franchise lawsuits

IS FRANCHISING HIGHLY REGULATED? Top Franchisee Attorneys Weigh In

IS FRANCHISING HIGHLY REGULATED? Top Franchisee Attorneys Weigh In (more…)

11 years ago

STRATUS Master Franchisee Bashforth Accused of Fraud, Franchise Violations

According to UnhappyFranchisee.Com reader and commenter Reasoned Source, Stratus Building Solutions master franchisee Mark Bashforth and his Camino Real Ventures,…

11 years ago General Thanks & Praise

This site rocks! - Franchise Newbee UnhappyFranchisee.Com is fueled by the comments, insights and opinions of franchise industry insiders who…

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com Praised for Fair & Open Franchise Discussions

UnhappyFranchisee.Com has a simple approach.  We encourage both sides of (often) controversial franchise issues to present their views so our…

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com Praised by Would-be Franchise Owners

UnhappyFranchisee.Com (along with its bold predecessor and mentor, Blue Mau Mau) is giving franchisees and former franchisees a platform to…

12 years ago

UnhappyFranchisee.Com: Praise from Franchise Owners

UnhappyFranchisee.Com receives a lot of praise from franchise owners who claim they could have made more informed decisions and been…

12 years ago

MAC Tools Distributor Interview: Robert Wall, Jr.

MAC Tools distributor Robert Wall, Jr. regrets the day he signed up as a MAC Tools distributor. An experienced mechanic,…

12 years ago

MAC Tools Franchise Complaints (Video)

MAC Tools franchise complaints are streaming in to UnhappyFranchisee.Com from struggling & angry MAC franchise owners like Nick & Paula…

12 years ago

Mobile Tool Franchise Guide

Mobile Tool Franchise Issues & Index (more…)

12 years ago

MAC Tools Screwed Us: A MAC Distributor Speaks Out (Video)

“MAC Tools screwed us” states a MAC Distributor in a video that warns would-be franchise owners from owning a MAC…

12 years ago