unhappy franchisee

LADY BUG PEST CONTROL Franchise Complaints

Lady Bug Pest Control is a small eco-friendly franchise company that has generated a complaint from one of its few…

12 years ago

STRATUS BUILDING SOLUTIONS Dropped From Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500

Stratus Building Solutions has been the darling of franchise hype-machine Entrepreneur magazine in recent years. In the 2012 33rd Annual…

12 years ago

BIZZIBIZ Franchisees Reject Latest Jim Piccolo Spin

Jim Piccolo, founder of the Bizzibiz digital marketing franchise, would rather talk about the amazing wealthbuilding opportunities with his new…

12 years ago


HUMAN Healthy Vending CEO and “Chief Humanist” Sean Kelly took us up on our offer to provide a rebuttal to…

12 years ago

HUMAN HEALTHY VENDING: CEO Kelly Responds to UnhappyFranchisee.Com

HUMAN Healthy Vending CEO Sean Kelly Responds to UnhappyFranchisee.Com. Readers of UnhappyFranchisee.Com know that we have written extensively about the…

12 years ago

MAID-RITE Sued for Franchise Fraud

Maid-Rite franchise owners are suing the Maid-Rite Corporation, CEO Bradley L. Burt and his wife, EVP Tania M. Burt alleging…

12 years ago

ACE SUSHI Franchise Complaints

“ACE SUSHI is on an aggressive growth path set to capitalize on the U.S. consumer’s fondness for all things sushi,”…

12 years ago

AFC SUSHI Franchise Complaints

AFC SUSHI Franchise Complaints:  Are you familiar with AFC Sushi franchise, Advanced Fresh Concepts or other sushi franchise opportunities? Please…

13 years ago

MATCO TOOLS Lawsuit: VILLANO et al v. TD BANK et al Goes to Arbitration

UnhappyFranchisee.com - MATCO TOOLS lawsuit by franchise owner to be settled via to arbitration. In November, 2011, we wrote about…

13 years ago

HUMAN Healthy Vending: Letter to Sean Kelly, CEO, Chief Humanist

HUMAN Healthy Vending: Letter to Sean Kelly, CEO, Chief Humanist from UnhappyFranchisee.com regarding the honesty of the company’s franchise disclosure…

13 years ago