’ve got to be in court in one hour, then still be posting comments an hour later.

    Even bad lawyers are better liars than you. Only delusional Scentsy losers like Jenn would fail to see through you in a hearbeat.

  • Guest

    marci: the only way you could be a partner in a law firm is if your husband owned it.

    Maybe that’s it. That would explain why you would sell your little smelly boxes but don’t care about the money.

    Are you a trophy wife, marci? And scentsy let’s you play businesswoman and pretend to “have your own thing”?

  • stay at home mommy

    I HAVE to intercede here. Guest: who in the check are you to call someone you have NEVER met a liar? And why would anyone lie about their profession? It is so sad that people feel the need to put down others and call people names to make themselves feel better about their own existence. I buy Scentsy products, and happen to enjoy them. I have a great consultant, and she never calls me to sell, I call her to buy. It’s the new millennium, and you may be a ripe 90 year old, but trophy wives are pretty much obsolete. It makes me laugh when these random people come on here and rant and rave and pick apart other people and then start throwing religion and harsh names out there.

  • stay at home mommy

    I forgot to add: you call Marci illiterate? Let’s pick apart your comment like you do marci’s: misspelled words: deoderizers? Hearbeat? And, you call Jenn a loser…do you know her? I just cannot stand people who make such ill-conceived blanket statements about people they do not know. What’s the point?

  • marci

    I am most certainly not a trophy wife. I am a very successful businesswoman that does quite well for myself, and I enjoy what I do very much. Lmao, you know what I think it is with you “guest”? I think jealousy is plaguing your life and you need to find something to do with your life. It’s not our fault McDonalds won’t allow you to buy in. I knew at a young age I wouldn’t be flipping burgers, so I did something with my life, you should get a clue and do the same.

  • Guest

    marci writes: “I am a very successful businesswoman that does quite well…”

    I thought you were a partner in a law firm? FYI, attorneys refer to themselves as “attorneys,” not “businesswomen.”

    A partner in a law firm would know to write “We consultants,” not “Us consultants,” and would know to write “businesswoman WHO does quite well” not “THAT does quite well”

    marci, college isn’t for everyone. But if you want to lie believably on the Internet and pose as a “partner in a law firm” or other educated person, perhaps you should enroll in a community college course or two. May I suggest Grammar 101 and perhaps Business Ethics?

    Feel free to come clean and admit that you’ve been lying about your occupation, lying about Scentsy being a Fortune 500 company, and that Fortune named it the most promising company of our time. We are still waiting for those links.

  • Unscented

    guest you should ease up on marci. yes she lied (exaggerated?) but so does everyone who gets involved with multi-level marketing. I was just reading the discussion on Amway and they are making the same complaints about tricking people to come to meetings without saying the company name and twisting the details to make the company seem more mainstream and legit. Check it out, especially Wally’s comment at the bottom:

    Little white lies are part of MLM. I don’t know if its the rah rah culture (brainwashing) or if its just the nature of people who are willing to blur business with personal relationships for profit. Maybe it’s both. But somehow they always feel justified to exaggerate and puff up claims to try to counter the negative image of all these MLM schemes.

    I don’t care if its Avon, Amway, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, or pink zebra or red monkey, if you are willing to try to turn your friends into customers you are going to start lying and everyone will know it but you. There’s nothing these people can sell you that you can’t get at Walmart or Target, so they get a little desperate.

  • Truly Blessed

    It’s sad what’s happened to Scentsy, like so many promising companies. It’s all about the money now. Orville & Heidi Thompson are obsessed with getting on the Fortune 500. Once they were focused on being the best. Now they are obsessed with being big big big.

    What’s wrong with small and personal? Scentsy management has dollar signs in their eyes, and that focus can’t help but seep throughout the entire organization. So sad.

    Luckily, I came across a brand new fragrance company called Pink Zebra Home. Pink Zebra is just getting started, so it is still small, personal, fun and creative (like Scentsy used to be!)

    Their signature product is SPRINKLES. They just opened their doors last September, so it’s fresh and exciting!

    They are recruiting all over the country and going to build the most awesome team of Sprinkles Loving Women!

    I love that you can go have flameless candles or regular soy candles. And the diffusors are fabulous!!

    Ladies, if you want a cold, impersonal company whose main focus is getting gigantic and who values the opinions of big business magazines, join or stay with Scentsy.

    If you want a company that cares about YOU and has amazing products and unlimited opportunity that will get you SUPER EXCITED, go with Pink Zebra!

    You’ll be glad you did!

  • marci

    Shut the front door! Y’all are relentless! So when your child comes home selling candy bars or your churches have bake sales or your Christian leaders pass the plate around Sunday mornings is that an “evil” scheme too? Because in those examples, I’m sure that you mention to friends and family that those events are going on, and, more times then not, they probably play into your evil money grubbing ways too, as you describe it. It’s no wonder with horrible ranting lunatics such as the “anonymous guest” with his or her holier than thou statements that we actually pathetically need LAWS to protect our businesses and business owners from slander and libel. It’s okay. Your God will be the one you have to answer to in the end for such hypocritical and erroneous judgements on others.

  • Guest

    marci writes: “when your child comes home selling candy bars or your churches have bake sales or your Christian leaders pass the plate around Sunday mornings is that an “evil” scheme too? Because in those examples, I’m sure that you mention to friends and family that those events are going on…”

    Is Scentsy a non-profit organization? A religious institution? A church? The answer is “No” Scentsy is a for-profit company. It’s goal is to sell products to consumers with as much profit as it can get away with.

    Is marci collecting money for a charity? No. She is representative of a multi-level marketing company. Her profits go into her own pocket.

    So, marci, isn’t that a bit of a deceptive comparison?

    marci writes: “It’s no wonder with horrible ranting lunatics such as the “anonymous guest” with his or her holier than thou statements that we actually pathetically need LAWS to protect our businesses and business owners from slander and libel.”

    marci: as a “partner in a law firm” (giggle giggle) you certainly know that “slander and libel” do not apply to people stating their opinions, or people stating proveable facts. I’m sure you’ve also heard about a little thing called the 1st Amendment?

    Or have you stopped claiming you’re a partner in a law firm?

    As far as me being “anonymous,” I highly doubt your name is really “marci” If you are not posting anonymously, please post a link to your Scentsy sales page. Who knows? You might even get a few sales out of it!

  • Evelyn P.

    marci, don’t let these haters and nitpickers get you down, girl.

    Some people have just become so bitter or disappointed with their lives they can’t stand to see positive, upbeat people who are making something of themselves. They have given up and think everyone else should too.

    I think scentsy sounds exciting. do you sell online? How can I buy from you? I used to sell Mary Kay years ago but I’m looking for something new. And there’s nothing wrong or deceptive about home parties, if you have the right attitude and make sure its fun with no pressure to buy. I bet guest is mad cuz she never gets invited to them. Wonder why? LOL

  • marci

    Ha! I do on fact happen to be a partner in a very successful law firm, my name IS in fact Marci, I have no reason to low about what I do, I’m very proud of the successful person I have become and have no reason to lie to you, someone of obviously much inferior intelligence. Slander and libel are huge problems when it comes to our small businesses and business owners, because of people like YOU who think that that box box stores like Wal-Mart are necessary to keep America running. Frankly it’s sad that you continue to sit here and slam myself and what I do… I like it, it works for me, and I appreciate what they do for others as well as myself. You, and tour invaluable opinions, on the other hand, mean ZERO to me. Have a nice life

  • marci

    Thank you Evelyn, yes, this poor poor person that cannot even manage to name themself, feels the need to spout personal attacks, for some unforseen reason. I am just a person that is proud of what I do and what I have made for myself and my family, and Scentsy is more or less just a product I enjoy with a mission I value. Unfortunately, due to the various personal attacks on here, I am not able to post my personal websites and info. Others on here, namely guest, may use that as a personal invitation to attack me and my business some more. I would love to share my opportunity and Scentsy products with you, and do not want you to miss out on something great due to someone else’s immature actions. If you could, please post some way, maybe email, for me to get in touch with you. But if in fact this is guest who is trying to get my info, I have ZERO interest in interacting with you anymore. If i want to argue with a child, I’ll go grab my five year old, who probably has more sense then you. Thank you!

  • marci

    Oh I’m sorry guest, I didn’t respond right? Ok..well, if you had any real knowledge of Scentsy you would know that they do in fact give to many MANY charitable and non-profit organizations constantly, design warmers with 100%…YES 100% of the profits from those specially designed warmers going to that particular cause. Oh I am a liar though, right? Yes I am sure I will be making a descent instead of an ascent when I pass on, simply because not only am I a liar, I am a *proud* Scentsy business owner, Nd a lawyer. Man oh man He for sure isn’t going to let me into those pearly gates is He? And if you think I am stupid enough to put my personal website up on here so you can attack and spam it, you are even lesser intelligent than I originally presumed. I am, surprisingly, impressed with your ability to quote and re-type my statements. Now THAT takes some REAL talent. Be proud!

  • marci

    I appreciate your support, Evelyn. I don’t make my business with parties, many consultants do, and do very well. And you are right. As long as you make it fun and are honest about your intent, there is nothing wrong with them. I usually get sales from people coming to me and asking me about it. Scentsy pretty much sells itself, which is why I got into it. My second motivator: free and discounted product! I love it!

  • Guest

    Here’s the point: I think that tolerance of lying is major problem in our society. Nowhere is lying as accepted and obvious as with those involved with multilevel marketing. In their eagerness to convince everyone they’ve found this great opportunity, MLM people exaggerate then exaggerate some more. Pretty soon, they are OK with lying.

    For example, the owner says their goal is to become a Fortune 500 company. That’s not too impressive, so MLMer marci embellishes it to be that Scentsy IS a Fortune 500 company. That’s a lie, but that doesn’t bother her.

    Forbes named Scentsy #66 on its promising company list. That’s not impressive enough, so marci tells everyone Fortune has named it the “#1 most promising company of our time.” That’s a lie, but she’s ok with it.

    MLMer Marci claims that scented candles poison the air with toxic chemicals and cancer-causing carcinogens, so people will be afraid of candles and buy Scentsy. It is, of course, nonsense and a lie. She offers no credible study or support. But marci sees no harm in it. Truth is just putty to be shaped to serve her purpose.

    As you see, marci will not even argue or try to prove that these aren’t lies. Individually, they are no big deal. But in the big picture, you will find that many of the people who get involved with multilevel marketing are comfortable with exaggerating and outright lying. It’s no big deal to them.

    Before you get involved with any of these multilevel marketing schemes, you’ve got to ask yourself whether you want to surround yourself with people who bend the truth to suit their purpose, who act like friends but really want to build their downline, and who always have a motive behind every phony thing they do or say.

    I’ve made that mistake once. I won’t make it again.

  • marci

    maybe you need to go back to kindergarten, I never said fortune said it was the number one most promising, I said it was ONE OF THE MOST promising,as does Forbes, (illiteracy rears its ugly head). Many studies have proven that candle wicks and soot release harmful chemicals into the air, many home air techs have even reported having to have clean ridiculous amounts of candle soot and buildup from the harmful waxes burned out of air purification systems. Being an obviously lonely person, I’m sure you have the time to research and nitpick all that. I, on the other hand, have 2 highly successful businesses to run. Do you get your rocks off on trying to sound like a high and mighty and holy person to complete strangers? I really don’t think anyone cares anymore about any points you are attempting to make.

  • marci

    Oh! Just to let you know, I have no downline. I don’t have parties and like I said before, people COME TO ME wanting product. I don’t pressure people. So all your little theories about how I “take advantage” of family and friends are kind of blown out of the water. I think Evelyn may be right. I think you are jealous because no one will invite you to a party. Either that, or, you simply cannot afford Scentsy and are trying to make those of us that spend our money on quality products feel bad about not buying from your precious big box corporations that make their millions by buying large volumes of crappy product and marking it up. Sorry. I bet you work for Wal-Mart. Is that it? Lol.

  • Guest

    Marci wrote “I never said fortune said it was the number one most promising, I said it was ONE OF THE MOST promising”

    But Fortune never said that. Period. Admit you’re wrong or provide a link to prove me wrong.

    Marci wrote “you keep coming back to slam myself and a fortune 500 company.”

    It’s not a Fortune 500 comapny. Period. Admit you’re wrong or provide a link to prove me wrong.

    Do that, then I’ll go away and you can keep spinning your successful woman law partner caring company fantasy unquestioned.

  • marci

    Who are you to give ME orders? You are an unintelligent ranting idiot, who I obviously many levels below anything any of us who have done for ourselves ha ever been. Sorry, guest. I don’t have time to sit and do Google searches on crap. So are YOU going to admit that YOU were lying, saying I made statements I never made, and saying that the hundreds of studies by qualified scientists who say candles are dangerous are all lies? Do it really take a genius to figure out that no fire is safer than fire? I know you have a low level of intelligence and a complete lack of common sense, but come on, a preschooler knows that. I don’t answer to you sweetie, and certainly will not take orders from you. I went into business for myself so I didn’t have to answer to puds like yourself. Go take your meds and call it a day. Question away, I could care less. I’m not like you. I don’t try and push my opinions on others. I’m not a pushy salesperson, but you don’t know me, so you wouldn’t know that. I am still waiting for your point as to why you feel the need to continue to go back and forth with a complete stranger because she is proud of what she does? I think you may get off on trying to sound smart. Key word: TRYING

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