Make & Take Gourmet

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: Defendant Attorneys Off The Hook

Make & Take Gourmet was not one of the largest of the ill-fated Meal Prep (Meal Assembly Kitchen) franchise fiascos,…

15 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: New Hartford MTG to Defranchise

Troubles continue for the shrinking Make & Take Gourmet meal assembly kitchen chain. Following news of a franchisee lawsuit and…

17 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: 3 Franchisee Groups Reportedly Suing

Unhappy Franchisee has learned that three franchisee groups have joined together to sue franchisor Make & Take Gourmet. The groups…

17 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: Bellsos Closing Company Store, Blame Economy has the story of the Michele and Dave Bellso's announcement that they're closing the Make & Take Gourmet company…

17 years ago

MEAL PREP: “You Can’t Fix Stupid”

Chow Bella posted the following in the comments section in response to a comment left by Karen (Who, incidentally, has…

17 years ago

Make & Take Gourmet: The Meal Dissembly Kitchen

dis·sem·ble \di-ˈsem-bəl\ transitive verb 1 : to hide under a false appearance 2 : to put on the appearance of…

17 years ago

MEAL PREP: Another One Bites the Dish

http:// Here are some excerpts from an intersting article online about the Meal Assembly Industry and the toll it's taking…

17 years ago

MEAL PREP: What Happens Next?

"Kelly- I have $350,000 invested in my business, I'm losing money every month...What should I do?" " I have never…

17 years ago

Meal Prep Franchisor Blames Franchisees…

Why are meal prep franchises failing? According to Michele Bellso in a recent article, the reasons are how much owners…

17 years ago