Franchise Business Review claims that it “brings transparency to the franchise industry” by interviewing thousands of franchise owners and publishing…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com is Under Constant Fire. UnhappyFranchisee.Com is a unique franchise discussion and information website that invites franchise owners, former franchisees…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com has been praised by many as an indispensable resource for franchisees and former franchisees. Yet our website's credibility and…
Ciara Stockeland’s MODE retail franchise seems mired in turmoil with franchise agreements ending in terminations, take-backs and lawsuits. How is…
Ciara Stockeland is promoting herself as a successful entrepreneur and her MODE retail fashion concept as a franchise success story. …
Was Subway Founder Fred DeLuca as Financial Predator? Was Fred DeLuca an inspirational entrepreneur who enabled thousands of individuals and…
Jan-Pro of Northern New Jersey is cleaning up its act and off to a fresh new era under the inspired…
Subway founder Fred DeLuca built the largest restaurant franchise chain in the world, grew a personal fortune, then died of…
American Car Rental Association (ACRA) Board Member Bradley Kjar has been named a Pinocchio Award winner for 2016. Bradley Kjar…
U-Save Franchise, Franchise Services of North America and U-Save Director of Operations Brad Kjar have been awarded an unprecedented 11-Inch…