
Some Franchisors & VetFran Exploit Veterans Even After They’ve Failed

Social media accounts of franchisors like PIRTEK & Freshii & associations like VetFran are filled with pictures of the smiling…

3 years ago

Dan Olsen: Karma & Constables Come Knocking

Coach Dano Dan Olsen has been busy conjuring up franchise schemes with names like RX2Live, Healthy U RX, PuraVida, PUR…

3 years ago

Dan Olsen Kevin Harrington Rx2Live Franchise Fraud

Dan Olsen claims to be a franchise guru who has created billion dollar franchise companies.  A local volunteer and sports…

3 years ago

Why Non-Disclosures (NDAs) Should be Outlawed in Franchising Pt. 1

If the FTC requires franchisors to provide DISCLOSURE documents to prospective franchisees, what are they hiding by using NON-DISCLOSURE agreements…

3 years ago

VetFran or VetScam? Turnover Rates of IFA-Endorsed Vet-Friendly Franchises

Franchise industry investigative journalist Sean Kelly is doing a deep dive into the practices of groups that profess to guide…

3 years ago

Former Franchisee: Don’t Expect Independence or Freedom From a Franchise

Jim Lager’s experience as a franchisee spans four decades and three national brands.  Now a (truly) independent business owner, Lager…

3 years ago

DEADLY FRANCHISE MYTHS: The Trustworthy Franchisor (Part 2)

DEADLY FRANCHISE MYTHS:  The Trustworthy Franchisor (Part 2)   The Franchise Agreement (FA) says that it and its chubby brother, the…

4 years ago

DEADLY FRANCHISE MYTHS: The Trustworthy Franchisor (Part 1)

DEADLY FRANCHISE MYTHS:  The Trustworthy Franchisor (Part 1) Franchisees, for the most part, are smart, responsible, educated people.  So why…

4 years ago

Franchise Ownership? There’s No Such Thing

“Franchise Ownership? There’s No Such Thing.”  Veteran franchisee Jim Lager dispels the myth that franchisees are business owners. They own…

4 years ago

Jim Lager: Why Smart Franchisees Fail

Jim Lager: Why Smart Franchisees Fail is a writing and publishing collaboration between successful former franchisee Jim Lager and IdeaFarm…

4 years ago