Michele Bellso

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: Defendant Attorneys Off The Hook

Make & Take Gourmet was not one of the largest of the ill-fated Meal Prep (Meal Assembly Kitchen) franchise fiascos,…

15 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: Dave Bellso is Perplexed by Meal Prep

According to a story in the Times-Union, "Rarely has a new retail business idea been embraced by entrepreneurs so quickly,…

17 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: Franchisees Sue Meal Prep Franchisor

Franchise attorney Michael Einbinder should send Dave & Michele Bellso a thank you note, and maybe a gift certificate to…

17 years ago

MAKE & TAKE GOURMET: $30K Per Month?

Despite numerous shuttered Make & Take Gourmet meal prep kitchens and rumors of franchisee contract buy-out offers and franchisee group…

17 years ago

Make & Take Gourmet: The Meal Dissembly Kitchen

dis·sem·ble \di-ˈsem-bəl\ transitive verb 1 : to hide under a false appearance 2 : to put on the appearance of…

17 years ago

Meal Prep Franchisor Blames Franchisees…

Why are meal prep franchises failing? According to Michele Bellso in a recent article, the reasons are how much owners…

17 years ago