SMC Specialty Merchandise Corporation: Start a Business for $25?

SMC Specialty Merchandise Corporation: Start a Business for $25? Really?

(UnhappyFranchisee.Com) Have you had any experience with the heavily hyped and infomercialed SMC Specialty Merchandise Corporation business opportunity?  The infomercial stars pitchman huckster Tom Bosley, who was the father on Happy Days.  They boast that you can start a business for only $25 and make thousands your first week or even day.

What do you think?  Leave a comment below.

Here’re a few comments from unhappy SMC investors:

I also fell prey. To this very well orginized scam! This is what they pulled on Me. First SMC withheld the starter kit. Till My electronic check cleared, The transaction was complete and posted in My bank. The follwoing day. I received My kit 27 days later. Called to let them know and schedule thier appointment. Three days later they called. Two days after the scheduled date. Then the following day. Smc took another $39.95 out of My account. So I called them they said, ‘Don’t worry we didn’t set Your start date yet’. I was lied to again right then, They did start it The day they cashed the check!. So even when I did cancel My membership. They called My house to inform Me. I still owe them $400.00. I don’t think so. They aren not getting another penny from Me. Stay away from this scam company!!!!!!.  John  Round Lake Beach, IL

The 30-day trial is a scam. They start the trial on the date that the ship the membership kit. By the time you get the kit, and finally get your ‘business coach’ on the phone, you already lost 15 days of your trial time. Then if you want to cancel before the trial is up, they make it a TOTAL NIGHTMARE. You even have to send back the promotional literature, and the catalog. They tell you that your free ‘gift card redemption’ site will be automatically cancelled but thats not true either. You have to call up eMerchantClub and cancel it manually because they will contiue to charge you $29.95 a month for the stupid, free cookie-cutter site they give you when you sign up.
SMC’s entire deal is about selling you a $1,500.00 website that only sells to people who either buy gift card from you, or register on the site and receive a ‘free’ $10.00 gift card, that of course you have to buy in advance. Either way, you pay. The kicker is that they refuse to give permission for you to build your own website and host it yourself, because they want to charge you $29.95 a month to host the useless $1,500.00 website.
SMC’s product line is some of the worst junk I’ve seen in any mail order catalog. Its all stuff no one wants. If anyone wanted this crap, SMC wouldn’t have warehouses full of it.
The testimonials on their website are obviously fake. They actually have different people with the exact, same word-for-word testimonials, bragging about the exact same amount of money they supposedly made over the exact, same period of time. Its like they take the same testimonial, paste it all over the page, and just change the picture.
Our coach was annoying and rude. As soon as she realized we weren’t stupid enough to go for the $1,500.00 website, she shut up and wouldn’t go any further with us, even after we told her we wanted to do other, non-internet programs that they offer. She actually tried to have us set up another appointment to talk to her a week later, so that our trial period would expire, and we’d be locked into paying the membership for a year. We began the cancellation process immediately.
If you want to make some money drop shipping on the internet, there are lots of drop-ship suplliers out there. All you have to do is some research, and stay away from the ones that offer you a website.  Eb,  New York, New York


79 thoughts on “SMC Specialty Merchandise Corporation: Start a Business for $25?

  • yes i was in roll with them buying items from them to resale i was seting up from home and flea markets in lafayette la the items are nice but the price we have to paid for them is carze and then try to resale it it not ease to sale and then the biggings thing about it all they telling ever one not to said were these items comming from but yet they all over the tv trying to get ever one to buy this items from them to open a business so i feel it a rip off as well i was thanking about going thow them agin even knowing how there are to start up my business so im not sure yet if i well

  • Beian Parent

    When I started with SMC, there was no annual fee and they didn’t have Internet. I became a lifelong member. Where are they now? I’d really like to know.

  • Brian Parent

    Sorry! I messed up with my name. I ordered and received products through them. Everything seemed fine then. Anyone have any more information on whether this comp[any still. It seems that people are still getting their catalog. Heck, I’ll bring a class action lawsuit against them for my money back. lol

  • Crystal Gulick-Bumgardner

    I joined smc, got my catalogues n paperwork.I ordered the items I wanted to resell n instantly sold them and mad money. I have had no problems at all with people or service or products. I would suggest smc to anyone that wants to make extra money.

  • Well…..I signed up with SMC long before any internet program. The internet was in its infancy so really it was just a membership to join a wholesale warehouse to buy supposedly at wholesale prices. Too bad that their catalog’s retail prices are actually higher than real retail. There were/are other company’s catalogs that have similar items way cheaper. All come from china of course. Believe it or not after 5 years I actually DID sell $5000.00 worth of merchandise taking it to craft shows and setting up a monthly rental booth in a couple of craft stores. When this happens they refund your then $300 membership fee. I was an idiot tho and took the refund in merchandise, LOL. Now after several years am still trying to sell the items on Ebay which is hella hard when the whole country is full of other SMC members or former members like me selling the same items. Can’t really take the nice figurines and decorative items to a swap meet as in SoCal the mexicans have taken those over and nice things like merlins, dragons, American Indian figures, Classic Wildlife and the like don’t sell there. Nothing worse than sitting in a hot swap meet at a local drive in with mexican banda music blaring not selling anything, heh.

  • Irishgirl

    Phil, you’re an idiot. That’s the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. I can’t believe they let you post that bigoted garbage on here. What does SMC and your lack of making money with them have to do with Mexican people? If it bothers you that much, stay home and avoid the “mexican banda music”. Jackass.

  • darnell e jones

    would like information to start a business or businesses with you and a catalog of your products sent to me at darnell jones [redacted] please

  • My husband and I almost 18 yrs ago joined Specialty Merchandise Comoany. We paid the fees and paid off our membership in the time alloted. We always had great service, we always got books. I even did the school fund raiser program. It turned out amazing. Everything came as orderd. I even sold my stuff at the local flea markets and whenever I had a yard sale. The prices were very reasonable and I pretty much got what the asking price was. I myself even bought the fairy, hummingbirds and dragon deco items for my own home. Once I recieved a damaged item. O call, talked to a rep on the phone. They sent me a new one right away.

  • What is the start up cost?

  • Zide

    I found this company one night while up late trying to figure out how to make extra money. To my surprise, they were fair in every way to my knowledge. I haven’t seen any commercials lately nor have i been affiliated with them lately but when i was selling there items i did well.

  • Debbie J.

    i would like to know how to reach SMC sold for them many years ago but moved and quit butI loved it and would like to start again

  • i would like to no how i can get hold of smc to start a bussness

  • Lloyd Kirk

    I joined SMC over 30 years ago I have no complaints. Have never had a problem with Them.



  • Robin hood

    I did this a few years ago and really liked it I am trying to find out how to get back into it can somebody send me some info please I’m not sure how to restart my business


    I joined in 08-08-2001..#07075065-60….can you tell me if I am still a member, it was supposed to be a lifelong membership, and if so how can I get a catalog for products? Thank you.

  • I design jewelry hats and bags to promote my designs I need other things to add to my stuff I am on a fixed income I need to increase my income can u please help

  • i want to tell everyone is good to know all the feedback but someof you can tell us the real website dof SMC that you are talking crab . i will like to call them or ask them how to get start . i will like to start with them. so please who ever is nice . can give me the information from them so i can contact them . thank you
    my email is [redacted]

  • brandy

    I used to have a business license with SMC and I actually loved working with the company. I never had any bad experiences that everyone boasts about on here. It was back in 2003 when I started and I did actually really good considering the area I lived in and how small it was. What made me stop was lack of funds to keep it going but I would love to get it started again and will be looking into doing just that. Good luck to those who look into starting with them too. they are a good company to work with.

  • melissa a keefe

    i would love more info i used to sell i love the crystal glass i want to join

  • I started doing smc off and on for the last 20 years… I actually made good money with the program. the products are awesome. You just have to find a customer base. Once you have a loyal customer, they will tell others, and keep buying as well. I often tried to refund my customers their money so I could keep the item, and they would not allow it.just put in the effort, it pays for it’s self.

  • I want to know why a class action suit has not been filed yet for this company. They lie, deceive, and trick you as much as possible for their own profits. Their products are mostly junk not worth the price you pay, never mind what they say you should charge. I filed a claim with the attorney general and they didn’t take it very seriously. Tons of people filed claims, some have been reimbursed, yet the AG office claims they will pursue it if more claims come in. They must be in cahoots because nothing was ever done. I had all sorts of proof of claims for fraud and deceptive practices.

  • I just want to say hello and that I’ve been with SMC since 2003 and I’ve never had any problem except competition on eBay amongst other members. Their new name is “Smart Living Company.”

    If anyone is interest. I’m here to help you. I can provide services such as shopping from my e-catalog, hosting an Open House / House Party or Fundraiser for your organization or yourself. It’s fast money. I don’t charge any cost to start. Do it at your own past. Hassel free.

    I will be Notified of new posts by email thought Unhappy Franchisee. Thanks for reading : )

  • Evelyn White

    I got in the program in 2001. there was no websites offered at that time. So I started a website with another company that actually the hosts ended up disappearing and so there was a class action law suite and was paid $2,500. By that time SMC started offering several types of sites through e-commerce. I didn’t get a chance to really make any money yet as I had to go away after 5 yrs, for 6 yrs. I loved their products. They did not come all from China. They came from India, and other places of the world. I wanted my own import store. When u see how much the merchandise is selling for, It’s very costly. I was licensed as “Eve’s World of Products” & Specialty products. If I would of had help though, I know I would of done better due to my disabilities. I Have absolutely nothing against the program.

  • I did SMC starting in 2000 – 2005, I was a preferred member…. I did not like all the products…but there were quite a few that i sold regularly…and yes some times they were out stock but i made money…
    Sorry it is not a scam… if did not make money it was because you were selling the wrong thing for the market. you were in…

    I sold face to face at festivals and craft shows, markets, and i also had other things as well…

    Example, they had patchwork animals that sold very well, incense holders, oil burners, elephants, ivory looking products, lamps, candle holders…..these are some of things i sold, I did not have a monthly fee because i purchased several hundred dollars a month worth of merchandise…

    Last comment: i still wish i got paid in class action

  • Jonathan

    Sonya can you message me plz. Im interested. ive sold for them once before.

  • First time I joined was in 2000 with the idea of just doing the mail order catalog sales was averaging 2 hits at of 500 catalog sent sold some door to door and even had a client at a hotel that purchased to redecorate the lobby. The second time wasn’t 2006 decided do flea markets my mistake was not doing research to what would sell in the area I purchased the starter kit which did not sell in this area so I bought$1,500 worth of other merchandise it filled the shelves my booth but was only making maybe $75 – $100 a weekend problem was one not doing any research two after we did the indoor booth we started noticing other vendors started bringing in the same products. Don’t get me wrong they have nice products same thing can be bought in the store smc’s products are just smaller at the same price of a larger product I would recommend SMC if you do your research but at the same time research your local area for auctions to be able to get your products first

  • I became a “lifetime” member in 1977!!! Back then, SMC was a great company. Around the 1990’s they started going downhill FAST! I miss the “Good ‘Ol Days when they were in Chatsworth, CA….. They charged me a bunch of money and then said that when I sold $5,000 that I would get it back. They eventually honored that, but not without a fight. The employees started becoming rude and not helpful, whether I went into the showroom or called them. I had a lifetime membership that they started charging me for several years later. First it was around $15 a year and then it went up from there. I was not suppose to have to pay after the initial “throw down”… however, if I wanted to “keep” my membership, they said that I now had to pay a yearly fee. Last time I bought from them, they had moved to Fontana, California. It was around 2005, maybe? Last envelope I saw was in 2007 and they said that I would be terminated if I didn’t send them $44.95!!! WOW! It sure was different when I joined in 1977…… They were nice, helpful and they sold me a membership (without a yearly fee) that I was proud to own. I am really disgusted at what it has become today. Coach? Never had one! I called a few times and spoke with someone who had an attitude and didn’t seem to care if I got the help I needed or not. I even called back to complain about her and her boss said that she was just “fine” and apparently it was my imagination that she was rude and incompetent! Over the years, I’ve had my share of problems with SMC and their “changes”, and I stuck by them, however, I am able to get everything that I want and need through the internet on my own, without the hassle or yearly fees (that I was NOT suppose to have to pay from the beginning). I still have one of the “original” catalogs that I received from them. It was thick and in black and white print. The cover was orange and black. I have a lot of fond memories from those days (in the beginning), but became totally disgusted with the changes and poor treatment of their staff over the years. I still remember going into the showroom in Chatsworth and talking “Stu’s” ear off about all the “stuff” for sale….. Too bad things aren’t like they use to be. You would think that they would surely be a little nicer to the people who were with them in the beginning. My son was about 6 months old when I got my membership. He just turned 40 this year!

  • barbara searls

    I would like to sell smc specialty merchandise and how to i get starter and to i get a free catalog or do i have to buy a catalog please let me no and thank you

  • mike luther

    I became a member of smc in 1976. wish I become a member again.

  • Melissa

    So as of 2017 is this any good anymore or anyone able to make any suggestions on what and where would be a good idea to start looking? I promise would really appreciate the support and suggestions and help!

  • Fred Barley

    Well I have not been associated with SMC, for quite some years now. But I never sold products at retail suggest price. An I plan to re-instate my membership.?
    Point of information, all the Membership fees, are suppose to be refunded, when your purchases, reach $10,000.

  • Monique Mcintosh

    Hi I would like to sell smc and how can I get starter or how can I get the catalog buy it please thank you

  • Jacqueline Somerszaul

    Yes I too started SMC more than 30 years ago. I had absolutely no problems with them, and I recall a couple of times when my goods got lost by UPS, SMC gave me a full refund. I don’t know how they operate now, but at that time they offered training in 23 ways to sell an item, and the membership was for life. The cost was $27.00!!!!

  • SMC back stole my money over $500 to build website with the emerchants and when I checked on my website to start making money the removed my site this was back in 2008. Prior to building my website I was always purchasing items coming in boxes at my address including the magazines I managed to resell at retail prices but my online site I never got to use so this made me stop purchasing from them altogether! I even had a full membership with them as well!

  • percy randle

    I was a member of SMC I made money and would like to re-start my mbrship

  • clinton williams

    MY name Clinton Williams back in 1996 I was a member of SMC and would love to see about getting back into it.

  • I have an online store currently selling their product line. Anyone that needs information on start-up please reply to this post and I’ll send you some information. They have integrations with Amazon, eBay and shopify now that allows you to automatically set it up. They even have tools to sell on Facebook and instagram from your webstore.



  • i would like infor on this I use to sell it years ago would like to know if it is still around and still operating
    [email redacted]

  • Arthur Berlin

    Could you send me the information on how to join/get started and how to get a catolog

  • Hi, I too sold on the web (GlobalDiscountProducts) using SMC drop-ship products. I cannot find their website or phone number, or even their snail-mail mailing address. Where have they disappeared? Are they out of business? I’d appreciate any help anyone can give me. Thank you so much! Chris

  • Julia

    My husband and I bought into the whole mess years and years ago. Then we hit the cities that sold this stuff in their stores. Our prices were rediculously higher than the vendors they already had. There is no real money to be made with SMC except by SMC.
    We have since learned of other FREE companies to use for our business. And we no longer pay high pric s for dropshipping or membership fees.

  • Ed Greany

    I started up with SMC in 2001 (17 years ago). I yearned for a side business back then and SMC seemed to fit my need. I also joined another person in the automotive line and it took off so well I neglected to work SMC. As a result, I have unopened cartons of products which I paid $800 for 17 years ago. My other business is still flourishing and I have decided to let my SMC items go at the 2001 prices I paid. My loss is your gain. I don’t know if any of these products are still available but I doubt it so these will be all new items for the public to see. They come from Spring 2001 World of Products, Fall 2001 World of Products, 2002 Spring Gift Collection, Welcome to My Garden Delights, Fall 2001 Bayberry Lane, and Spring 2001 Bayberry Lane. I will include these catalogs and also Confidential Price Lists from 2001, Feb 2002, Sep 2003 for Winter catalogs. Call me for info at [redacted].

  • Deborah M Sugg

    I would love to start my own business but would prefer ordering online an having merchandise sent directly to me to see, other wise how can u brag to your customers about an item if you haven’t seen it . I would join if that’s the way it worked

  • Well they took my phone number off my posting. :( Anyway, the way you described your own business is exactly how SMC worked. That’s how I happen to have my inventory which I never attempted to sell. I have my own (other) business which is healthy for about 12 years now. My inventory would give you a good start with some inventory as you decide other vendors to order from. It would be a great gift shop business also. Good luck in Norman, OK.

  • SMC HELPED ME EARN A DOWN PAYMENT ON THE HOME I LIVE IN TODAY in just 2-3 months, $10,000. That was in the start of the year 2000. I started using SMC around 1998-99 sometime. I hade just started selling a small amount of collectibles on eBay in 1999 when it only cost 10 cents to list items and $4.65 or so for priority shipping.

    AFTER reading all the bad things people have written here I must respond! Good grief!

    First of all NOT everyone can be a retailer, wholesaler, drop shipper, website builder and more! YES you read it RIGHT! NOT everyone can be a buyer and/or seller. Just because you have a business doesn’t make anyone instantly rich. It’s amazing what people think or DON’T THINK ABOUT BUSINESS!!! This is why you have to study first! The BIG (Walmart) BOX Companies have already paid billions hiring research firms to tell their boards what works and what doesn’t. Example: it’s a researched fact that buyers will tend to spend a little more $$$ on an item if the shipping is free. Yup, it’s a fact! Companies paid billions to find out that single answer to one question!. So would you follow research requested by Walmart or follow head long into K-Marts failure. No one thinks business through, they jump in head first, think rich instead of passion and when they fail it’s always someone else’s fault, never theirs! Another Head shaker…….

    If you have NOT read the book written by Sam Walton than you really have zero business being in business. For those of you who don’t know who that is, it is the man who CREATED WALMART!

    Next you people are groaning about their multitude of business models which costs you just $25 to start with several selling points, pushing paper and learning to be a real quality individual and business person. Yet you don’t think of business models that will work for you. Then you complain!

    I’ll mention Donald Trump for a sec, in the 90s he was a millionaire but read his book. Listen to him!!! Everyone is wonderful, beautiful, fantastic and more adjectives than I personally know. Now you be the person he is talking to. He’s telling you everything you want to hear. You’re beautiful and your business is absolutely fantastic. Oh beautiful, you have a terrific family and your children are absolutely handsome young men. They’ll be sure to follow in their fathers successful foot steps I’m sure. Now YOU FIND YOURSELF SAYING, “What DID the man just say?” You’re not quite sure but you know you like a guy like that, you can get behind a guy like that. He’s just awesome and you’ll say it to everyone in his defense if need be. That’s what we call “Buttering Your Bread,” as it slides outta your plate & you didn’t even get a bite. lol Smiles all around!!!

    I too watched that annoying SMC programming late at night after work in the late 90s. I never watched it, switched channels. Until 1, 2, 3 of those late evenings I really checked out SMC, the programming. Then my research was in full swing because I hadn’t yet learned how to even take a photo w/o a camera only a scanner, nor crop/turn or manipulate the photos, nor use HTML much less, nor collect money from people cuz back then you could except cash and just about everything, I didn’t know how to use PayPal, send emails. I was GREEN as they come. I would spend 18 hours a day to learn all that I know. Heck I even wrote a book which was officially published by Schiffer Publishing to help promote my website. It would’ve cost me $4000 for a 1/2 page listing on a magazine page for 1 month with a mere 40,000 in circulation. Writing a unique collectors guide book in the shape of a coffin (thinking outside the box) cost me $1500 and 3 years of my life. However it was worth every nickel and time spent as it rapidly increased our online sales to $100,000 and growing to a nice internet presence which was booming and I met so many of my customers and fellow sellers. We went from 0 to 100 with that 1 move. We just kept growing and thinking outside of the box, even brokering merchandise keeping the profits. Just like drop shipping but more $$$. Outside the box is the best place to be, not in it! On the narrow path, not the broad path, Thank God! We Also Never Forget Jesus! As for Me and My House We Will Remember the Lord Our God for it is He and He Alone Who Gives Us the Ability to Produce Wealth!

    EXAMPLE: In & Out Burger & Chic Filet are closed on Sunday’s yet their profit margin is way above and beyond the yearly sales of McDonalds or any of the others. They honor God with 1 days rest for all employees and they Tithe the minimum request of 10% from God and I’m sure they give offerings as well. Hobby Lobby does the same. It’s the only place in the Bible where God says “Try Me in This Area.” This means give your FIRST 10% AS A TITHE TO GOD BEFORE YOUR BILLS AND WATCH GOD HOOK $$$ YOU UP! Don’t tell the left hand what the right hand is doing though. Give with happiness, prayer and thanksgiving. Tell no one about your giving if you decide you want to be successful, your choice!

    Back to SMC: In 1998-99 I checked out eBay and online stores to see how many people were selling SMC products online, their pricing and were they successful sellers. This is around 1998-99 sometime and I really decided on the $25 investment currently with only 1 point of sales (eBay) anyway I’d give it a try. I was just learning how to sell merchandise online because I never had before. So I was working at selling collectibles of every kind when I started using SMC.

    I chose products which were popular in many different ways, not just regular old hat type selling nor items I liked. I reasearched and sold items which sold. To accomplish a GREAT AUCTION: All I had to do was write a quality advertisement, study up on it. No negative words anywhere in my description, 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked because SMC offered it so I really pushed AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE to my customers, SMC had product to back it up so it mostly worked but I did have a few problems there with delayed shipments because SMC ran out of some stock rapidly on popular items. SMC gives you 5-6 or more different ways to sell as well and I had only 1 selling point, eBay because I was a beginner just learning with a flatbed scanner as my camera, very difficult!

    EXAMPLE: My very first sale on eBay was a real sleeper! Paid $15, sold for $2034.50 on eBay before China ruined it with reproductions and fakes of every kind. ???????????? Anyway I told my mom online was the future. She owned her own 60,000 sq ft SUCCESSFUL Antiques & Collectibles business in NY for 12 years. Long story short we ended up being partners and we never looked back. God blessed us in a multitude of ways and SMC and it’s affordable start up cost with its unique and several points of sale SIMPLY added to our new company. We left the East Coast and moved back to Las Vegas when we started our new company. SMC gave us extra instant selling points for only a mere $25 investment. You need good credit or cash or SMC is not for you. Plus a multitude of selling points. If not you set yourself up for failure! Every business needs a plan, research and study for everything you desire. Do this and success will follow.

    Here’s one way SMC works for beginners:
    1) Invest $25 and receive all their paperwork to explain the different points of sale with catalogs showing different products which come out quarterly. Some of their ideas are not very good for us personally while others are excellent! This is why you must learn about Wholesale, Retail, Drop Shipping and business in general. SMC has excellent potential, failure is on you. Like I said Retail Sales is NOT for everyone even though you might think there is nothing to it. Yes, if no one else is selling it you’d be all set! Not the case here so creativity is your ticket to success for $25. No, I don’t work for SMC but it’s worth it! Spend the $25 and see which business model best suits you? If not your out $25 but if you try you’ll earn your $25 back, no loss! You can have Home parties, wholesale, retail or something outside of the box perhaps??? ????

    Now the rest was up to us. To be super creative. Now granted this was before the Chinese and their huge copyright and trademark infringements destroyed the markets. There’s still money to be made with SMC and I’ll tell you how but you gotta think way outside of the box, be creative and energetic!!! You gotta earn your customers love and trust enough to keep them. Places like Overstock & Amazon have virtually put the little sellers out of business. The answer to that problem is find your buyers and items big box stores don’t carry. You’ll sell non main stream merchandise to people who don’t want to make a trip in the snow, just 2 ways to sell.

    I earned the down payment to my current home in just 2-3 months, $10,000 during the Christmas Rush back in 2000. In fact just before getting my home SMC was calling me to find out what exactly I was doing to accomplish these kind of sales.

    I then built my own website with lots of OTHER MERCHANDISE so I wasn’t just selling SMC products. We opened up 2 booths in an Antique Mall, along with other items. Other people were selling booths full of just SMC products. By our having a variety and lowering our prices helped us open 2 more booths, then 3 more for a total of 7 spread throughout the mall. We had booths on several different isles. Mind you, we worked our butts off. Other sellers would get 1 sheet of sales and we would have 7 feet of sales for our sales.

    People were dumb founded! I even used SMCs option to sell wholesale merchandise to other people interested in becoming sellers. One just happen to be an employee at the Antique Mall, lol

    We drop shipped SMC products from sales online
    We sold in the Antique Mall
    We sold on my website
    We sold bulk to other sellers
    We literally busted our butts because when you’re working to make minimal amounts you have to make a lot of sales to make a profit.

    20 years of success and my partner, my mom just passed away. We were once 3 now it’s just me with no complaints except finding an honest person to hire is like a stubbed toe. Rarely do you get them but they are a real pain in the rear end IF you can find even one!

    SMC is worth $25!!! Success is yours! Failure is also yours. You have 3 years to give it a go, most businesses fail in that time frame. If you’re failing just know you’re on a 3 year clock and try something different! Shake it up! Nothing is carved in cement! Good Luck Entrepreneurs!

    Keep in mind China is destroying our markets so use caution.

  • Stacey Sibert

    I used SMC for awhile and had no problems. I only sold at fleamarkets and did well, if I had more time to devote to it I would have really made a very good living at it. SMC was helpful and I never had a problem with their customer service. But then again I don’t believe in a get rich quick fantasy either young have to plan & work hard. Not everyone can do that and they usually blame everyone for their own failure and problems. If you need an example just listen to Hillary Clinton she can’t face that she failed because of her actions and continues to blame everyone even those that were on her side. Rob says it perfectly in his statement.
    Oh and I’m a Hick from the Sticks and made good money with SMC’s help and advice & used what worked for my goals.

  • I just can’t imagine that anyone can make millions selling crappy nick knacks by the side of the road. If it were really true, why would anyone work?

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