SCENTSY MLM Scam Deceptive Advertising by Sleazy Independent Consultants?
Is Scentsy a deceptive MLM company that uses fraudulent tactics and sleazy independent consultants to sell dangerous, overpriced products?
According to Carol B. it is. We received this angry complaint from Carol, who felt that she was deceptively tricked into attending a sales presentation by a coworker.
Here’s Carol’s story:
“I started working at a new job in a new town. Since I don’t know too many people here, I was really happy when a coworker sent me an email saying that she was having a few people over on Sunday afternoon, and she would love it if I would be able to come.
“I really appreciated her thinking of me, and I was really looking forward to meeting some new people.
“When I arrived, I found out that instead of a social get together, this was a home party and that my new ‘friend’ was an ‘independent consultant’ for some multi-level marketing scam called ‘Scentsy.’ Instead of a real party, I had to listen to a presentation about these stupid, overpriced warmers that melt scented wax with a light bulb. She was pushing these stupid warmers and wax bars packages for like $75 – $85. The Scentsy plug-in warmers are glorified nightlights they sell for $20, and the tabletop warmers are like $35. Of course, if you’re stupid enough to buy those you’ll have to buy their ridiculous scented wax bars for the rest of your life.
“I discreetly asked around and none of the other guests knew they were attending a sales presentation. Yet still they allowed themselves to be manipulated into buying these ridiculously overpriced air freshners just to be polite. I was the only one who didn’t buy.
“I have some advice to people who do these home parties like Scentsy and invite people under false pretenses: You are scum. You might think you are clever, and you might get some free products or whatever, but all those people you tricked, even the ones you tricked into buying and tell you they love the product, now know you’re scum and can’t be trusted.
“My advice to people who unknowingly show up to sales parties: You should leave. Or eat a bunch of their free food and then leave. Do not buy a thing! Make it clear you don’t appreciate being lied to and that if your friend needs money that bad she just should have asked you for a loan. Do not be ashamed. It’s your scummy host who should be ashamed. Go buy yourself a Glade Air Freshner and buy some new shoes with all the money you saved!”
The only good thing that came out of Carol’s experience with the Scentsy home party is a new goal she has at work.
Says Carol: “I now have a work fantasy that I will get promoted to supervisor over the sleazebag Scentsy consultant. I will call her in for a meeting to discuss a promotion and a raise. When she gets there, I’ll say ‘Oh, I didn’t mean a promotion and a raise! Sorry! The meeting was to let you know you’re fired! Good luck with your Scentsy MLM scam!”
KRYSTAL SEZ: “Even if the owners them self were doing it for all the wrong reasons, the product is still sound.”
KRYSTAL MEANS: “Scentsy reps pretend we’re part of this loving charitable company, but we really don’t give a rat’s *ss about corporate ethics as long as the product sells. As long as we can make money, we don’t care if it’s from blood diamonds or clothing made from 3rd world sweatshop child labor,” as long as it sells.
KRYSTAL SEZ: “We are not a cult…”
KRYSTAL MEANS: “We just use cult-like tactics to suck in gullible women and convince them that greed and deception are ok as long as its dressed up as charity-mindedness, and phony friendships. We encourage all our GCBs to go to church on Sunday to keep up their self-righteousness and Christian appearance.”
KRYSTAL SEZ: “yes some people take it above and beyond, thats their choice, but they also make more money then you would expect ”
KRYSTAL MEANS: “It doesn’t matter if Scentsy reps are phonies, if they lie or dupe co-workers or if they exploit family relationships to make sales… as long as they are making money it is all justified. In America, all that matters is that you make money, the more the better. HOW you make it is irrelevant.”
I appreciate your honesty, Krystal. At least you admit that it’s all about the money.
Wow! Some sounds bitter.
Oops I meant someone sounds bitter. At it was entertaining to read this ridiculous discussion for a while.
I am seriously concerned that exposure to Scentsy fumes are causing severe cognitive dysfunction and language processing disorder in these pro-Scentsy commenters. Either that, or the desperate housewives peddling this snake oil scheme are hitting the sauce even in the morning.
What else can account for these slurred and illogical slobberings:
“Wow! Some sounds bitter.” giigii78
“At it was entertaining” giigii78
“Well daid, Tara!” marci
“thank you personality Gigi” marci
“Thank you for promptingu interest in the company!” Jenn
Seriously, girls, have you been drinking or are you getting off huffing Scentsy fumes?
Is that what’s really going on here?
Lol watch out guest is a feisty one….lonely and bitter. Doesn’t have much else to do in life but quote others and come up with sad rebuttals. Depressing, really.
You poor, poor soul. Seriously anonymous loser, get a life. Please.
well daid, marci/Jenn/stay at home mommy!
What about the others that don’t agree with you, why can’t they be my personalities, too?
Again, I find it odd that marci, who claims to be a highly educated & successful partner in a law firm, has not mastered relative pronouns.
marci, shouldn’t it be “What about the others WHO don’t agree with you”?
Isn’t that what you would write in your highly important legal briefs? Or is your highly successful law firm somehow exempt from the laws of proper usage and grammar?
To be clear, girls, I am not trying to be the grammar police. I just find it so amusing when losers on the Internet try to pretend that they are highly successful and educated, yet their own ignorance and sub-Junior College educations expose them as the frauds they are.
It’s like those men who pretend to be war heros when they were setting pins in a bowling alley.
Just tell the truth, is all I’m saying. If you got knocked up and couldn’t finish high school, just say so, marci. And if you want to make money off your family and those you pretend to be friends with, great. Just be honest.
That’s all I’m saying. If you want to sell crap to people, don’t call it a “party.” Tell them “Hey, I’m having people over Tuesday night so I can sell them crappy overpriced deoderizers and make money off them. Would you like to come?”
Honesty. It’s a simple concept. You don’t have to be a high-powered law partner to understand it. In fact, it’s better if you’re not.
And if you are a morbidly obese single lonely housewife who has nothing better to do than bash those who don’t share your pathetic interests, you should just admit it. And then you should find a dating website, then maybe, just maybe, the bitterness will subside. Get you some.
Its annoying and rather infuriating that you are talking to us like that. You have all the right in the world to judge us, because that is the kind of person you are. You say we lie and pretty much sucker money from everyone. NO WE DONT. Yeah there are a few consultants out there that are ruthless but hey again those are the people who make a shit load of money working for this company. I myself do not make a lot, but I do it because I love Scentsy as do my customers whom I have never once had to convince to buy from me. THEY CAME TO ME. You have no right to sit there and depict what you think I am saying, as you are 100% wrong. You need to grow up and get a fucking life. You are only going this because apparently you feed off of drama. You have no respect for other whatsoever. Also, marci and the others are NOT one in the same. If you actually had the slightest knowledge, you would notice the writing styles are all completely different between the 3. Nice try though.
Krystal writes: “there are a few consultants out there that are ruthless but hey again those are the people who make a shit load of money working for this company.”
I applaud Krystal’s honesty in say that, to make a lot of money with Scentsy (like marci, who says “i make a GREAT chunk of money every single month”), you have to be ruthless and do anything to close sales.
If you’re a nice person, like Krystal, she admits you won’t make money. So my point is, just be a nice person. Have some nice parties without trying to sell crap. I mean, if you’re not going to make money at it anyway, why become known as a douchebag over it?
People like marci probably have nothing to lose because everyone around her has got to know she’s so full of it her eyes are brown. I mean, we’ve only had a little online exchange and she’s been caught in like a dozen obvious lies. So people who know what she’s about have been steering clear for years. So she’s got this little window of opportunity where she can extract some $$$ from new acquaintances before they can see through her obvious BS.
Good rule of thumb: Beware of anyone who claims they are a wildly successful & affluent business person who then trys to sell you a room deoderizer out of their car trunk!
“GUEST” is an typical name a scared person gives themselves when trolling message boards. A scared snake slithers around all day and hisses at everything that scares them. Our “Guest” is a scared liberal sociopath that has found a voice in the typical, synical, whiney anti-corporate, anti-American rhetoric that has infected the weak minded. These weak individuals lack ambition or direction, and project personal failures on others they view as happy and seek to destroy the source of their security. Our Guest is probably slithering around his/her tent at the occupy movement, spewing the anti-establishment, anti-Christian rhetoric while typing on the latest Macbook with the Apple and Obama stickers emblazoned across the back of his new prius. “GUEST” is a predictable liberal troll trying to vent the anger of having a loveless home life and not fitting in to our amazing society that rewards knowledge, competitve ideas and hard work with monetary reward. Remember that our “GUEST” started off by calling names and making hate filled comments directed toward Christians based on nothing, but when challenged, our sociopath makes it personal:
February 16th, 2012 8:10 am marci wrote: “I don’t remember claiming I was even a Christian” You didn’t have to. But you are, aren’t you? Wonder how I knew? “marci peeks out from behind the charity-minded Scentsy church lady persona who only cares about your children and how your house smells! LOL! “Scentsy DOES in fact ma Every evil corporation makes them. “we are raved about in many many magazines and are now a billion dollar company…” We? Scentsy is. You are not. You are one of the thousands of brainwashed peons whose greed and need to belong….blah, blah, blah, liberal antiAmerica, smack, smack, Walmart is evil, corporate greed, blah, blah, Wallstreet evil, Scented bulbs are evil, profits are evil, Innocent Marci is an evil Christian because she defends her job and had the nerve to stand up to an angry socialist troll
“GUEST” is an typical name a scared person gives themselves when trolling message boards. A scared snake slithers around all day and hisses at everything that scares them. Our “Guest” is a scared liberal sociopath that has found a voice in the typical, synical, whiney anti-corporate, anti-American rhetoric that has infected the weak minded. These weak individuals lack ambition or direction, and project personal failures on others they view as happy and seek to destroy the source of their security. Our Guest is probably slithering around his/her tent at the occupy movement, spewing the anti-establishment, anti-Christian rhetoric while typing on the latest Macbook with the Apple and Obama stickers emblazoned across the back of his new prius. “GUEST” is a predictable liberal troll trying to vent the anger of having a loveless home life and not fitting in to our amazing society that rewards knowledge, competitve ideas and hard work with monetary reward. Remember that our “GUEST” started off by calling names and making hate filled comments directed toward Christians based on nothing, but when challenged, our sociopath makes it personal:
February 16th, 2012 8:10 am marci wrote: “I don’t remember claiming I was even a Christian” You didn’t have to. But you are, aren’t you? Wonder how I knew? “marci peeks out from behind the charity-minded Scentsy church lady persona who only cares about your children and how your house smells! LOL! “Scentsy DOES in fact ma Every evil corporation makes them. “we are raved about in many many magazines and are now a billion dollar company…” We? Scentsy is. You are not. You are one of the thousands of brainwashed peons whose greed and need to belong….blah, blah, blah, liberal antiAmerica, smack, smack, Walmart is evil, corporate greed, blah, blah, Wallstreet evil, Scented bulbs are evil, profits are evil, blah, blah, blah….
Now, innocent Marci is an evil Christian because she defends her job and had the nerve to stand up to an angry narcisist, liberal troll? Condescending socialist looking down his pointy nose at productive people who do nothing more than participate in the world that they hate, because nobody loved them, right Guest? Hate women much? Or is it that you hate Conservative women, and someone who is in business must be conservative and Christian, right? You had a hunch all along, right?
Go pick a fight on a different board with someone as sleazy as you are troll. You think you have the right to come here and start assasinating someone elses character, call names, attempt to deny someone’s religious freedom, and make sexist comments while extolling your virtue? You are alone, and you will die alone with nothing more than your personal failure and your massive insecurity that has been crushing you all of your “life.”
I love how you challenge other posters here as being all one in the same person, ha,ha! ….that is textbook behavior of a weak and scared sociopathic mind. No one else is right but you, all of your failures are no fault of your own, everyone else is out to get you, it’s not possible that you are a failure, right? Picked last for sports, right?
Too weak to be competitive, now needs the strength of the hypocrtical socialist movement to get my revenge on the society that rejected me…
Still not strong enough to stand up and fight….just strong enough to slither about hissing….not brave enough to even have an identity….slither…..hiss……slither…..hiss…….my scared slithering name is “Guest”…..need to prey on someone weaker than me…….slither, hissss, hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Behold the anger and hatred contained in the black hearts of Scentsy salespeople.
They are all sweet and nice charity-minded Christians (GCBs) unless you dare challenge them, voice an opinion, or refuse to buy from them.
Then their eyes go black, their fangs come out, and they release the hate and invectives always seething beneath their phony smiles:
“You are without a doubt, PATHETIC!”
“scared liberal sociopath”
“angry narcisist, liberal troll”
“morbidly obese single lonely housewife”
“unintelligent ranting idiot”
“your poor little existence doesn’t matter much”
“You are alone, and you will die alone with nothing more than your personal failure”
Who says these things to a perfect stranger just because they have an opposing viewpoint?
Imagine what these Scentsy salespeople will say about YOU if you’re unable to attend one of their parties (covens) or, god forbid, you attend but just can’t afford to buy their outrageously priced deoderizers that week?
Oh, stay clear of these hard-hearted demons and their ravenous greedy appetites for the hard-earned money of their family, “friends,” and coworkers!
They must use Scentsy products to mask the smell of sulphur and brimstone emanating from their lairs!
Ha,ha!…LOL! You’re the victim now right? How sad to be so predictable and ordinary, textbook response from a boring, typical liberal sociopath. Go anonymous and personaly attack people, but when exposed, rollover twist the history and play victim…boo-hoo. FAIL.
BTW Troll, I don’t work for this company, I’m not even a woman or a christian. I got on here looking for a bulb for my wife. The stupid bulbs are impossible to find and overpriced. Thanks for making my day however, as it never ceases to amaze me how you can turn over a rock anywhere, and find an angry, name calling, hypocritcal, socialist, preaching trite rhetoric to the people who don’t care. I enjoyed exposing you for what you are really are. You can go back and occupy your parents basement now.
nothing you could ever say here will change what I have said.
Ha,ha!…LOL! You’re the victim now right? How sad to be so predictable and ordinary, textbook response from a boring, typical liberal sociopath. Go anonymous and personaly attack people, but when exposed, rollover twist the history and play victim…boo-hoo. FAIL.
BTW Troll, I don’t work for this company, I’m not even a woman or a christian. I got on here looking for a bulb for my wife. The stupid bulbs are impossible to find and overpriced. Thanks for making my day however, as it never ceases to amaze me how you can turn over a rock anywhere, and find an angry, name calling, hypocritcal, socialist, preaching trite rhetoric to the people who don’t care. I enjoyed exposing you for what you are really are. You can go back and occupy your parents basement now.
I know that despite the fact that there is nothing you could ever say here that will reverse what I have said… you will undoubtedly attempt to spew forth another load of erudite verbal diarhea, but don’t waste your time. I will never see this website again, I’m done wiping you off my shoe. I’m a happy guy….just what you hate. Hellyeah
Ha,ha!…LOL! You’re the victim now right? How sad to be so predictable and ordinary, textbook response from a boring, typical liberal sociopath. Go anonymous and personaly attack people, but when exposed, rollover twist the history and play victim…boo-hoo. FAIL.
BTW Troll, I don’t work for this company, I’m not even a woman or a christian. I got on here looking for a bulb for my wife. The stupid bulbs are impossible to find and overpriced. Thanks for making my day however, as it never ceases to amaze me how you can turn over a rock anywhere, and find an angry, name calling, hypocritcal, socialist, preaching trite rhetoric to the people who don’t care. I enjoyed exposing you for what you are really are. You can go back and occupy your parents basement now.
I know that despite the fact that there is nothing you could ever say here that will reverse what I have said… you will undoubtedly attempt to spew forth another load of erudite verbal diarhea, but don’t waste your time. I will never see this website again, I’m done wiping you off my shoe. I’m a happy guy….just what you hate. Hell yeah, I might even go to church now. Kisses. ;o)
Lol Terry I don’t know you, but you are awesome. Wonder if you will turn into another of my multiple personalities, too. Notice how the anonymous coward keeps bringing up “parties” despite being told I haven’t even held or attended a single party myself. Sociopathic guest only reads and quotes what it can pathetically dig up a comeback for. Pure hilarity. OH! “WHO SAYS THESE THINGS TO A PERFECT STRANGER JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE AN OPPOSING VIEWPOINT?” Lmao, I do believe YOU guest are the one who started spewing verbal attacks. Typical of a sub-par coward who just hasn’t gotten enough attention in life. Whatever you need to do to boost your confidence. Us “evil BSing liars” have pretty thick skin. :)
I would respond to “Terry,” but I understand that it’s not adviseable to argue with the mentally ill, especially when they appear to be off their meds. They are easily agitated and can get violent.
Yes, marci, I can see how you would be impressed by a man who is searching an investment complaint website for light bulbs. I’m sure his therapist is proud that he only had to post the same thing three times in a row before he figured out that the magic words were appearing on the magic screen every time he hit “Enter”!
Terry says “I will never see this website again” I hope he keeps his promises better than marci/jenn/stay at home mommy who promised the same thing about 30 comments or so ago.
Then again, honesty is not a valued trait amongst the Scentsy GCB club.
We’re spreading the word about how bad Scentsy sucks! Boycott these judgemental, sanctimonious, hard-selling GCBs!
southern26girl writes:
“I (regretfully) signed up for this garbage [Scentsy], and I only have a few handful of friends and family and completely wasted money on the 100$ fee you have to put down before you start selling.”
mackquin writes:
“So sick of all the Scentsy people. A lot of my friends sell it now,and that’s all they ever post about. Order my scents,check out layers,click my link and order now.”
Emily writes:
“I had to travel for work to a hick town and all the girls in that office were into [Scentsy]. They were passing them around and smelling them. They all smelled like chemicals. Worse than bath and body works fragrances.”
Ciara writes:
“Omg I tweeted heathertmt about that today! Im pretty sure she got them all onto scentsy and now they are hosting online parties and tweeting all day about it and it’s getting old! it really is just an electronic candle. If you knocked it over it becomes unsafe. I use febreeze products and those are safe.”
TooOldButStillAFan writes:
“I’ve tried Scentsy before & their products give me headaches. Every single time. Ick. Traditional candles are the best!”
Rachel writes:
“You can get all the same stuff at walmart for a half or even third of the price. Some of the generic smells their are a lot better than the actual scentsy brand.”
Mandy writes:
“This is exactly what I was about to say. I get the wax from wal-mart for $2 a pack compared to $8+ for scentsy. I got my HUGE warmers for $9 at wal-mart compared to about $30 for a small one from scentsy. It’s overpriced crap.”
The Scentsy Sucks! club is growing! Soon people will turn and flee the moment you mention you sell this crap because everyone will know you’re a sleazy salesperson to be avoided. Just like Amway.
Copy…paste. That’s raw talent right there baby!
And what about the HUGE recall of Scentsy for unsafe products? I understand they kept selling even after they knew they were unsafe.
This recall here:
“Scentsy has been notified of an important safety recall from one of its previous suppliers, Waxcessories. The warmers have wire connections that may become loose causing the wires to overheat, posing a risk of electric shock and fire. Out of more than 800,000 warmers sold (through Scentsy and other companies) Waxcessories has received 161 reports of discolored cords, loose wires and wires separating from the pots. No injuries have been reported.
The product recall is for Scentsy Simmer Pot warmers which were purchased from 2004 through 2007.”
According to Seola “For THREE YEARS they continued to sell a warmer they knew was a fire risk (as noted by internal emails). The above reports of 161 went above 1,000 after the recall was issued and people connected dots.”
Anything to make a buck, right, marci?
Seola writes: “Again, the warmers themselves are often dangerous because of yet another import issue and they explode.
Testing Scensty over tealight warmers, Scentsy product turns to muck.
Suppliers for fragrance for Scentsy are NOT paraben free (go ahead and then look up WHY parabens are bad).
Even Wal-Mart has switched to paraben free in their candles.
Scentsy is minutely better than Wal-Mart (because the parabens DO help keep scent longer but are dangerous chemicals so take your pick there), worse than Yankee and it ALL compares to hand made from REAL chandlers who’ve done REAL testing.
I DID my research, I DID challenge testing and I DID everything asked.
YOU are the ones that haven’t because you’d rather push it for cash than be responsible. There are oodles of options for wholesaling from responsible, USA made, paraben free options that you can do the same and earn MORE money… even private labeling.”
Why does Scentsy and Scentsy con-sultants HATE America?
They MUST hate America if they buy overseas from foreign countries when their fellow Americans need business so desperately.
Seola writes “Scentsy products are ALL imported. They’ve had numerous problems with their warmers, including a very embarrassing recall for a fire hazard a couple years ago from substandard equipment they had commissioned for them. It’s a “scented” pyramid scheme (Ponzi) in which the only people who make money are sponsors who are sponsors. Get 10 people to sign up to consult under you who sign up 10… you get percentages and the “newbie” has to work 10x as hard to make the same money as that upper tier sponsor who does nothing after recruiting another.
I will also note, that I own a business where I make products like what Scentsy has by hand (along with candles and B&B products) and their stuff is crap. I call the sellers “party pushers”. The reason? They get so little in return, they have to hussle too much. Some will claim they make great money… that’s to get YOU to sign up so THEY can make money when YOU host parties under THEIR names. The bigger THEIR network under them, the more residuals THEY get for YOUR work.
“Scentsy wax is no higher quality than Wal-Mart. It’s made from the same Taiwanese brand of wax – honestly, the name of which I couldn’t even put in here without special characters. USA made tend to use IGI brand wax (usually specially formulated for tarts and clamshells) because it’s a higher quality, burns off slower and has a higher fragrance load.”
Why do marci and her ilk want to send our jobs overseas? What’s wrong with American labor? What’s wrong with American ingredients? Why do you want to take money out of America and send it to socialist countries?
Why do you hate America so much?
Yes. And I’m sure that if I had time to Google all day long I could find SOMEONE who states that the grass is supposed to be purple and the sky should be a subtle shed of green. Did you also know that there are medications out there that can actually BALANCE the chemicals in your brain?! Oh! You will never guess what else I just read. Moe Johnson says that “over time coffee can REALLY make you grow an extra leg. True story, man! Sally Sapp says “spaghetti noodles cause cancer in lab rats.” Oh man, guys we are in some major trouble here. Guest, please, enlighten us with your unrelenting knowledge. I just CANNOT get enough of it.
Maybe marci and Krystal can address the fact that they are supporting a company that doesn’t support American suppliers and American workers.
Why is that, girls? If Scentsy is so civic minded and such a responsible corporate citizen, why are they shipping our jobs and our money over to Asia? If they can afford to give away so much money to charity, why don’t they pay American workers and contribute to the US economy, not support Asian communist and socialist regimes?
Natalie writes: “Never again will i buy scentsy. My 10 year old daughter went to turn on the warmer i keep on my coffee table(I was on the couch THANK GOD) and the warmer top burst into flames! Luckily her hand wasn’t burned too bad(It was slightly scabbed for about a week and a half). But i will never forget that…. Please don’t buy scentsy, especially if you have children.”
Not only are American workers getting burned, but so are American children.
My god, Scentsy is trying to kill us. And these GCBs have the nerve to defend Scentsy just so they can extract a few bucks from those they can hoodwink and intimidate. For shame!
marci writes: “the grass is supposed to be purple and the sky should be a subtle shed of green.”
marci writes: “over time coffee can REALLY make you grow an extra leg.”
Seriously, you gotta stop freebasing those Scentsy fumes, girl.
marci/jenn/stay at home mommy seems to have left the building. While we have had our differences, I sincerely hope that means she has checked in somewhere to get the help she so desperately needs. A life of deception is no way to live. Let her sad example be a warning to those of you considering Scentsy or any other home party or multilevel marketing scam.
The bottom line is that pretending to be something you’re not, or claiming to have noble intentions when you are really motivated by money, always bites you in the fat ass eventually. For example, pretending Scentsy is not about the money and is some big charitable organization, then having to explain why their products are made in Asia at the expense of American workers.
If you were honest about your monetary motives from the start, you could easily say “Look, I make an extra buck fifty for each defective warmer cuz they’re made by child labor in a sweatshop in Chingapore (or wherever) and dodge safety standards. I never pretended I cared about my laid off neighbors, unless they can’t afford my overpriced stinkpots. As long as they can still give me a chunk of their welfare checks to become a Scentsy rep in my pyramid scheme downline, I’m cool wit dat.”
But no, since you pretended to be altruistic, you have no comeback except that you’re a phony baloney sales schmuck. See? Honesty IS the best policy!
Good luck on the road to recovery, marci. I’m sure you’ll be in touch when you’re working on Step 8. See you in 28 days, sweetie!
Sad and pathetic person you are. So sad. And you call other out for spewing insults at complete strangers. Hypocrisy must be the best policy in your eyes. Sociopaths never play nice. Sorry I wasted my time even responding to such pathetic antics.
marci/jenn/stay at home mommy: You lost. The fact that you sell dangerous products from offshore suppliers was the final blow. You have no comeback for that, so please stop trying to get the last word when you have nothing to say. It’s pathetic.
You lost. But there are are lots of blogs out there where they might fall for your fantasy role-playing of being a successful law partner, etc. and your multiple personas praising each other. Go there.
You lost. Deal with it. I’m sure you get enough practice. It should come natural by now.
Any other sleazy Scentsy salesgirls have the guts to take on the facts? No? Didn’t think so…
Scentsy is dead. Good riddance.
I KNEW you would come back with yet another immediate nonsensical rant. Textbook sociopath. You are getting all too predictable now, anonymous coward. You notice how NO ONE is backing you up? You seriously have to sit and google-copy-paste to attempt to support anything you say, and even at that, your facts are so terribly wrong. As I said before, anyone with no life, friends, or adequate mental capacity could sit there all day and EVENTUALLY find a few half-truths. You have to know by now that this is purely for raw entertainment value for me. So go ahead, launch one back you poor soul. Im ready (again) Lmbo
Sad, really. She can’t help trying to get in the last word, yet has nothing to say. Doesn’t address offshore manufacturing, product recalls, unsafe products, deceptive marketing. It’s a compulsion, like lying.
Girls, this is what Scentsy is all about. Don’t fall into the pathetic trap.
[Insert contentless last-word attempt here, marci/jenn/stay at home mommy]
I was recently invited to a Scentsy “party”. I stumbled across this site while searching for honest opinions about Scentsy products. Guest, (Marci please note the comma there) you crack me up. :) I have to side with this person. There is *no* way Marci is a lawyer.
To all the sellers – Keep it classy, ladies. You could very well be turning people away from your products. The trash talk is a dead giveaway that you are trying to avoid answering simple questions. It is painful to read. Also, your spelling and punctuation errors are embarrassing.
I think I will just stick to my oils. Thank you for the laugh. ;)
I would just like to say that I know a Scentsy consultant and in fact she is brainwashed or maybe brain dead. I hate being around her anymore because that is all she talks about. In fact I laughed when guest made the statement “I am not in it for the money”, well I can tell you she is in it for the money. She throws around every chance she gets how much she makes from selling overpriced air fresheners. Yes I can tell you I was sucked in once, but I will never buy these candles again. They are over priced, no smell, the bulbs don’t last…etc etc. I tried to resell them but no one wants to buy them, so I gave them to Goodwill. This company is a scam and it has flooded the market and you know what they say everything that goes up must come down.
I stumbled across this site while looking for information on Curves franchises.
I have to say, I am not surprised at the immature response of the Scentsy salespeople. I like to support small business, but MLM is NOT small business. MLM salespeople are brainwashed and will do anything for a buck.
MLM salespeople pretend to be your friend. They are instructed to act like your friend. If they were forthcoming with the truth, few would show up for their “parties”.
The Scentsy reps in this thread are a great example of the brainwashed minions. Just because at some rah-rah meeting the ASPIRATION of becoming a Fortune 500 company was announced does not make it so. Yet, do a google search of “scentsy fortune 500” and you will see this site as the #1 hit, and subsequent results are consultants making the same misrepresentation.
Now, on a different “500” list, that of “INC”, Scentsy is listed as #85 of the fastest growing companies. But that does not equal “Fortune 500”, which is a completely different animal.
Do a search on any popular home party MLM (jewelry, cosmetics, etc.) and see the same immature comebacks from the mindset that is sucked into these organizations. The MLM minions are instructed on what to say to critics. They didn’t come up with the BS all on their own.
JusticeJ-I have to disagree personally with you on this. I am AVON Independent representative and when I first started selling AVON, it helped me to do a better job with my first job because my job entailed me to do deal with the employees as a Lead. I was able to get to know everyone better and help them better. I was also more outgoing than I was before. I also did my job better because they had sucked the competitive spirit out of the job because what the union bargained at the time with a pass/fail system. AVON is at least a bit competitive. I am not trying to sell anyone on being an AVON rep, I am just trying to make a point. I was not phony to anyone. I believe in being honest,
I sold Avon to get discounts for myself….never made any money just spent it….lol….anyway go to Walmart and you can buy the warmers and scents a whole lot cheaper.
Does anyone realize why it is hard to fight these franchisors?
It is because everyone is bought off. From franchisors to attorneys to politicians to the media franchising is protected. The IFA was, originally, an organization to protect franchising which included FRANCHISEES. But it is now an organization which has BANDED together all the people who are PROFITING off of franchising into a force that can not be reckoned with.
The ONLY way we as SCREWED franchisees can get change to happen in franchising is to BAND together!
A good start at change would be the IFA Legal Symposium May 20-22 in Washington D,C.
If all of us unhappy franchisees were to show up and voice our opinion at this convention people would take notice. But the facts are we are doing what our government trained us to do. Be a WORKING America. It is hard for any of us to represent ourselves at ANY of these meetings where people are grouping together to decide how to screw the next round of franchisees USING our legal system to do it. That, my friends, is exactly what will be taking place on May 20-22 in Washington D.C.
Want to educate yourself further go to this 16 page brochure that is found on the IFA’s web site.
Learn that on May 21, 2012 these attendees of the Legal Symposium will be learning all about how to deal with us pesky franchisees.
It says franchisees are even invited. All you have to do is come up with $1475 to cover your non-membership of the IFA. A room rate of $306 a night (Standard) and a $50.00 registration fee. I see a lot of franchisees going to this convention DON’T YOU?
Another way to fight the IFA and make them hold franchisors responsible is support of my petition. Please read the petition and if you support my cause for holding the IFA responsible for its franchisor members actions please sign and share. The link is here:
Wow! And i got redirected here looking for types of pyramid schemes and MLM’s… Avon is one of them??? Wow for real???! I wonder what about Pres Les?:? Still can’t get over Guest, Marci and the rest of them though…. *giggles*… Guest, you nailed it;)
Scentsy is a great product, and DOES do lots for charity, and their consultants. We just got back from our incentive trip–Hard Rock, Punta Cana, where we donated enough items to help the WHOLE school district, and an orphanage. Our motto is ”GIVE MORE THAN YOU TAKE.”
@Tammi God what a lie. I was at the Punta Cana trip and your statement is patently false. The gifts we donated helped the community but by no means ‘helped the entire school district.” When you exaggerate and lie about Scentsy’s efforts, you hurt the whole company and its consultants.
I ran across this site while looking for what people might think about MLM as one of my friends has recently joined Lia Sophia, and since not only has she been pushing the Lia Sophia jewelry but also trying to recruit others to be advisors.
I have not purchased anything from Scentsy and have no first-hand knowledge of its products. I do get to see the Lia Sophia jewelry first-hand from my friend. What Lia Sophia sells is just some Made-in-China junk at huge mark-up. I can buy the same junk from Kohl’s for 1/5 of the price (things are always on sale at Kohl’s; then with the 20 or 30% MVP discount or coupons and Kohl’s cash), or cheaper yet go get them at Claire’s. When you think about it, a Lia Sophia advisor gets 30% commission from the sale, her manager gets 10%, and there are 3 more levels of upline to get their hands on the pie. Then they give plenty of their jewelry to the advisors and hostesses for nothing or next to nothing. Whoever is dumb enough to pay real money to buy that junk is not an educated consumer for sure.
I do just want to say that it was comical for that Marci person to claim that she’s a lawyer and a partner no less. At most she might have a high school education. If she were to take the LSAT, she wouldn’t get beyond double-digit score. Not that I necessarily hold lawyers in high regard as I have dealt with many TTT’s in my career, but for that Marci character, res ipsa loquitur.
Why is this a huge issue? Scentsy has great home smells amazing and why does anyone give a Shit what other people are doing , selling whatever….
U don’t have to purchase them they work ? Yes and I
don’t even sell them….I love them….they are pretty and make my home cozy….it is not a scam,
I live them and I will sell them as well soon…let people enjoy their lives , jobs..etc….come on….this is a terrible place to blog…just had to say something..good luck selling ur scentsy…
BTW….I burn my scentsy all day and they don’t catch on fire…buy one and use it before u say anything…..the scents have better smells than Walmart..walmarts wax is cheap and.melts faster …..get facts straight…please….thanks for talking shit about a job people hold to take care of their families..etc….its a.job…its a product..just like every other American business…Hello!
I sell Scentsy because I really do like the product. I am not getting rich from it but I have made a profit in addition to free and reduced priced items. Yes, most of the products are made in China, so are Wal-Mart warmers. Actually buying a few bars of Wal-Mart wax is what convinced me to sell Scentsy, the wax was just inferior.
Yes, some of the consultants are practically cultish in their devotion to Scentsy but I have never observed this from the corporation, just a few isolated consultants. I have never had a warmer have an electrical problem, my bulbs typically last about a year and I leave my warmers on 24/7. I have had a bad bulb that went out after a couple of weeks but only had that happen once.
I make around $75 a month commission and typically about $40 in free product, so obviously I am not quitting my day job. Not once have I had a customer return or even complain about a product
Personally I love the scents, I pick warmers that look great in my house and wax that makes the house scent reflect my mood.
As a mother, wife, friend, RN in mental health and (Yup) scentsy consultant…oh yeah, also an adult – all I can say is wow. This entire thread is preposterous. Yes, I understand the originator of the story felt conned and probably a little hurt too. She holds the right to feel that way and if not interested in the product, so be it! On the other hand, the actions of original consultant should not be held against those that are being honest. In everything, topic, philosophy, subject in life there will always be extremists. These people may be totally wrong or totally right but who are we to determine that? All I can to everyone with very strong opinions is please keep it respectful. Why is it necessary to bring in religion, marital status, dress size…?!?…are we still talking candle preferences? My grandfather once said “two best things in life to learn are 1. People are the kings of thief own castle (pointing to his head) and 2. Everyone else has a kingdom too (points to my head). Don’t try and spend your life knocking down castles. It is a waste, yours won’t get any bigger”. Good luck in your kingdoms folks!!