FASTSIGNS and FASTSIGNS CEO Catherine Monson are invited to address our suspicions of deceptive, misleading, unethical, and potentially illegal franchise…
Welcome to the UnhappyFranchisee.Com series entitled the Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School & Pay-For-Praise Emporium! (UnhappyFranchisee.Com) by the Pullitzer…
Dr. John Haye’s latest book, “12 Amazing Franchise Opportunities – Second Edition,” has a 5-star rating on Amazon, with 16…
Dr. John Hayes’ Franchise Fraud School & Pay-for-Praise Emporium has a star pupil and Valedictorian in Catherine Monson, CEO of…
Dr. John Hayes claims he’s an internationally respected franchise expert. He claims that he has identified the 12 most amazing…
Dr. John Hayes, self-described franchise expert and “best-selling” author, claims that he has narrowed down 3000 possible offerings to just…