UnhappyFranchisee.Com has a simple approach. We encourage both sides of (often) controversial franchise issues to present their views so our…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com (along with its bold predecessor and mentor, Blue Mau Mau) is giving franchisees and former franchisees a platform to…
UnhappyFranchisee.Com receives a lot of praise from franchise owners who claim they could have made more informed decisions and been…
If You Like Amy’s Baking Co, You’ll LOVE This CEO by Sean Kelly, Publisher, UnhappyFranchisee.Com [Warning: Offensive Language] When I…
Deadly Myths of Franchising: The Hot New Franchise Myth By Sean Kelly When people find out I’m in franchising, they…
Tropical Smoothie Café franchise loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration have a 23.58% failure rate, according to an SBA…
Responding to an UnhappyFranchisee.Com Media Alert for Beautiful Brands International (BBI), QSR magazine has taken more than a dozen news…
Beautiful Brands International (BBI) and its CEO, David Rutkauskas, have faced criticism from UnhappyFranchisee.com for providing what we believe to…
THE UPS STORE Franchise Warning: Franchisee calls it a scam designed to make money for UPS at the expense of…
MAC TOOLS franchise owners claim they can’t compete because not only aren’t their products exclusive – they are sold by…